Manual de instrucciones de Topfield v2.0

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Topfield v2.0

Aparato: Topfield v2.0
Categoría: Sistema de agua
Fabricante: Topfield
Tamaño: 3.57 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/24/2014
Número de páginas: 34
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Topfield v2.0 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

v2.0 user guide

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

user guide Page 1 v2.0 Introduction to iGuide iGuide is a Topfield Application Program (TAP) providing a grid-style Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) for the Topfield TF5800 DVB-T PVR, incorporating now-and-next information, series-link timers which provide the ability for all episodes in a series to be recorded automatically, and cross-channel recording patterns which allow related programmes on different channels to be recorded automatically. It is currently available with English, Po

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user guide Page 2 v2.0 Starting iGuide If iGuide is installed in the /ProgramFiles/Auto Start directory it will be loaded whenever the TF5800 is switched on; this is the recommended option. It can also be started manually, if installed elsewhere, through the usual Topfield TAP loading interface. iGuide’s support files are stored in a directory at /ProgramFiles/Settings/iguide; if this does not already exist, iGuide will create it when it first boots. Certain configuration files (descr

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user guide Page 3 v2.0 Note that there is a TAP called CRID available from bdb’s stable, which finds and adds series link data to programme descriptions when broadcast by a channel. If this TAP is running alongside iGuide, then iGuide uses this extra data to make its series link pattern matching more accurate and quicker. If possible, please install and run CRID alongside iGuide. 2. Channel groups A channel group is a collection of channels that acts as a pseudo-channel for series link

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user guide Page 4 v2.0 7. Contiguous programme recordings Recordings are automatically padded at either end with user-definable values. However, if two programmes are to be recorded following each other on the same channel, there’s no possibility of padding. This means that, if the programmes each record into their own file on disk, the end of the first may appear in the recording of the second, or vice versa (well, not exactly vice versa but you know what I mean). iGuide provides a ‘cont

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user guide Page 5 v2.0 iGuide : control screens 1 . The EPG Grid Screen The EPG Grid screen shows programme information for seven to ten channels at a time, over a certain time window (the size of which can be chosen as described below). The channels displayed are taken from, and ordered by, the current EPG View (see below). Access the EPG grid screen by pressing the [GUIDE] button. [GUIDE] or [EXIT] will close the screen and revert to the current channel. Other key actions: [R

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user guide Page 6 v2.0 [REC]: If the programme currently selected in the grid has a series-link recording, pressing [REC] enters the Edit Pattern screen (see below) for this series-link. If that’s not the case and the currently selected programme has a recording, pressing [REC] tries to turn this into a series-link recording. If that’s not the case and the currently selected programme has a watch timer, pressing [REC] turns this into a ‘Recording’ timer. If that’s not the case then pressi

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user guide Page 7 v2.0 2 . The Recordings and Timers Screen The Recordings and Timers screen shows subfolders in the current folder, recordings available to play in the current folder, and upcoming timers waiting to happen, ordered by time. At the top of the Recordings and Timers screen is a line representing the hard disk, separated into two regions: used (dark turquoise in the images) and unused (light turquoise). The disk space taken by the currently selected recording (if post-

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user guide Page 8 v2.0 [LEFT/RIGHT]: This causes the number of minutes displayed for a recording to go down/up, so as to change the play position – changing the ‘minutes viewed’ this way allows quick navigation to known points in a recording. Note that the display for a completed recording need not just show the number of minutes already viewed. If a completed recording is currently selected, it will display as “RECORDED” if it has yet to be played, “START” or “END” if the playback posit

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user guide Page 9 v2.0 If the currently selected recording/timer is an upcoming timer that is not part of a series link, pressing [OK] enters the Recording/Timer Edit screen (see below). Note that playback will start at: the current thumbnail position (if a new thumbnail has been chosen more recently than the ‘minutes’ playback changed; otherwise, the number of minutes into the recording stated in the information bar if changed; otherwise the last position played. Note also that, if the

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user guide Page 10 v2.0 3 . The EPG View (‘Welcome’) Screen The EPG View screen shows any EPG views currently created, and indicates the language each will display in. Two pseudo-views are also displayed and available here: “Freeview line-up” (or “Freeview holynieath” as in the image, if you’ve chosen Welsh for the display language) which is a default view showing all available channels in their standard order; and “Recordings and Timers” (“Cofnodiau”) which is a pseudo-view which t

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user guide Page 11 v2.0 REFRESH RECORDINGS: Causes iGuide to rebuild its list of recordings against what’s on disk, to make sure that all recordings exist and are in the folders it thinks they are. This is useful if other TAPs are moving files around unbeknownst to iGuide, but should actually never be necessary in the general run of things. KEY MAP: Enters a key mapping mode, allowing iGuide functions to be assigned to non- standard keys. SCAN TIME: Choose the time of day at which iGuide w

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user guide Page 12 v2.0 recording by deleting it a second time from the recordings/timers screen when it is viewed there. KEEP CONTIGUOUS RECORDINGS...: apart; together: The apart setting places recordings of programmes in succession on the same channel in separate recording files. This is easier to handle, but means that padding between the two needs to be nil: therefore, the end of the first programme may actually be found in the recording of the second. The together setting places rec

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user guide Page 13 v2.0 KEEP RECORDING INFO FOR…: After a recording has been viewed and deleted iGuide will keep information about it for a certain number of days in order to stop a repeat of the show being recorded (assuming it was recorded via series link defined as unique – see below). This option allows you to define how long to keep such a record for before deleting it. KEY SET: maximal; minimal If maximal, iGuide takes control of all the keys as described in this guide, preventing

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user guide Page 14 v2.0 JUMP PERIOD: The number of minutes forward or backward that IntuiLeap will initially use when starting a home-in navigation. Defaults to five minutes. BACKGROUND IMAGE/SOUND: Allows the user to choose whether or not to have background music (or silence) in iGuide pages, and whether or not to view the currently broadcast programme through those pages. The choices are: iGuide/iGuide: the background image used is as set in the skin, and background music found in th

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user guide Page 15 v2.0 5. The Modify EPG Views Screen The Modify EPG View screen lists the current user-defined EPG views and allows certain actions to be taken out on them. The Modify EPG Views screen is entered from the Configuration screen. [EXIT] will navigate to the EPG Views screen. [OK]: If in ‘select’ mode, drops the currently selected channel at its current position. If not, enters the Edit EPG View screen for the currently selected view [RED]: Selects/unselects the current view s

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user guide Page 16 v2.0 7 . The Series-Link Pattern Edit Screen iGuide implements series links by creating patterns that match on to programmes in the EPG. Generally the defaults will match successfully, but the settings can be adjusted in this screen. [RED]: After confirmation (by pressing [YELLOW]; any other key cancels) deletes the current series link and exits. [GREEN]: ‘Refreshes’ the current pattern by removing any information regarding deleted recordings which match it. Use thi

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user guide Page 17 v2.0 Note that iGuide provides channel groups so that series links can span multiple channels. To choose a channel group, select a standard broadcast channel, and then press [CH+]. This will select the first appropriate channel group for the base channel. [CH+] and [CH-] will take you through appropriate channel groups, and/or back to the base channel:         [LEFT/RIGHT] [LEFT/RIGHT] [LEFT/RIGHT] [LEFT/RIGHT] BBC2 ITV1 C4    [CH+/CH-] [CH+/CH-] [CH+/CH-]

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user guide Page 18 v2.0 UNIQUE: A programme is said to be unique if its description and title are different to those of other programmes matching the same pattern. Using the “UNIQUE” setting you can choose to stop any future “copies” (repeats) of a programme getting timers set for them, once one version of that particular episode has been recorded successfully. For example, every episode of EastEnders on BBC1 is repeated later in the day on BBC3. If a pattern is created for all EastEnders

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