Manual de instrucciones de Field Controls CW-HD-1

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Field Controls CW-HD-1

Aparato: Field Controls CW-HD-1
Categoría: Sistema de agua
Fabricante: Field Controls
Tamaño: 0.5 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/28/2014
Número de páginas: 8
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Field Controls CW-HD-1 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Model: CW-HD-1
The ClearWave  is the most advanced hi-tech computerized anti-scale
device available today. It operates by using a programmed ‘chip’ to
constantly cycle through and induce over 200 different electro-magnetic low
frequency wave pulses into the water. These wave pulses produce water
with remarkable anti-scale properties, without adding salts or chemicals, at
an operating cost for electricity of approximately $5.00 US per year.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

HOW IT WORKS Pure water contains nothing but H 0. But water, as it comes out of the ground, is rich in a multitude of minerals. Minerals 2 such as calcium and magnesium are the main components of hard water, and the cause of scale formation and other problems. There are three basic methods used to control the problem of hardness and specifically scale formation. ION EXCHANGE: One method is to remove the calcium and magnesium from the water through ion exchange (the traditional water sof

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Low frequency waveforms are emitted through two coiled wires attached to the outside of the water pipe. As a result of these waveforms, the two coils are constantly inducing a voltage into the water in the area of the ClearWave™. When one coil induces a positive voltage the other coil induces a counteracting negative voltage. This electric field causes the calcium or magnesium to remain in solution or suspension and the treated water continues to dissolve scale as it flows downstream. Ov

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

INSTALLATION WHERE TO INSTALL THE CLEARWAVE™ 1. For domestic water applications, locate where the main water supply pipe enters the home or building. For light commercial applications such as dishwashers, ice makers, boilers, water heaters etc., attach the ClearWave™ unit to the water supply line to that particular appliance. 2. Find a suitable location to install the ClearWave™ on the water supply pipe before the piping branches off to supply water throughout the home. HOW TO INSTALL TH

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

PROPERLY WRAPPING THE ANTENNAE The antenna wrap around the water pipe on each end of the ClearWave™ (see Figure 1). A minimum of seven fully wrapped coils of the antenna wire, with each coil wrapped tightly against the pipe and pressed snugly against each other is required for best results (see Figure 3). The operation of the ClearWave™ and the antenna installation is not based on direction of water flow, but one antenna MUST be wrapped in a clockwise direction and the other wrapped in a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

OPERATION TIMETABLE FOR THE CLEARWAVE™ The following timetable of events should be used to evaluate the operation of the ClearWave™ during the 180-day customer satisfaction period. This is the best way to evaluate the ClearWave™ operation and benefits the ClearWave™ technology can provide for you and your home. Please note testing for changes in hardness with current testing practices will not show you if the ClearWave™ is working. The current practice of determining water hardness is the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Page 7

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

✃ C l e a r Wa v e ™ Warranty Registration C l e a r Wa v e ™ Name: ________________________________ _____________ Address: ________________________________ ___________ City: _____________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ______ Phone#: ________________ Fax# ______________________ 1. Grains if ppm’s if 2. Light Moderate 3. Do you have iron present YES If Yes, circle one Heavy your NO Very Heavy 4. Had you installed an Iron YES ppm’s if Known prior to purchasing NO ClearWave™ 5.

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