Manual de instrucciones de LucasArts Lucas Arts Lego Star Wars Complete Saga 23272330385

Manual de instrucciones del aparato LucasArts Lucas Arts Lego Star Wars Complete Saga 23272330385

Aparato: LucasArts Lucas Arts Lego Star Wars Complete Saga 23272330385
Categoría: Videojuegos
Fabricante: LucasArts
Tamaño: 1.14 MB
Fecha de añadido: 9/9/2013
Número de páginas: 11
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 CONTROL DIAGRAM ...................................... 2 INSTALLATION .............................................. 3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................. 3 WELCOME .................................................... 4 GETTING STARTED ........................................ 5 ThE BAR ...................................................... 6 ThE ChARACTER CUSTOMISER ...................... 8 DROp IN/DROp OUT ................................... 10 ChOOSING

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

CONTROL DIAGRAM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3 2 FAMILY SETTINGS INSTALLATION ® Family Settings in Games for Windows – LIVE and Windows Vista parental To Install LEGO Star Wars™ The Complete Saga, insert the DVD into your controls work together. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content. computer’s DVD-ROM Drive. If you have Autorun enabled, installation will Approve who and how your family interacts with others online with the LIVE begin. If you do not have Autorun enabled on your compute

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

WELCOME GETTING STARTED 5 4 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… blah, blah, blah. Let’s just cut right to the chase. The game in this box is a piece of galactic history, so treat it like a short-tempered Wookiee — express your admiration and offer lots of praise. For the first time since ever, you can play through the entire Star Wars saga in one, single adventure. It’s like joining the Jedi Council — sort of a big deal, you know. Press Up and Down on the directional keys to navig

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

THE BAR THE BAR 7 6 LEGO STUD COUNTER Once you’ve purchased an Extra, you can activate or de-activate it using the Extras Menu, in the Pause Menu. BUY HINTS BUY CHARACTERS CODES PERCENTAGE COMPLETE Secret codes can be entered here. But you won’t find these codes in the INDICATOR game – you’ll need to search for them elsewhere! BUY EXTRAS ENTER CODES BUY GOLD BRICKS You’ll collect Gold Bricks throughout your adventures, on BUY GOLD BRICKS achievement of various objectives. Some additional Br

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

CHARACTER CUSTOMISER OUTSIDE THE CANTINA 9 8 Searching for a new look? Walk up to the Bacta Tank to enter the Although there’s a lot to discover inside the Cantina, there are Character Customiser. Here, you can create two unique playable some important areas to explore outside, too. characters by mixing and matching parts from other LEGO Star THE JUNKYARD Wars characters. Every level in your LEGO Star Wars adventure contains 10 hidden LEGO Mini-Kit canisters. The LEGO elements in each Mi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

DROP IN / DROP OUT GAME MODES 11 10 Your LEGO Star Wars adventure can be played with a friend! Simply There are three different ways to play every level: Story Mode, press the Start/Pause Key on the second players controls to “Drop In” Free Play Mode, and Challenge Mode. and activate the second player-character. At any point, an active STORY MODE player can also “Drop Out”, by pressing the Start/Pause Key and When you first access a new level, you’ll only be able to play in Story selecting

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

EPISODE BONUS ROOMS ON-SCREEN INFORMATION 13 12 In each Episode Room, you’ll find one door leading to a Bonus Room, LEGO STUD TOTAL ACTIVE CHARACTER offering the following options: HEALTH SUPER STORY TRUE JEDI METER Available once all levels in the Episode have been completed in Story Mode, this enables you to play through the whole Episode in sequence, against the clock, for the opportunity to earn big stud bonuses for fast times. CHARACTER BONUS Character Bonus levels are unlocked once you

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

CONTROLS CHARACTER ABILITIES 15 14 TAGGING Force Transform: J Key “Special Key”. Jedi can use the Force to move or At least two playable characters are always visible on screen. You can transform glowing LEGO objects. switch to take control of another on-screen character in your party at Force Push: J Key “Special Key”. Jedi can Force Push droids (except any time by moving close to face them, and pressing the K Key “Tag Key” Droidekas) into other enemies...etc. when they’re targeted with a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

VEHICLE GAMEPLAY ITEMS 17 16 Directional Keys: Move vehicle forwards, backwards, left or right. NOTE: Some secret items can only be found when you make use of the special abilities of different characters in Free Play Mode to H Key “Attack Key”: Fire primary weapon. reach areas you couldn’t reach with your Story Mode characters. U Key “Jump Key”: Special movement LEGO STUDS J Key “Special Key”: Fire secondary weapon (if equipped). Silver LEGO Studs add 10 to your total. Gold LEGO Studs add

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Artwork Creator: Ultimate responsibility >> Up to date? Third Party Fil e: LSWT CS_G4W_MC_41306260UK_01 lies with you (your company) to ensure that Check the Games for Windows brand site at Games for Windows Manual the final packaging complies with both v4.5 Cover Template Dat e: 21/08/2009 Age Rating Body and Local Laws of the brandbook/ for the latest information, V er sion: 2 particular region that your product will be templates, and more! DO

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