Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Disney Alice in Wonderland
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2
Basic Controls ....................................................................................................... 2
Main Menu ............................................................................................................ 2
Navigating Underland ............................................
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Disney Alice in Wonderland (Wii™) Introduction After a 10-year absence, Alice has once again tumbled down the rabbit hole into the zany, labyrinthine world of Underland, where nothing is as it seems. Only this time, she has found it ravaged by the Red Queen and her beastly guardian, the Jabberwocky. Playing as five key members of the Underland Underground Resistance – the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and the Dormouse – it is up to you to help A
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
Disney Alice in Wonderland (Wii™) Navigating Underland The Map – The map will help you find your way. To access it, press the 2 Button. To zoom in, press the B Button. Holding the A Button will allow you to drag the map and re-position your view of it. Doors – In the maze-like world of Underland, even doors are not what they seem. Some lead nowhere. Others lead back to the same spot. Still others can take you to new places in the game, such as the Round Hall, from where you can
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
Disney Alice in Wonderland (Wii™) Underland Villains Keep these enemies from dragging Alice into their red vortices. Infantrymen – Don’t underestimate these pike-carrying brawlers. Crossbowmen – Watch out for their wicked distance attacks. Fortress – They may hide behind enormous shields, but they’re not cowards. Sniffer – Don’t let their special glove find Alice. Tank – What they lack in speed, they make up for in strength. Bosses – You’ll need all your abilities an
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
Disney Alice in Wonderland (Wii™) Flight to Marmoreal – Make your way to Marmoreal. Marmoreal – Meet with the White Queen to prepare yourself for the final battle. Quest for the Armor – Retrieve the lost armor. The Final Battle– Defeat the Jabberwocky. Collectibles and Upgrades These collectibles will help you succeed in Underland: Hearts – Hearts restore one (1) full life point to your heart meter. Chess Pieces – These collectibles work in combination with Impossible