Manual de instrucciones de Tradewins Furniture RNC5-TPF

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Tradewins Furniture RNC5-TPF

Aparato: Tradewins Furniture RNC5-TPF
Categoría: Extractor de cocina
Fabricante: Tradewins Furniture
Tamaño: 1.77 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/2/2014
Número de páginas: 24
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Shipping and Packing List Application
Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) are designed to pro-
Package 1 of 1 contains:
vide fresh air while exhausting an equal amount of stale
1 - Assembled ventilator
1 - Bag assembly containing:
1 - Drain spout assembly (HRV units only)
The HRV is equipped with an aluminum core. The
device uses the stale air that is being exhausted to con-
4 - Hangin

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Engineering Data Model RNC5-TPD TM Performance (H.V.I. certified) Net supply air flow in cfm (L/s) against external static pressure HEA HEAT T RECO RECOVER VERY Y VENTILA VENTILAT TO OR R E.S.P (external static pressure) [cfm (L/s)] THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE, PATENTED ALUMINUM CORE @ 0.1" (25 Pa) 169 (80) The cross-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams. @ 0.2" (50 Pa) 156 (73) @ 0.3" (75 Pa) 149 (70) It is easily removed for cleaning or service. @ 0.4" (100 Pa) 136 (64) M

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Engineering Data Model RNC5-TPF TM Performance Net supply air flow in cfm (L/s) against external static pressure E.S.P H HEA EAT T RECO RECOVER VERY Y VENTILA VENTILAT TO OR R (external static pressure) [cfm (L/s)] @ 0.1" (25 Pa) 169 (80) THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE, PATENTED ALUMINUM CORE @ 0.2" (50 Pa) 156 (73) The cross-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams. It @ 0.3" (75 Pa) 149 (70) is easily removed for cleaning or service. @ 0.4" (100 Pa) 136 (64) @ 0.5" (125 Pa) 126

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Clearances and Requirements Connecting Appliances to the HRV The following appliances should not be connected to the WARNING HRV: Before installation, careful consideration must • clothes dryer be given to how this system will operate if connected to any other piece of mechanical • range top equipment, i.e. a forced air furnace or air handler, • stovetop fan operating at a higher static. After installation, the • central vacuum system compatibility of the two pieces of equipment must be confirme

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Installation Suspending the Unit using the Provided Hanging Straps CAUTION Unit must be installed level to ensure proper condensate drainage. Due to the broad range of installation and operational conditions, consideration must be given for the possibility Wide Head Nails WIDE HEAD (not supplied) of condensation forming on the unit or NAILS (not supplied) connecting ducting. Objects below the STRAPS installation may be exposed to condensate. AND SCREWS (supplied) • At least 3' (1 m)

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Air Duct Design and Installation A well designed and installed ducting system will allow the WARNING HRV to operate at its maximum efficiency. Always try to keep duct runs as short and straight as pos- Include a short length of fabric, flex duct or other non-metallic connector in the “Fresh Air to sible. See Installation Diagrams for various installation Building” hard ducted line in order to keep the options. HRV separately grounded (electrically) from the The inner and outer liners of the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Stale Air Exhaust System Drain Connection (HRV Only) The stale air exhaust system draws air from the points in During a defrost cycle, the HRV may produce some con- the house where the worst air quality problems occur. densation. This water should flow into a nearby drain, or Stale air ducts should be installed in the bathroom, be taken away by a condensate pump. kitchen, and laundry room. Applications such as green- houses, atriums, swimming pools, saunas, etc. have CAUTION unique ventilation r

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Application Illustrations Partially Dedicated System for HRV ● Staleairdrawnfromkeyareasof home(bathroom,kitchen,laundry) WARNING HRVmustbebalanced. ● Freshairsuppliedtoreturn airductofairhandler DIRECTCONNECTIONoftheSUPPLYAIRSTREAMtotheAIRHANDLERCOLDAIRRETURN (Staleairdrawnfromkeyareasofhome) STALEAIRfromvariouspartsofhome. i.e.bathrooms(ifrequired),kitchens(ifrequired). Outdoors StaleAirToOutside ReturnAir 3'min. recommended FreshAir

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Application Illustrations Simplified Installation for HRV (Return/Return Method) ● It is mandatory that the air handler blower WARNING run continuously or HRV operation be interlocked with the air handler blower. HRV must be balanced. ● Check local codes/authority having jurisdiction for acceptance. DIRECT CONNECTION of both the HRV SUPPLY AIR STREAM and EXHAUST AIR STREAM to the AIR HANDLER COLD AIR RETURN *Unit is normally balanced on Return Air HIGH speed with air handler 40" (1m) M

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Application Illustrations Fully Dedicated System for HRV ● Staleairdrawnfromkeyareasof home(bathroom,kitchen,laundry) WARNING HRVmustbebalanced. ● Freshairsuppliedtomainliving areasofhouse STALEAIRfromvariouspartsofhome. i.e.bathrooms(ifrequired),kitchens(ifrequired). Outdoors StaleAirToOutside FreshAirToBuilding FreshAirFromOutside *UnitisnormallybalancedonHIGHspeed withairhandlerblowerON. NOTES: 1.Weatherhoodarrangementisfordrawingpu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Electrical The HRV unit should be plugged into a standard designat- ed (120VAC) electrical outlet with a ground. The outlet WARNING should be serviced by a separate 15 amp/120V circuit. An In order to prevent electric shock when cleaning extension cord should not be used with this appliance. A or servicing the HRV, it is extremely important to qualified service technician should make any required confirm the polarity of the power line that is electrical connections. switched by the safety (di

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Remote Control Devices Optional Main Controls The Dehumidstat Dial The amount of ventilation required in your home will fluctu- Main controls feature a dehumidistat dial. The dehumidistat ate according to the activity level in the house. Higher activity is used to reduce high winter humidity levels. The dehumidis- levels require more ventilation. tat activates high speed ventilation when the indoor humidity level exceeds selected setting. Main controls can be mounted in a central location of the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Wiring the Controls 2040 ON/OFF Dehumidistat Ventilation Dehumidistat Control (DVC) Remove Remove Red to Red Red to Red factory installed factory installed jumper when jumper when Orange to Orange to installing this Orange installing this Orange control* control* Black to Black Black to Black Low Fan to Blue Circuit Board Circuit Board Terminal Strip** Terminal Strip** Recirculation Control Remote Dehumidistat Red to Red Red to Red Remove factory Factory Orange to installed jumper Oran

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Operation For most installations the HRV will normally be set to oper- Self Test ate continuously on low speed. To suit various lifestyles, The ventilator will automatically initiate a self test the HRV offers a selection of operating modes (See sequence when power is applied. Fan motor is cycled and "Operation Mode Selection" on this page). then damper motor is cycled. (RNC5-TPD only) Duration: Approximately 1.5 mins. Method of Operation Good - intermittent operation at all times How much venti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Interlocking HRV Operation to an Airhandler/Furnace Blower When using the Interface relay contacts to initiate blower operation on a fur- nace, certain thermostats will initiate the outdoor cooling condenser when R and G are closed. Use this wiring configuration to prevent the Interface relay contacts from initializing the condenser unit. This problem can occur at the thermostat because the Y terminal is connected to the G terminal internal to the stat. When R and G are closed at the furnace (by

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Defrost Operation Damper Defrost Fan Defrost MODEL RNC5-TPD MODEL RNC5-TPF The damper defrost HRV has an electronically controlled The fan defrost HRV is equipped with an electronically damper defrost mechanism. The defrost timer is activated controlled fan defrost system to remove frost that collects when the outside temperature drops below 27°F (-3°C). A on the warm air side of the aluminum heat transfer sur- motor driven damper door mechanism closes off the sup- faces of the heat exchanger co

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Air Flow Balancing It is necessary to have balanced air flow in an HRV. The vol- The first step is to operate all mechanical systems on high ume of air brought in from the outside must equal the volume speed, which have an influence on the ventilation system, i.e. of air exhausted by the unit. If the air flow is not properly bal- the HRV itself and the air handler, if applicable. This will pro- anced, then: vide the maximum pressure that the HRV will need to overcome, and allow for a more accura

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Pitot Tube and Gauge Pitot Tube Air Flow Balancing Kit with magnehelic gauge, DUCT Pitot tube, hose and carry case. AIR FLOW Pitot tube Magnehelic gauge High Pressure Side Low Pressure Side Placement of Pitot Tube HRV NOTE: Graphic is for illustrative purposes only. Duct connection ports may vary. STALE AIR from various parts of home. i.e. bathrooms (if required), kitchens (if required). Stale Air To Outside Fresh Air From Outside 20 MAGNEHELIC MAGNEHELIC MAGNEHELIC

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