Manual de instrucciones de Pioneer DEH-64BT

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Pioneer DEH-64BT

Aparato: Pioneer DEH-64BT
Categoría: Car Audio
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamaño: 2.93 MB
Fecha de añadido: 3/23/2014
Número de páginas: 68
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

English Français Español

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Section Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart 01 ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER InformationtoUser TheSafetyofYourEarsisin product WARNING YourHands Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- To ensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwith- ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially Getthemostout of yourequipmentbyplayingit outappropriateauthorizationmayinvalidate mayexposeyoutochemicalslistedonproposi- importantthatyoureadandobser

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

English Section Beforeyoustart Operatingthisunit 01 02 Aboutthismanual Headunit Remotecontrol U.S.A. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. ! Inthefollowinginstructions,USBmemories 12 3 4 5 6 f CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION andUSBaudioplayersarecollectivelyre- P.O.Box1760 ferredtoas“USBstoragedevice”. LongBeach,CA90801-1760 ! Inthismanual,iPodandiPhonewillbere- 800-421-1404 9 ferredtoas“iPod”. g CANADA a PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. h m Demomode CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT i 78 9 a b cde l 340FerrierStreet

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Part Operation Indicator State CLOCKSET(settingtheclock) Removingthefrontpaneltoprotectyourunitfrom theft Presstostarttalkingonthe Randomplayison. 1 TurnM.C. toadjusthour. 1 Pressthedetachbuttontoreleasethefront (ran- l phonewhileoperatinga TheiPodsourceisselected 2 PressM.C.toselectminute. panel. 6 dom/shuf- phone. andtheshuffleorshuffleall 3 TurnM.C. toadjustminute. fle) 2 Pushthefrontpanelupward(M)andthenpull functionison. 4 PressM.C.toconfirmthe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 UsingBluetoothtelephone Selectingasource Answeringa callwaiting WARNING 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclebetween: 1 Whena callisreceived,pressM.C. ! Keepthebatteryoutof thereachofchildren. Important TUNER(tuner)—CD(built-inCDplayer)—USB Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta ! Sincethisunitisonstandbytoconnectwith Switchingbetweencallersonhold (USB)/iPod(iPod)—AUX(AUX)—BTAUDIO doctorimmediately. yourcellularphoneviaBluetoothwireless 1 PressM.C. (Bluetooth

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 2 Pressoneofthepresettuningbuttons(1 Tuner SEEK(left/rightkeysetting) Switchingbetweencompressedaudioand CD-DA to6)toselectthedesiredstation. 1 PressBAND/ . Basicoperations Youcanassignafunctiontotheleft andrightkeys Switchingthedisplay of theunit. Switchingbetweenplaybackmemorydevices SelectMAN(manualtuning)totuneupordown Youcanswitchbetweenplaybackmemorydevices Selectingaband manuallyorselectPCH(presetchannel) toswitch onUSB storagedeviceswithmore

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption Viewingalistofthefiles(or folders)inthese- Selectinganalbum Playinga songintheselectedcategory andpresstoselectFUNCTION. lectedfolder 1 Press1/ or2/ . 1 Whena category isselected,press andhold 1 Whena folderisselected,pressM.C. ! Thealbummaynotbeselectedcorrectlyif the M.C. 3 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. iPodhasmorethanonealbumwiththesame Playinga songintheselectedfolder Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 — Thefunctionsettingsarenotavailable. Operatingthisunit’siPod Pausingplayback PAUSE(pause) — Thebrowsefunctioncannotbeoperatedfrom functionfromyouriPod 1 Press4/PAUSEtopauseorresume. thisunit. 1 PressM.C.topauseorresume. YoucanlistentothesoundfromyouriPodappli- Enhancingcompressedaudioandrestoringrich cationsusingyourcar’sspeakers,when AUDIOBOOK(audiobookspeed) sound(soundretriever) Functionsettings CTRLAPP isselected. 1 Press3/S.Rtrvtocyclebetween:

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 2 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. Bluetoothdevicesthat aredifficulttoestablisha ToconnectyourdevicetothisunitviaBluetooth 1 PressM.C.tostart searching. Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce- connectionwitharecalledspecialdevices.If your wirelesstechnology,youneedtoentera PINcode ! Tocancel,pressM.C.whilesearching. durestosetthefunction. Bluetoothdeviceislistedasaspecialdevice,se- onyourdevicetoverifytheconnection.Thedefault 2 TurnM.C. toselec

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 ! Asthesignalfrom yourcellularphonemay 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption Functionandoperation PHONEBOOK(phonebook) causenoise,avoidusingitwhenyouarelis- andpresstoselectFUNCTION. 1 DisplayPHONEFUNC. teningtosongsonyourBluetoothaudio ! Thephonebookinyourcellularphonewillbe RefertoPHONEFUNC(phone function)onthis player. 3 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. transferredautomaticallywhenthephoneis page. ! Whenacallisinprogressonthecellular Afterselecting,perform

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 3 TurnM.C.toselecttheinitialsetting. FAD/BAL (fader/balanceadjustment) Thecut-off frequencyandoutputlevelcanbead- Therearspeakerleadsoutputcanbeusedfor full- Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce- justedwhenthesubwooferoutputison. rangespeakerorsubwooferconnection. durestosettheinitialsetting. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseintheselected If youswitchtoSW,youcanconnectarearspeak- 2 PressM.C.tocyclebetweenfa

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Notes Selectingkeyanddisplaycolor WheneverscrollissettoON,recordedtextinfor- S/WUPDATE(updatingthesoftware) ! WhenSCANisselected,thesystemauto- fromtheilluminationcolorlist mationscrollscontinuouslyinthedisplay.Setto Thisfunctionisusedtoupdatethisunit withthe maticallycyclesthrough the30presetcolors. OFFif youprefertheinformationtoscrolljust Only for DEH-6400BTand DEH-64BT. latestsoftware. Forinformationonthesoftware ! WhenWARMisselected,thesystemau

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

T R A T English S N O Section Operatingthisunit Installation 02 03 4 PressM.C.andholduntilthecustomizing ! To preventashort-circuit,overheatingormal- Turningtheclockdisplayon Connections illuminationcolorsettingappearsinthedis- function,besuretofollowthedirections oroff play. below. WARNING — Disconnectthenegativeterminalofthebat- % Press toturntheclockdisplayonor ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)and 5 PressM.C.toselecttheprimarycolor. terybeforeinstallation. off. between4Wto8W(impedancevalue).D

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

                  a a a Section Installation Installation 03 Performtheseconnectionswhen usingasub- j Whenusingasubwooferof70W(2Ω),be Thisunit Installation woofer withouttheoptionalamplifier. suretoconnectthesubwoofertotheviolet Important andviolet/blackleadsof thisunit.Donot 3 ! Checkallconnectionsandsystemsbefore 1 connectanythingtothegreenandgreen/ LR finalinstallation. 1 2 4 5 blackleads. 2 3 k Notused. ! Donotuseunauthorizedpartsasthismay  4 6 8 causemalfunctions. l Subwo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

English Section Installation Installation 03 2 Securethemountingsleevebyusinga 2 Insertthesuppliedextractionkeysinto DINRear-mount Installingthemicrophone screwdrivertobendthemetaltabs(90°)into bothsidesoftheunituntiltheyclickinto 1 Determinetheappropriateposition place. place. CAUTION wheretheholesonthebracketandtheside Itisextremelydangeroustoallowthemicro- oftheunitmatch. 1 3 Pulltheunitoutofthedashboard. phoneleadtobecomewoundaroundthesteer- ingcolumnorshiftlever.Besuretoinstallthe unitinsuc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Section Installation Installation 03 2 Installthemicrophonecliponthesteer- Adjustingthemicrophoneangle 1 ingcolumn. 1 2 Themicrophoneanglecanbeadjusted. 2 1 Microphoneclip 2 Clamp Wheninstallingthemicrophone onthesteeringcolumn 1 Installthemicrophoneonthemicro- 3 phoneclip. 1 2 1 Double-sidedtape 2 Installthemicrophoneclipontherearsideof thesteeringcolumn. 3 3 Clamp 4 1 Microphone 2 Microphonebase 3 Microphoneclip 4 Fitthemicrophoneleadintothegroove. # Microphonecanbeinstalledwithoutusingmi- cro

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

English Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation Built-inCDPlayer USBstoragedevice/iPod Troubleshooting Symptom Cause Action Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Theunitis Youareusinga Moveelectrical Symptom Cause Action malfunction- device,such as devicesthatmay ERROR-07, Thedisc isdirty. Cleanthedisc. NODEVICE Whenplugand !Turntheplug ing. acellular becausingthein- 11,12,17,30 playisoff,no andplayon. Thedisplayil- Demomodeis Turnoffthedemo Thedisc is Replacethedisc. Thereisint

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation Handlingguidelines Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Discsandplayer N/AUSB TheUSB device !ConnectaUSB ERROR-19 Communication !Performoneof ERROR-16 TheiPodfirm- UpdatetheiPod connectedtois MassStorage failed. thefollowingop- wareversionis version. Useonlydiscs thatfeatureeitherof thefollowing notsupported Classcompliant erations. old. twologos. bythisunit. device. –Turntheignition iPodfailure. Disconnectthe !Discon

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

English Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation iPod Supplementalinformation Compressedaudio Playbackofdiscsmaynotbepossiblebecauseof disccharacteristics,discformat,recordedapplica- compatibility(disc,USB) DonotleavetheiPodinplaceswithhightempera- Onlythefirst32characterscanbedisplayedasa tion,playback environment,storageconditions, tures. filename(includingthefileextension)orafolder andsoon. WMA name. Toensureproperoperation,connectthedockcon- Roadshocksmayinterrupt discplayback. F

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation 3 Savethefolder containingfilesontheUSB iPodcompatibility PartitionedUSBstoragedevice:Onlythefirstpar- Aboutthefile/formatcompatibility,refer tothe storagedevice. titioncanbeplayed. iPodmanuals. However,dependingonthesystemenvironment, Thisunitsupportsonly thefollowingiPodmodels. Theremaybea slightdelaywhenstartingplay- Audiobook,Podcast:Compatible youmaynotbeabletospecify theplaybackse- SupportediPodsoftwareversionsareshown backofaudiofiles o

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