Manual de instrucciones de Pioneer AVH P4200DVD

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Pioneer AVH P4200DVD

Aparato: Pioneer AVH P4200DVD
Categoría: Car Audio
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamaño: 1.94 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/7/2014
Número de páginas: 96
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Contents Thank youforpurchasingthisPIONEERproduct. Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthrough thismanualbeforeusingthisproduct.It isespeciallyimportantthatyoureadandobserveWARNINGsandCAUTIONsin thismanual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future refer- ence. EjectinganSD 14 Besuretoreadthis Settingtheclock 14 ! DVD videodiscregionnumbers 8 Tuner ! Handlingguideline 80 Introductionoftuneroperations 15 Playingmovingimages Precautions Introductionofvideoplayback IMPORTANTSAFEGUARD

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Contents UsingiTunestagging 33 SwitchingtheSIRIUSdisplay 45 Switchingthemediafiletype 33 UsingtheInstantReplayfunction 45 OperatingtheDVDmenu 34 Switchingtheseekmode 46 Operatingthisunit’siPodfunctionfromyour Switchingthereceptionmode 46 iPod 34 Callinganumberinthephonebook 46 Randomplay(shuffle) 34 Selectinganumberbyalphabetsearch Playingallsongsinrandomorder(shuffle mode 46 all) 35 Usingthemissed,receivedanddialedcall Repeatingplayback 35 lists 47 PlayingvideosfromyouriPod 35 Usingthemissed,re

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Contents SettinguptheDVDplayer 58 Systemsettings 62 Entertainmentsettings 67 Customizingmenus 68 OtherFunctions Changingthepictureadjustment 69 Settingrearmonitoroutput 69 Adjustingtheresponsepositionsofthe touchpanels(TouchPanel Calibration) 70 UsinganAUXsource 70 Usinganexternalunit 71 AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting 72 Errormessages 74 UnderstandingautoEQerrormessages 77 Understandingmessages 78 Indicatorlist 78 Handlingguideline 80 Compressedaudiocompatibility(disc,USB, SD) 83 iPodcomp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Precautions Section Precautions 01 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadallof theseinstructionsregarding ! Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyour yourdisplayandretainthemfor futurerefer- displaybyyourself.Installationorservi- ence. cingofthedisplaybypersonswithout 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- trainingandexperienceinelectronic foreoperatingyourdisplay. equipmentandautomotiveaccessories 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor maybedangerousandcouldexposeyou operatingproceduresandsafetyinforma- t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Section 01 Precautions backingup.Donotuseforentertainmentpur- Parkingbrakeinterlock poses. Certainfunctions(Videoviewingandcertain ! Pleasenotethattheedgesoftherear view touchpanelkeys)offeredbythisunitcouldbe cameraimagesmaydifferslightlyaccording dangerousand/orunlawfulifusedwhiledriv- towhether fullscreenimagesaredisplayed ing.Topreventsuchfunctionsfrombeing whenbackingup,andwhethertheimagesare usedwhilethevehicleisinmotion,thereisan usedforcheckingtherear whenthevehicleis interlocksystemthat

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 Aboutthisunit FCCID:AJDK028 MODELNO.:AVH-P3200BT Thetuner frequenciesonthisunitareallo- IC:775E-K028 catedforuseinNorthAmerica.Useinother ThisequipmentcomplieswithFCC/ICradiation areasmayresultinpoorreception. exposurelimitssetforthforuncontrolled equipmentandmeetstheFCC/ICradiofre- WARNING quency(RF)ExposureGuidelinesinSupple- Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- mentCtoOET65.Thisequipmenthasverylow ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct levelsofRFe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Section 02 BeforeYouStart DVDvideodiscregionnumbers U.S.A. OnlyDVDvideodiscswithcompatibleregion PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. numberscanbeplayedonthisplayer.Youcan CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION findtheregionnumberof theplayeronthe P.O.Box1760 bottomof thisunitandinthismanual(referto LongBeach,CA90801-1760 Specificationsonpage90). 800-421-1404 CANADA PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT Aboutthismanual 300AllstateParkway Thisunitfeatures anumberofsophisticated Markham,OntarioL3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 Themicroprocessormustberesetinthefol- Tocancelthefeaturedemo,pressandhold lowingsituations: MUTE.PressandholdMUTEagaintorestart. ! Beforeusingthisunitforthefirsttimeafter Operatingthefeaturedemowhilethecaren- installation gineisturnedoffitmaydrainthebattery ! Iftheunitfailstooperateproperly power. ! Whenstrangeorincorrectmessages ap- pearonthedisplay Important Failuretoconnecttheredlead(ACC)ofthisunit 1 TurntheignitionswitchOFF. toaterminalcoupledwithigni

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Section 03 What’swhat Headunit Part Part USBport +/–(VOLUME/ When connecting, 4 b VOL) open theUSBcon- nectorlid. AUXinputjack(3.5 mmstereo/video c/d(TRACK/ 5 c jack) SEEK) Use toconnectan auxiliarydevice. AutoEQmicro- phoneinputjack 6 SRC/OFF d Use toconnectan d a 3 autoEQmicro- phone. 7 MUTE CAUTION ! (AVH-P3200DVD/AVH-P3200BT) UseanoptionalPioneerUSBcable(CD-U50E) toconnecttheUSBaudioplayer/USBmem- (AVH-P4200DVD) oryasanydeviceconnecteddirectlytothe 2 unitwillprotrudeoutfromtheunitandmay 1 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

BasicOperations Section BasicOperations 04 BasicOperations Selectingasourceusingthebuttons 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclethroughthesources 111 222 listedbelow: Selectingasourceusingthetouchpanelkeys Wed 28 may 12:45 PM 1 Touch thesourceiconandthentouchthedesired sourcename. ! XM –XMtuner ! Sirius –SIRIUStuner ! Radio/HDRadio –Radio/DigitalRadiotuner ! AV –AVinput ! Disc –Built-inDVDplayer ! USB/iPod –USB/iPod ! SD –SDmemorycard 3 4 5 6 ! EXT1 –Externalunit1 Rear ! EXT2 –Externalunit2 Rear Radio Front V

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Section 04 BasicOperations Operatingthescrollbar Activatingthetouchpanel andthescrubberbar keys 111 111 1 Audio Wed 28 may 12:45 PM Fader/Balance F/R 0 L/R 0 Graphic EQ Super Bass 01 01 01 L+R Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab Auto EQ On Sonic Center Control L/R:0 Loudness 8 12 Subwoofer Off 01:45 -02:45 :45 45 4 222111 1 222 1 Wed 28 may 12:45 PM Return 01 01 01 L+R Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab 33 812 1 Touchpanelkeys Performvariousoperationsbytouchingthe 01:45 -02:45 panel. 2 Open/closekeys 222 Controlthetou

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

BasicOperations Section BasicOperations 04 2 AdjusttheLCDpaneltoaneasilyview- Commonoperationsfor ableangle. menusettings/lists (AVH-P3200BTonly) Laying thepaneldown. StartingtheBluetoothtelephone menu. Referto Introduction ofBluetooth tel- Returningthepaneltotheupright ephone operations onpage24. position. Displayingthelistmenu. # Asthesetangleissaved,theLCDpanelwill Startingthesearchfunction. automaticallybeadjustedtothesameposition Displayingthemenu. thenexttimetheLCDpanelisopened. Referto In

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Section 04 BasicOperations EjectinganSD (AVH-P3200DVD/AVH-P3200BT) % PressanSDtoeject. Settingtheclock 1 SwitchtoClockAdjustmentdisplay. Referto Basic Operationsonpage11. 2 Selecttheitemtoset. 3 Touchaorbtosetthecorrectdate andtime. 14 En

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Tuner Section Tuner 05 Introductionoftuner Manual tuning(stepbystep)usingthebuttons 1 Presscord(TRACK/SEEK). operations Seektuning usingthebuttons 111 2 333 1 Pressandholdcord(TRACK/SEEK). Wed 28 may Local Radio 12:45 PM Note Abcdeabcdeabcde Abcdeabcdeabcde ListeningAMradiowhileaniPodischargedfrom 87.5 Abcdeabcdeabcde MHz thisunitmaygeneratenoise.Inthiscase,discon- P P 2 necttheiPodfromthisunit. Band: FM1 87.5 MHz 444 5 6 1 Touchpanelkeys Turninglocalseektuning on andoff. 1 Referto Tuning i

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Section 06 Playingmovingimages youcanenjoythevideocontentsof the Introductionofvideo iPodasaniPodsource. playbackoperations ! (AVH-P3200DVD/AVH-P3200BT) YoucanviewDVD/DVD-R/DVD-RW/CD/CD-R/ IfaniPodwithvideocapabilitiesiscon- CD-RW/USB/SD/iPod. nectedtothisunitusinganinterfacecable suchastheCD-IU50V(soldseparately),you canenjoythevideocontentsof theiPodas Wed 28 may 12:45 PM aniPodsource. 01 01 01 L+R 1 Touchpanelkeys Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab Selectingtherepeatrange. 1 Referto Repeating playback 81

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Playingmovingimages Section Playingmovingimages 06 Switchingtheaudiooutput, Movingaheadoneframeata whenplayingvideodiscsre- timeduringplayback. cordedwithLPCMaudio. Referto Frame-by-frame play- Referto Selecting audio out- backonpage36. 8 put onpage38. Touchandholdformore Switchingbetweenstereo g than twosecondstoslow andmonauralaudiooutput, downplayback speed. whenplayingVideoCD Speedinguptheplayback discs. speedinfourstepsduring slowmotionplaybackon Startingthesearchfunction. DVDvideo/VideoCD.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Section 06 Playingmovingimages ! If thebookmarkfunctionison,DVDplayback Playingbackvideos resumesfromtheselectedpoint.Formorede- 1 Insertthe discintothediscloadingslotwiththe tails,referto Resume playback(Bookmark)on labelsideup. Playback willautomaticallystart. page36. ! If youareplayingaDVDorVideoCD,amenu ! Someoperationsmaynotbeavailablewhile mayappear.Referto Operating the DVDmenu on watchingaDVDduetotheprogrammingof page34and PBC playbackonpage38. thedisc.Insuchcases,the iconappears ! When

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Playingaudio Section Playingaudio 07 Introductionofsound Switchingtheequalizer curves. playbackoperations Referto Using the equali- zeronpage55. YoucanlistentoDVD-R/DVD-RW/CD/CD-R/ Touchandholdformore CD-RW/USB/SD/iPodsoundfiles. 4 than twosecondstoturn theauto-equalizeronor 111 222 333 444 555 off. Wed 28 may Referto Using the auto- S.Rtrv ROM 12:45 PM ALL Song gs equalizeronpage56. Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab Displayingalistof track Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab titles/filenamestoselect Abcdeabcdeabcdeabc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Section 07 Playingaudio Changingthe speedof Playing backsound audiobookplaybackon 1 Insertthe discintothediscloadingslotwiththe b theiPod. labelsideup. Referto Changing audio- Playback willautomaticallystart. book speedonpage39. 1 Ifadischasalready beeninserted,pressSRC/ OFFortouchthesource icontoselectthesource. SwitchingtoLinkSearch ! WhileaniPodisconnected tothisunit,PIONEER, mode toplaysongs re- AccessoryAttachedor (checkmark)isdis- latedtothecurrently playedontheiPod. playingsong onthe iPod

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