Manual de instrucciones de Poulan SM30SB

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Poulan SM30SB

Aparato: Poulan SM30SB
Categoría: Podadora eléctrica
Fabricante: Poulan
Tamaño: 0.33 MB
Fecha de añadido: 6/24/2014
Número de páginas: 19
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

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Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before
using this product. Failure

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

TABLE OFCONTENTS Identificationof Safety Symbols 2 Service & Adjustments 15 Safety Rules 4 Storage 16 Assembly 9 TroubleshootingTable 17 Operation 10 LimitedWarranty Statement 18 Maintenance 14 Emissions Statement 18 IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS DANGER: Useonly specifiedtrimmer head, spool, andrecommended trimmer line. Never use blades, flailing devices, wire,rope, string, etc. This attachment is designedfor line trimmer useonly. Failureto follow theseinstruc- tions may result inserious injury.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS Assist handletobe positioned only below thearrow. Never allow children to operatethis unit. Store unit indoors in ahigh, dry placeout of the reachof children. When servicing unit, use only identical replacement parts. Always stopunit and disconnect spark plugbeforeclean- ing or servicing. WARNING: Firehazard. Never mix, pour, or storegasolineor usetheunit near a flameor sparks (including smoking, openflames, or work that cancausesparks). Useunleaded gasolineand two-

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

OPTIONALATTACHMENTS These attachments usedin combinationwiththespecifiedpowerhead havebeen evaluated to ANSI B175.3--2003, “Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters -- Safety Requirements”. These combinations havebeenevaluatedby Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. (UL) and areconse- quently UL listed: Cutting attachment / guard, Powerheadmodel Attachments Type part. no. Trimmer head WE fixedline 545053902 / 545003325 SM30SB Brushcutter attachment PP4000C 952711610 These attachments usedin combinationwiththes

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

S Use only for jobs explained in this manual SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations (or manuals for optional attachments). through prolonged use of gasoline powered hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve UNIT/MAINTENANCESAFETY damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of S Disconnect the spark plug beforeperforming people prone to circulation disorders or abnor- maintenance except carburetoradjustments. mal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather S Lookforandreplacedamagedorlooseparts has b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

toricochetwhichcanhurtpeopleoranimals, break glass, or cause other damage. S Never run unit without the proper equipmentattached. Whenusingyourunit as ablower, always installblower tubes. S Check air intake opening, blower tubes or vacuum tubes frequently, always with Handlebar engine stopped and spark plug disconnected. Keep vents and discharge tubes free of debriswhich canaccumulate andrestrict proper air flow. S Never place any object in air intake opening asthiscouldrestrictproperairflowandc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

S Throw away and replace blades that are HEDGETRIMMERSAFETY bent,warped,cracked,brokenordamaged inany other way. DANGER: RISK OF CUT; KEEP S Installrequiredshieldproperlybeforeusing HANDSAWAYFROMBLADE -- Blademoves the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal momentarily after the trigger is released or en- blade use. Only use brushcutter gineisturnedoff. Donotattempttoclearaway attachments that provide a metal shield cutmaterialwhenthebladeis inmotion. Make with proboscis nose. suretheswitchisi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

WARNING: Falling objects can WARNING: Never lean over dis- causesevereheadinjury. Wearheadprotec- charge chute. Rocks or debris could be tionwhenoperatingthisunitwithapoleprun- thrownintotheeyesandfaceandcauseseri- er attachment. ous injury or blindness. WARNING: Inspect the area where the unit is to be used. Remove objects that could be thrown or damage the unit. Some objects may be hidden by fallen snow -- be alert for thepossibility. S Direct material dischargeaway fromglass enclosures, autom

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

ASSEMBLY WARNING: If received assembled, repeatallstepstoensureyourunitisproperly assembledand allfasteners aresecure. Examineparts fordamage. Donot usedam- agedparts. NOTE: If you need assistance or find parts missingor damaged, call 1-800-554-6723. It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the empty fuel tank. Locking/Release Findingfueloroilresidueonmufflerisnormal ButtoninPrimary Hole due to carburetor adjustments and testing doneby the manufacturer. For assembly of optional attachments

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

ADJUSTINGTHEHANDLE 1. Loosenwing nut onhandle. 2. Rotate the handle on the shaft to an up- right position; retightenwingnut. WARNING: Whenadjustingthehan- dle,besureitremainsabovethesafetylabel andbelow themark or arrow ontheshaft. OPERATION KNOWYOURUNIT READTHISINSTRUCTIONMANUALANDSAFETYRULESBEFOREOPERATINGYOURUNIT. Comparetheillustrationswithyourunittofamiliarizeyourselfwiththelocationofthevariouscontrols and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. ON/STOPswitch Assist handle Coupl

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

5. Squeeze the throttle trigger fully and hold WARNING: Alternativefuels(notgas- through all remaining steps. oline)suchas E--15(15%alcohol),E--20(20% 6. Pullstarterropehandlesharplyuntilengine alcohol),E--85(85%alcohol)areNOTclassified starts(orsoundsasifitistryingtostart), butdo not pullrope morethan10 times. as gasoline and are NOT approved for use in 2--stroke gasoline engines. Use of alternative 7. Move choke lever to HALF CHOKE posi- fuels will cause problems such as: improper tion . clutc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddis- connectsparkplugbeforeremovingorinstal- ling attachments. REMOVINGTRIMMERATTACH- MENT(OROTHEROPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS) CAUTION: Whenremovingorinstallingat- tachments,placetheunitonaflatsurfacefor stability. Locking/Release 1. Loosen the coupler by turning the knob ButtoninPrimary Hole counterclockwise. Coupler OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Itisrecommendedthat theengine notbe operated for longer than 1 minute at full throttle. Attachment LOOSEN OPERATINGPOSITION ALWAYS WEAR: H

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

CUTTINGMETHODS SCALPING -- Thescalpingtechniqueremoves unwanted vegetationdown tothe ground.Hold the bottom of the trimmer head about 3 in. (8 WARNING: Use minimum speed cm)abovethegroundandatanangle.Allowthe anddonotcrowdthelinewhencuttingaround tip of the line tostrike theground aroundtrees, hardobjects(rock,gravel,fenceposts,etc.), posts, monuments, etc. This technique in- whichcandamagethetrimmerhead,become creases line wear. entangled intheline, or be thrown causinga serious hazard. Scalpin

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

MAINTENANCE 2. Loosen knob by turning counterclock- wise. Remove air filter cover and air filter. WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance except NOTE: To avoid creating a fire hazard or for carburetor adjustments. producingharmfulevaporativeemissions,do notcleanfilteringasolineorotherflammable HELPFULTIP solvent. 3. Wash the filter in soapand water. IMPORTANT: Have all repairs other than the rec- 4. Allow filter to dry. ommended maintenance 5. Replaceparts. describedinth

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

SERVICEANDADJUSTMENTS REPLACINGTHELINE For unit to operate properly, the cutting line shouldbereplacedwhenlinebecomes wornto lessthan3inchesinlengthfromtheedgeofthe lineexittunnelsoneachsideofthecuttinghead. Screwdriver 1. Remove and discard worn line before installingnew line. 2. Use only 0.115 inch (3 mm) diameter PoulanPRO brandcut lengthline. 3. Insert one end of the line through the positioningtunnel. 3. Whileholdingthescrewdriverinposition, 4. Continuetofeedlinethrough tunneluntil remove t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Ifyourequirefurtherassistanceorareunsure about performing this procedure, contact an Idle Speed Screw authorized service dealer or call 1--800--554--6723. Air Filter Cover STORAGE Followthemixinstructionsfoundonstabilizer WARNING: Perform the following container.Runengineatleast5minutesafter steps after eachuse: adding stabilizer. S Allowenginetocoolbeforestoringortrans- HELPFULTIP porting. S Storeunit and fuelinawell ventilatedarea Duringstorageofyourgas/ where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectsparkplugbeforeperformingallofthe recommended remedies below except remedies that requireoperationof the unit. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not 1. Engineflooded. 1. See“Startinga Flooded Engine” in start. Operation Section. 2. Fueltank empty. 2. Filltank withcorrect fuel mixture. 3. Spark plugnot firing. 3. Install new spark plug. 4. Fuelnot reaching 4. Check for dirty fuelfilter; replace. carburetor. Check for kinkedor split fuel line

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

LIMITEDWARRANTY Poulan PRO, a division of Husqvarna In Canada, contact: Consumer Outdoor ProductsN.A., Inc.,war- PoulanPRO rants to the original consumer purchaser that 850 Matheson Blvd. West each newPoulan PRO brand gasoline toolor Mississauga, Ontario L5V 0B4 attachment is free from defects in material and Giving the model number, serial number and workmanship and agrees to repair or replace dateofpurchaseofyourproductandthename underthiswarrantyanydefectivegasolineprod- and address of the au

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, un- thedeterminationthatawarrantedpartisde- approved modifications, or the use of parts fectiveif the diagnostic work is performedat not made or approved by the original equip- an approved Poulan PRO servicing center. ment manufacturer. You are responsible for CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Poulan presenting your small off--road engine to an PRO may beliable for damages to other en- Poulan PRO authorized repair center as soon gine components caused by the failure of

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