Manual de instrucciones de Uniden D2998-6

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Uniden D2998-6

Aparato: Uniden D2998-6
Categoría: Teléfono IP
Fabricante: Uniden
Tamaño: 2.17 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/19/2014
Número de páginas: 28
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

D2998 Series User's Guide
What's in the box?
Base AC adapter
D2998 base with
answering system
Coiled cord
(to connect
handset to
mount stand
(may be attached to the base)
You will also find:
Charger AC adapter
handset and If you purchased You should
model number: have:
D2998 1 of each
D2998-2 2 of each
D2998-3 3 of each
Battery cover
D2998-4 4 of each
D2998-5 5 of each

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

What's in the manual? Using an Optional Headset ............................17 Getting Started ................................. 3 Set Up the Base ...................................................... 3 Using Your Phone During a Power Set Up the Accessory Handset(s) ................... 5 Failure ...................................................................17 Getting to Know Your Phone........................... 6 Using the Answering System .........18 Using the Menus ....................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

DESK WALL GETTING STARTED Set Up the Base Attach the Stand For desktop use For wall mount use 1. TurnthestandsothewordDesk is 1. TurnthestandsothewordWall is right-sideup(itwillbeontheleft). right-sideup(itwillbeontheleft). 2. Insertthetabsintothenotchesat 2. Insertthetabsintothenotchesat thetopofthebase. thebottomofthebase. 3. Pressinonthelatchesandslip 3. Pressinonthelatchesandslip themintothenotchesmarkedDesk . the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Connect the Power and Telephone Cords 1. ConnectthebaseACadaptertothepowerjackandthetelephonecordto theTEL LINE jack.Routeth ecordsassh ownbelow: For desktop use For wall mount use 2. PlugtheACadapterintoastandard120VACpoweroutlet,andconnect thetelephonecordtoastandardtelephonewalljack. 3. I f  y o u  a r e  m o u n t i n g  t h e  p h o n e  o n  t h e  w a l l ,  p l a c e t h e  m o u n t i n g  s l o t s  o v e r t h e pinsonthe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Set Up the Accessory Handset(s) Install and Charge the Battery 1. Unpackallhandsets,batterypacks,andbatterycovers. Ifanyhandsethasthebatterycoveralreadyattached, pressinonthenotchandslidethecoverdownand off. 2. Lineupthebatterypackconnectorwith thejackinsidethehandset.(Thebattery connectorwillonlyfitoneway.) 3. Pushthebatterypackconnectorinuntilit clicksintoplace.Tuggentlyonthewirestomakesurethebatterypackis securelyconnec

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Getting to Know Your Phone Parts of the Base Ifthekeynameisspelledoutonthekeyitself,it'snotlabeledinthedrawing. Visual ringer switch Handset Hook (on top) C I D Display clip switch U P D O W N Visual ringer Answering system controls Twelve- key dial pad Microphone I N T E R C O M / (on bottom) Speaker H O L D Key (icon) What it does On/ Off x In standby: turn the answering system on or off. s l OW x Reduce the speed of the answering system playback by 30%. In the first 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Key (icon) What it does In standby: page a handset using the intercom. x i nte Rc Om/h Ol D During a call: put the call on hold and start a call transfer. x In standby: turn the Silent Mode on or off (see p. 15). s ilent ( ) x x While the phone is ringing: ignore this call (mute the ringer). x During a call: mute the microphone. c lea R/mute While entering text: delete the last character, or press and hold x to delete all the characters. f lash x During a call: switch to a waiting call. I

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Parts of the Handset Ifthekeynameisspelledoutonthekeyitself,it'snotlabeledinthedrawing. Headset jack T O N E (Right side) Visual ringer Earpiece Display Charging contacts Microphone S P E A K E R P H O N E B O O K Twelve-key dial pad (Left side) B O O S T U P D O W N Key (icon) What it does In standby: start a telephone call (get a dial tone). x t alk/en D During a call: hang up. x During a call: switch to a waiting call. x f lash/exit x In any menu or list: exit and go bac

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Reading the Displays On the base On the handset Day and time Status icons Status icons Time SUN 12:00 AM 12:00A Handset Message Handset #1 banner counter Caller ID New CID: 5 New CID: 5 count Caller ID count Icon What it means The volume of the earpiece is boosted (see p. 15). The ringer is turned off: this station will not ring when a call comes in. You have a voice message waiting (see p. 17). Privacy Mode is on: no other station can use the line or join your call. The speakerp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Using the Menus Using the handset menus Using the base menus To open the menu, press To open the menu, press SELECT/MENU. SELECT/MENU. To select the To select the Base Setup highlighted highlighted option, press Handset Setup option, press Ans. Setup SELECT/ SELECT/ Ans. Setup Day & Time MENU. MENU. Day & Time Global Setup OR OR To close the Global Setup RegisterHandset To close the menu, press menu, press Use UP and DOWN to Use UP and DOWN FLASH/EXIT. PLAY/STOP. move th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Ans. Setup Menu Refertop.18fordetailsonsettingupyouransweringsystem. Day & Time Menu You n eedt os et t h eclock s omes s ages get t h ecorrect t i mes t amp . S elect t h eday of t h ew eek , t h enen t ert h eh ou ran dmi n u t es . T h ens elect AM orPM . U s eci D t o m o v e  t h e  c u r s o r  p a s t  a  d i g i t  w i t h o u t  c h a n g i n g  i t .  T o  c o n f i r m ,  p r e s s s elect/menu . Global Setup Menu Thesettingson

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

USING YOUR PHONE From the base From a cordless handset To... Corded Handset Speaker Earpiece Speaker make a call, dial Press Press Press Pick up the handset. the number, then . . . t alk/en D t alk/en D s peake R Press Press Press answer a call Pick up the handset. . . . t alk/en D t alk/en D s peake R Place the handset Press Press or place the t alk/en D hang up in the cradle. . handset in the cradle. t alk/en D ignore the call Press Press c lea R/mute mute/messages (mute the ringer)

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

To... Press... open the CID list ci D. open the redial list . Re Dial/ p ause to scroll from newest to oldest. DOWn scroll through the lists to scroll from oldest to newest. up t alk/en D or speake R on the handset. dial the current number Pick up the corded handset on the base. to add 1 for a toll call. add other digits or codes at the front of CID number # to add (or remove) the area code. delete the current number , then select Delete Entry. s elect/menu add the current number to , then

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Adding Phonebook Entries Withthephoneinstandby,openthephonebook.Presss elect/menu andselect Create New. Enteranameandnumber;cordlesshandsetsalsopromptyouto chooseapersonalring.   Enterthephonenumber(upto20digits)exactlyasyouwoulddialit.   Ifyouneedtoenterapausebetweenthenumbers,pressRe Dial/pause ;you’ll seeP inthedi splay .(Thedialingwillpauseforabout2secondsperadigit.)   Toeditthenumber,pressc lea R tobackupthecu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

 Ittakesatleast2ringsforthephonetoreceiveCIDinformationand announceit.Ifthephoneisansweredbeforetheendofthesecondring,the phonewon'tannouncethenameofthecaller. Adjusting the Base Visual Ringer Youcanchangethebrightnessofthebasevisual ringer.TheVisual Ringe R sw itchisatthetopof thebase(abovethecradle).Slidetheswitchto hIgh ,Low ,oroff .(Itdoesn'taffecttheaudio  ringers.) Using the Audio Boost Youcanincreasetheearpiece

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Using Privacy Mode   ToactivatePrivacyModeonacallinprogress,presss elect/menu twice.As longasprivacymodeison,nootherhandsetscanjoinyourcall.  PrivacyModeturnsoffautomaticallywhenyouhanguporputthecallon hold;youcanalsoturnitoffbypressings elect/menu twiceagain.   Touseprivacymodeduringaconferencecall,waituntilallstationshave joinedthecallbeforeturningonPrivacyMode.Ifastationdisconnects,that stationcannotrejointhe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Finding a Lost Handset Youcanusetheintercompagetofindalosthandset.Whentheintercomtone sounds,youcantrackthetonetothelosthandset. Using Voice Message Notification  Ifyousubscribetoavoicemailservice,yourphonecannotifyyouwhen youhaveanewmessage.ThisfeaturesupportsFrequency-ShiftKeying (FSK)notification.Contactyourvoicemailproviderforinformation.  Whenyouhavenewmessages,thedisplayshowsamessageicon.Afteryou listentoyourmessag

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

USING THE ANSWERING SYSTEM Answering System Options (Ans. Setup) Youcanchangetheansweringsystemoptionsfromanystation.Justopenthe Ans. Setup menuandselect . Menu Option What it does Record Greeting (Base only) Record an outgoing message (see p. 19) Greeting Options (Base only) Switch greetings or delete your greeting (see p. 19). Enter a 2-digit PIN so you can access your answering system Security Code from any touch-tone phone (see p. 21). Set the number of rings (2, 4, or 6)

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

 Only1stationcanaccessthesystematatime.  Duringremoteaccess: - Thesystembeepssoyouknowit'swaitingforyournextcommand. - Youcanpressthenumberkeyshownnexttoeachcommandinsteadof scrollingthroughthescreens.  Ifyoudonothingfor30seconds,thephonereturnstostandby. - Recording Your Personal Greeting Yourpersonaloutgoingmessageorgreetingcanbebetween2secondsand30 secondslong.Ifyoudon'twanttorecordagreeting,thesystemusesthepre

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Getting Your Messages To... From the base From a handset Press . Press . p lay/st Op mute/ m essages play The system announces the number of new and old messages, new messages then plays each new message (followed by the day and time if set) in the order it was received. Wait at least 5 seconds after the message starts playing, restart this message press . select 1:Repeat. Repeat Within 2 seconds after a message starts playing, replay an earlier messages press . select 1:Repeat. Repeat sk

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