Manual de instrucciones de Nikon 2171

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Nikon 2171

Aparato: Nikon 2171
Categoría: Objetivos de cámaras
Fabricante: Nikon
Tamaño: 15.5 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/29/2014
Número de páginas: 44
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Nikon 2171 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

ED 400mm
f/2.8 IF

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

I ED U > X ED Glass elements ED-Glas Verre ED Elementos de cristal ED Elementi lenti ED 0* 1 •6M -42 H $w& -43 H Page 12 English • Page 42 DEPTH-OF-FIELD TABLE - • Page 43 CLOSE-UP TABLE— •Scite 18 Deutsch - Seite 42 SCHARFENTIEFENTABELLE -Seite43 NAHAUFNAHME-TABELLE Francais -Page 24 TABLE DE PROFONDEUR DE CHAMP- -Page 42 -Page 43 TABLE DE PHOTOMACROGRAPHIE- -Pagina 30 Espanol - -Pagina 42 TABLA DE PROFUNDIDAD DE CAMPO — -Pagina 43 TABLA DE ACERCAMIENTO -Pagina 36 I

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

C";'±.S ;(75U>X«-AI*Ae»^'5#9'- f ICSS ^(Z)^iJ-y^O)-fe-yh*Ji— B «&SB«<7)>* S -o Ti'J»?*^ 8 'J i t L mat %*§ £•& i:'i:«m Lif t *£fiE*iJT--t„ ?Jh L T» * it . : cottffi^ £,Sggf U > :?"£[5] U T b®T"&pMtz&i% fg»i;^- f Jti , ?U >y ?

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

7-fJU?-<7)3£$& — Cf&'C a 7-f »/9— (*. 7-f «/* — *;U^—C52miiftl;ii*dt7-f A-* — %*aCj&A,T\ U->X|SBt7)Sg|5 ic*L&A.T-ftfflL*T „ -cou>xi;(iL37C7-i-^?-*s i «ttfr«snxUS t . ®7U$>-#Jl> Sr-J*il»»a<0<»*UB (I-tA^ST) ir&**^CLT*<»^**fc*«rf::§ISJ*Bil*6»fr' ©7-f JI^-*J U :?'-(: teCJASnx u-5 7-f )i>?-at?U £&<73 7-rJW-?-bi;iAAit , 3)7 -i- JU? -*JUy'-<73»K}MIfr*0(73tt!lllC fc T x l ' 5(75 %-JSB LTi-bllfrCSLiA * it . 7 -f >U# -*;U^-- 3 J A £90"

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

•774>9-7.W->tF3-> "J -X&X C/F2-> 'J -Xt;U#WP.<7)7 7 Oi'-« 1 )->«'],l/>X« H 7' A/L B C D E Gl G2 G3 G4 HI H2 H3 H4 J K/P M R T U *>7 ~-——_ F3 0 © 0 © © © O © O © © © © © o F2 © © © © © © © o o © o © © u®Ti'3><<-f>-Tc-2Qo$.t-tt, Tc-20\siamitzm^ B C D E HI J K/P M R T U A/L Gt G2 G3 G4 H2 H3 H4 • F3 © © O o © o • • • ' F2 © © • © 0 o o ' • • 0xUa>"<-:?-TC-3OO2£li, TC-301S4«fflL/;«•& E J K/P M R T U A/L B C D Gl G2 G3 G4 HI H2 H3 H4 © • • • • • F3 m © o o © O ©

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

I I I |: 400mm £ ± a a tt: i : 2.8 u > X « j * : 6#81 * (L->X*Si;«tiA*7^ I tfcrtSfc) • ft : 6° 10' Sg St B £ : °°~4m. 15ft tt*iiEflrtt:ttie « u B a: 2.8-22- yy-oy-^m^ms^mt i*l ft * * : BMitt = ffl IM: 360' BJKst 7 - K : rta^a DiA^st —ft« T -7 > h : -=1 >F^"7 > h * # £ : ftl63mn(g7C®)X378.5mm(S?:y\-a*'y h*$I4'f)l/>XSJT-) ^rg386.5i»n • 1 : K)5,l50g r?-tr*y- K M BTB WWk W!M i ^Utts 52mm^at;iX*i5t7 < JU? — •g-fiSJS*SSfr-i;-t+*i+ +• -y 7" fc.5?fcLF-l 7 7 t-^r —7No.59 52mm^a CiA*.st

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

t>\ l73-JI/EDU>XT-t EDffiTtlJ, Extra-low Dispersion (4f?*&.U < « Lfc^oTSltaMbcJ: ?> £ > KiimXut W icKI+SttTuil " A\ *£ 2^'<: ? HUtnfC/ST A\ ^(7)MlJ**SgSffit:J:b0!JUT*# < U <•) it , co/c*. SiR»*!^®CJ: <«JE?nxfc-U. W»«ffJ*^a> h 5 * Y 4-fc\ED->U-X(7)4'T\ *?t-ffiiEg^OT^^U>X*

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

mSKmm 1. Lens hood screw 16. Built-in lens hood Tripod collar lock screw 2. Tripod collar alignment scale 17. Preset-focus ring lock screw (four marks) 18. Tripod sockets 3. Tripod collar alignment index 19. Built-in rotating tripod collar 4. Preset-focus ring 20. Tripod socket position guides 5. Focusing ring 21. Aperture scale 6. Distance scale 22. 7. Depth-of-field indicators 23. Aperture ring EE servo coupling post 8. Distance index 24. Aperture indexing post 9. Infrared co

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

RECOMMENDED FOCUSING SCREENS Various interchangeable focusing screens are available for F3- and F2-series cameras to suit any type of lens or picture-taking situation. Those which are recommended for use with your lens are listed below. For screens used with Nikon cameras other than F3- and F2-series cameras (e.g., Nikon FA, FE2, FM2 and FE), refer to the column for F3- series cameras. For the K2, B2 and E2 focusing screens, refer to the columns on the K, B and E screens, respectively. For d

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

DEPTH OF FIELD Depth of field can be checked with the color-coded depth-of-field indicators engraved on the lens barrel. If your camera has a depth-of-field preview function, it is possible to check the depth of field in the viewfinder. (For details, see camera instruction manual.) Depth of field can also be checked by referring to the table on page 42. INFRARED PHOTOGRAPHY In infrared photography, it is necessary to make the following adjustments to the focused distance. 1. Focus subje

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

SPECIFICATIONS Focal length: 400mm Maximum aperture: f/2.8 Lens construction: 8 elements in 6 groups (plus dustproof glass plate built into front) Picture angle: 6° 10' Distance scale: Graduated in meters and feet from 4m (15 ft.) to infinity (°°) Aperture scale: f/2.8 ~ f/22 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout scales Diaphragm: Fully automatic Exposure measurement: Via full-aperture method; meter coupling ridge provided for AI cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-AI cameras

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

LENS CARE • Although you should always keep the lens surfaces clean, rough cleaning must be avoided/ Wipe with a soft, clean cotton cloth moistened with alcohol to remove grease or fingerprints from the lens surfaces. If you use ether in cleaning the lens, a smudge sometimes appears on the surface of a multi-coated lens. If this happens, wipe it again with a cotton cloth moistened with alcohol. < • Take care in cleaning the rear part of the lens with a spray-gun type blower, because its

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

wmmmmm Correction of chromatic aberration in camera lenses has been ABOUT THE limited, for the most part, to the use of techniques which bring NIKKOR two wavelengths of light, normally blue and red, to a common ED SERIES focus. Although known as "achromatic," lenses employing these designs exhibit a certain amount of undesirable residual disper­ sion (called the "secondary spectrum") which limits image con­ trast and sharpness, particularly at full aperture. Telephoto lenses are most pr

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

NOMENKLATUR 1. Schraube der Erweiterungsblende 16. Eingebaute Objektivkappe 2. Einstellungsskala (vier Markierungen) 17. Feststellschraube des des Stativanschlusses Stativanschlusses 3. Positionierindex des Stativanschlusses 18. Feststellschraube fur den 4. Vorfokussierring Vorfokussierring 5. Entfernungseinstellring 19. Stativgewinde 6. Entfernungsskala 20. Eingebauter Stativanschlufc 7. Scharfentiefen-Indikatoren 21. Stativgewinde-Positionierhilfen 8. Entfernungsindex 22. Blendenskala

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

EMPFOHLENE EINSTELLSCHEIBEN Fur die Kameras der Serie F3 und F2 stehen verschiedene auswechselbare Einstell- scheiben passend fiir jede Aufnahmesituation zur Verfugung. Die zur Verwendung mit diesem Objektiv empfohlenen Einstellscheiben sind unten aufgelistet. Fiir Einstell- scheiben fiir andere Nikon-Kameras als die der Serien F3 und F2 (z.B. die Nikon FA, FE2, FM2 und FE) siehe die Spalte fiir die Serie Nikon F3, Fiir die Einstellscheiben K.2, B2 und E2 siehe die Spalten fiir die Scheiben

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

SCHARFENTIEFE Sie konnen die Scharfentiefe anhand der fatbigen Scharfentiefe-Indikatoren kontrol- lieren, die auf dem Objektivtubus eingezeichnet sind. Wenn Ihre Kamera einen Scharfentiefe-Kontrollknopf besitzt, konnen Sie die Scharfen­ tiefe auch im Sucher kontrollieren. (Siehe Gebrauchsanweisung der Kamera.) Oder Sie konnen die Scharfentiefe aus der Tabelle auf Seite 42 ablesen. INFRAROTFOTOGRAFIE Bei Infrarotaufnahmen ergibt sich fur die fokussierte Entfernung eine Fokusverschie- bung, d

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