Manual de instrucciones de Nikon SB 14

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Nikon SB 14

Aparato: Nikon SB 14
Categoría: Flash
Fabricante: Nikon
Tamaño: 5.33 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/19/2014
Número de páginas: 28
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Nikon Speedlight

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

NOMENCLATURE------------------------- Wide-Flash Adapter SW-5 ® Flash head ® Shooting mode selector 8) Sensor Unit SU-2 ® Sensor socket ® Sync/multiple flash sockets o Sync Cord SC-ll ® Bracket mounting adapter ® Bracket mounting pin @) Trip.od/light stand socket @ Attachment screw slots @ Bracket SK-5 @ Tripod socket 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

f/stop indicators with wide-flash adapter (thin color-coded lines) @ f/stop II' IUl.calors f/stop scale @ Distance scale @ ASA/ISO film speed index @ Ready-light ® Bracket attachment dot @ Attachment screw Releasellocking wheel Handle @ Exposure calculator dial @ External power terminal @ 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

CONTENTS---------- FOREWORD--------- NOMENCLATURE . ... . .. .. . .. ..... ... . ... . ..... 2-3 The Nikon Speedlight SB-14 is a compact and light­ FOREWORD .. . .... . . . ........ . .. ..... ... . ... . .... 4 weight electronic flash unit having a host of useful fea ­ BASIC OPERATION . ... ........ ... . ... .... . . . .. S-9 tures. CONTROLS IN DETAIL . .. .. . . . .. . ... . . . . . .. ... 10- 20 With coverage matching that of a 28mm wideangle lens, Bracket SK-S ....... .. ...... . .. . ..

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

BASIC OPERATION------------- . -- ) _ ~

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

- BASIC OPERATION -continued---------- 5. Check the position of the 4. Attach the sync cord 0 . 6. Connect the power flash head. supply. Screw one end of the Sync Cord SC- Make sure that the flash head is in Plug the cord from the power supply 11 into either of the flash unit's sync! the normal shooting position. into the flash unit's external power multiple flash sockets ® and screw the other end into the camera's sync terminal@. terminal. Note: The SB·14 is powered by only an external

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

7. Set the camera's shutter 8 Set the exposure calcu- speed for proper syn­ -lator dial @ . chronization. Turn the dial until the ASAIISO film 18 ft.), and 0.6m to 4m (2 to 13 ft.), speed index @is opposite the number respectively. (For more information Set the shutter speed dial to the prop­ for the speed of the film in use. The on selecting the flstop, refer to "Ex­ er synchronization speed for elec­ three thick color-coded lines @ posure Calculator Dial" on page 12.) tronic flash (e.g., s

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

- BASIC OPERATION-continued---------......; 9. Set the lens' aperture ring 10. Set the shooting mode 11. Turn on the power to an approprIate selector Q). supply. f/ number. Turn the ring on the front of the sen­ sor unit until the white index is op­ In the example, £/4 is selected. posite the color corresponding to that of the £/stop selected. (Orange is selected in this example). This sets the flash unit for automatic operation. 8

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

13. Take the picture. 12. Watch the ready-light 14. Turn off the power @. supply. When the shutter is tripped, the flash As soon- as the LED ready-light unit fires and the picture is taken. To conserve battery power between comes on, the flash unit is ready to Soon, the ready-light will light up to shooting sessions, slide the power fire. tell you the flash unit is recycled and switch of the power supply to the ready to fire again. OFF position. 9

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

CONTROLS IN DETAIL- ---------- Nikon FE/FM2IFM Nikon F3/F3 High-Eyepoint/FGI Motor Drive MD-llIMD-12IMD-14 EM/F2, Motor Drive MD-2IMD-3IMD-E , Cordless Battery Pack MB-l IMB-2 Bracket SK-5 @ Bracket Mounting Adapter ® The Speedlight SB-l4's bracket can be attached to various To detach the flash unit for off-camera flash operation, camera and/or motor drive combinations. To change the push the releasellocking wheel @ to the left and while attachment screw from one slot @ to another, slid

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Shutter Speed Dial To get proper synchronization, set the camera's shutter speed dial as shown in the chart below. (For details, refer to your camera's instruction manual. ) Synchronization chart Camera type Shutter speed (sec) I Nikon F31 X ( 180), 1/60 or slower F3 High-Eyepoint NikonFE M90 (/90), 1/125 or slower NikonFM2 X200 ( /200), 11125 or slower Nikon FM, EL2, 11125 or slower Nikkormat FT3 NikonFG* P, A, M90 ( /90) , 1/60 or slower NikonEM* AUTO or M90 ( /90) 1/80 (red l

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------:----- Exposure calculator Dial @ The exposure calculator dial on the back of the SB-14 For Automatic Operation helps you to select the usable range of £/stops for the With the Sensor Unit SU-2 attached to the Speedlight speed of the film in use and the flash-to-subject distance. SB-14, you can shoot on Automatic. Three usable £/stops To set the ASA/ISO film speed, turn the dial until the are indicated by the thick color-coded lines after you set number

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

a subject more than 5.6m (18 ft.) away, the only usable subject up to 4m (13 ft.) away, you can select anyone of flstop is fl4. the three flstops indicated, fl4, fl5.6 or fl8, taking into On the other hand, the thin color-coded lines @ with "W" consideration the recycling time or depth of field you indicate the distance ranges when the wide-flash adapter desire. With the wide-flash adapter attached and a sub­ is used: from 0.6m to 5.6m (2 to 18 ft.), 0.6m to 4m (2 to ject up to 2.8m (9 ft.) a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued-------- For Manual Operation Set the ASAIISO dial and simply read off the flnumber Caution: For monual operation, be sure to set the shoaling made selec/or which appears directly above the flash-to-subject dis- of the Sensor Unit SU-2 affhe "M"posilion. tance; then set this aperture on your lens. For example, with ASAIISO 100 and a subject 2m (approx. 7 ft.) away, the usable flstop is fll6 without Wide-flash adapter, or fill with the wide-flash adapter attache

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Sensor Unit SU-2 8) Note: Although the 5B-14 operotes with maximum light output at the 5 The Sensor Unit SU-2 controls the operation of the SB-14. position, be sure to set the camero's shutter speed dial at slower than the It has five settings to choose from. ordinary synchronization speed. For example, if the camero's synchro­ nization speed is 1/125 sec., set the shutter speed at 1/60 sec. or slower. At the Three Auto Positions To shoot on Auto, lift up and turn the knurled ring on the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued-------- Ready-Light @ Note: Built into the back of the SB-l4's flash head is a ready­ 1) With a subject near the for limit of the usable shooting range, it is light which comes on as soon as the flash unit is recycled recommended to wait a few seconds offer the ready·light comes on and ready to fire. As an additional feature, the ready­ before taking the shot. light blinks if the flash fires at its maximum output indi­ 2) When the batteries are nearly exhauste

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Open-Flash Button ® The red open-flash button is used to fire the flash unit or reset the Sensor Unit SU-2 to a color-coded position manually without having to trip the camera's shutter. In calling for a wider aperture. this manner, you can create multiple-exposure "strobo­ scopic" effects or paint the scene with light by firing the flash repeatedly with the camera set to "B." However, with the SB-14 connected via a sync cord to the camera set at "B," the flash will not go off even when t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued-------- Flash Head 0 The SB-14's movable flash head can be tilted back up Note: When the flash head is tilted up to 120°, rotation is somewhat 0 0 0 restricted; and depending on the amount of rotation, tilt might be re­ to 120 and rotated 120 to the left and 120 to the right; stricted. 0 0 0 0 click-stops are provided at 30 , 60 , 90 and 120 for both tilting and rotating movements. For normal shooting, point the flash head straight ahead. In this position, t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Sync/Multiple Flash Sockets ® Two standard Nikon screw-type terminals are provided on the Speedlight SB-14. Either terminal can be used to connect the SB-14 to the camera, while the other is pro­ vided for connecting the SB-14 with another flash unit in series for multiple flash operation. When using the Nikon Speedlight SB-ll, 12, 14 or 15 as a secondary unit, con­ nect the flash units together using the Sync Cord SC-ll or SC-15. With the SB-lO or SB-7, use the Sync Cord SC- 5, SC-6 or SC

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

-CONTROLS IN DETAIL -continued-------- Wide-Flash Adapter SW -5 CD Note: With Ihe SW·5 aI/ached, Ihe lighl oulpul 01 Ihe flash unil is The angle of illumination of the SB-14 by itself covers the reduced, resulting in a decrease in guide number lrom 32 10 22 (ASA/ISO picture angle of a 28mm wideangle lens. When the wide­ 100 and melers) or 52 10 36 (ASA/ISO 25 and leet). Aulomatic shooling flash adapter is attached onto the front of the flash head, ranges wilh ASA/ISO 100 decrease 10 O.6m 1

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