Manual de instrucciones de Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQC40198

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQC40198

Aparato: Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQC40198
Categoría: Aparato de seguridad
Fabricante: Q-See
Tamaño: 1.74 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/21/2013
Número de páginas: 8
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Accessing the DVR from a Computer Attached to the Same Router:

If you are only going to access the DVR from a computer that is attached to the same router as the DVR
you only need to setup the information in the NETWORK settings using either the DHCP option or
assigning a static IP following the instructions below. Since you are just going from one location to
another on the same network port forwarding and knowing

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 Picture 3 Picture 4 For the DVRs IP address you would enter the same first 3 sets of numbers as the gateway and select a fourth set of numbers that is different then any other device attached to the same router. If the IP address of your computer in the ipconfig (BLUE arrow in Picture 3) was a single or two digit number you should be ok with any three digit number, if the computer IP address ends with a numbe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 DDNS option in the Advanced Settings (Red box in Picture 7) which will display the window in Picture 8. Here you can select the service you are using from the drop down menu and enter the domain name you registered with the domain name service and the user name and password you set up. You will then be able to access the DVR remotely by entering the domain name into a browser window on a remote computer.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 Picture 11 TO ACCESS THE DVR THROUGH INTERNET EXPLORER: Once you have setup the network settings on the DVR to match the settings of your router and forwarded the ports needed by the DVR (for remote access over the internet), you need to modify your browser controls. You need to allow Pop-ups. To do so go to the Internet Explorer tool bar and select the "tools" option (RED box in Picture 12), then select the "

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 Picture 13 Picture 14 To connect to the DVR from the remote computer you would then open an Internet Explorer browser window and enter the internet IP of your router that you got by going to Notice: If you cannot use HTTP port 80 because it is being used by another program, or it is being blocked by your service provider, you can use another port in the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 If you get a error message that says the program cannot load because the publisher is unknown or the program is unsigned, go to internet explorer, tools, internet options (refer to Picture 9), then go to the “Advanced” tab (RED box in Picture 12), this will open the window in Picture 13, scroll down to “Security”, and select the options to “Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid”, and “Allow

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198  Section 2: Here are channel number and three function buttons: Start dialog, Local play, and Refresh.  Section 3: Here you have PTZ controls (Manual Chapter 7.2.2), Color (Manual Chapter 7.2.3) button and you can also select picture path and record path (Manual Chapter 7.2.4).  Section 4: Real-time monitoring windows. Please note current preview window is surrounded by a green rectangular border.  Section 5: H

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

SETTING UP REMOTE ACCESS FOR Q-SEE DVR SYSTEMS MODEL NUMBER: QC40198 Questions or Comments? Contact Us: Mailing Address: Customer Service: DPS Inc. Phone: 877-998-3440 x 538 8015 E. Crystal Dr. Email: Anaheim, CA 92807 Live Chat from our Website: Tech Support: Phone: 877-998-3440 x 539 Fax: Email: 714-998-3509 Live Chat from our R RE EV V 0 03 32 29 91 10 0 8 | P ag e

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