Manual de instrucciones de Grandstream Networks HT503

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Grandstream Networks HT503

Aparato: Grandstream Networks HT503
Categoría: Aparato de seguridad
Fabricante: Grandstream Networks
Tamaño: 0.74 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/26/2014
Número de páginas: 14
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Surveillance Solution – How To Do It?

Grandstream has a full series of products for VoIP, Video and Surveillance. This article explains how to
configure a surveillance solution for residential users or small enterprise users.
The main purpose of such application is to ENHANCE your alarm system, avoid the unnecessary false alarm
which could be expensive because of law enforcement involved (just two or three such false alarm will cover
the cost of the whole equipment investment). Also in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Configuration The solution is based on IP or computer network, therefore static IP is suggested. If the router used support static DHCP, then DHCP can also be used as long as the IP will NOT change after the router and device reboot. Assume the user already has a home computer network or LAN in the office and no SIP server or proxy involved in such solution. If any SIP server or Proxy involved, the setting will be different although the principle is similar. Following is the configurati

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

1. HT-503 Scenario The HT503 is the key device here to connect the IP to PSTN world. The motion trigged alarm from surveillance camera is converted to a call sent out via HT503 to the user desired PSTN number, like cell phone. User will hear siren when receiving the call. If email is configured in the surveillance device, a snapshot JPEG image will be sent to user configured email address. User can immediately check back to see whether this is a true alarm by taking following actio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Figure 1-2: HT503 IP Configuration Below (Figure 1-3) is the alarm call related configuration:  Unconditional Call Forward to PSTN: This is the place to fill in the number alarm call should be sent to (usually cell phone number). Fill in with exactly the same digits when dialing with that line using analogue phone, including dial prefix, area code, etc, in required by the PSTN carrier.  PIN for PSTN-to-VoIP Calls: This is optional, if user want to call back and having speaker

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Figure 1-4: HT503 FXO Port Configuration Below (Figure 1-4) is the FXO Port related configuration. Please configure only the mentioned parameters and do not change and leave all other parameters as default:  Account Active: Yes  SIP User ID: Use any digits you want. HT503 just need some digits here to send to surveillance box therefore you can put ANY digits here. Here “110” is used as example.  SIP Registration: NO This is very important as there is NO SIP Server involved

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Figure 1-5: HT503 FXO Port Configuration (Continued) Below (Figure 1-5) is the FXO Port related configuration continued. The example below is using United States Bell Standard. If the HT503 is applied to other region, user is required to check with local carrier to search for the correct setting to make sure the HT503 function correctly.  Number of Rings: This is for inbound calls (e.g.: from cell phone) to the PSTN connected to the HT503 be forwarded to the surveillance device wher

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Figure 1-6: HT503 FXS Port Configuration (Optional) Below (Figure 1-6) is the optional FXS Port related configuration. The user can connect an analogue phone to the FXS port of the HT503, and use that phone (by dialing ANY digits followed by “#’ key) to call and monitor the audio near the surveillance device installed. If user has Grandstream video phone (like GXV3140 or GXV3000), user can configure the video phone using settings similar to this HT503 FXS Port to make the related GS v

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

2. Surveillance Device Scenario (GXV3XXX IPC or DVS) As mentioned previously, static IP is required in such application unless the router support static DHCP. This will prevent IP address change once the router or the device rebooted; also if port forwarding will work correctly only if the IP address is fixed or static. Below (Figure 2-1) is the screenshot showing user how to configure the IP address to the Grandstream IP Surveillance products. Here we use GXV3615 as example and the I

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Figure 2-2: SIP Configuration of Surveillance Products Figure 2-3: SIP Configuration of Surveillance Products The “Phone List” is the place to fill real phone number if the Surveillance products have the related SIP server and registered. In this application, there is NO SIP server and only IP Peer Call solution, therefore any digits should be fine here as space taker to make it work. 9

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Below (Figure 2-4, 2-5) is the screenshot of how to configure the Motion Detection of the Grandstream Surveillance product to work as desired: NOTE: 1) Configure the “region” where monitor required. (Detailed steps please refer to related User Manual) 2) “Voice Alarm to SIP Phone” should be checked to allow outbound calls trigged by alarm. (Additional configuration required in SIP part, see also Figure 2-2 and 2-3). 3) “Email JPEG” checked only user want to receive emailed snapshot t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Figure 2-5: Motion Detection Configuration If user wants to receive the email with JPEG snapshot attached showing the moment alarm trigged, the correct SMTP setting should be configured in the Surveillance products. Below is the example showing the configuration. In this example, Google’s free Gmail setting is used. Customer can adjust this based on the actual email server setting. Please consult with your network system administration for this par if using corporate email. Once

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Figure 2-6: SMTP Setting 12

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Verification Once the alarm trigged, the user will get calls from this setup. Alarm will be trigged by Surveillance camera and calls will be made by the HT503 using the PSTN line connected to the “Line” Port. The receiver will hear a siren mentioning “something unusual happening in the monitored area”. User can take several ways to verify what is happening “REALLY” in the monitored area: 1) Check the email and see the attached snapshot if SMTP is configured. (Search the JUNK mail folde

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

 Figure 3-2 below is screenshot of how the snapshot looks like. This is best for user owing Smartphone but with limited data service. User just need to bookmark the URL or IP and whenever alarm call received, user can just open the browser to check the bookmarked page to see the snapshot of that surveillance device, if the router with correct Port Forwarding configured. Therefore the user only is charged by the Mobile Carrier for the data where the snapshot frame viewed. The format of th

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