Manual de instrucciones de Sennheiser FT-902S35

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Sennheiser FT-902S35

Aparato: Sennheiser FT-902S35
Categoría: Radio satélite
Fabricante: Sennheiser
Tamaño: 2.63 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/14/2014
Número de páginas: 40
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

CONTENTS 1 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW 1.1 Computer Control 1.2 Diversity ® 1.3 HIDYN plus noise reduction system 1.4 Block diagrams 2 POSSIBLE TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER COMBINATIONS ® ® 2.1 EM 203 receiver/SK 2012 TV(HiDyn plus ) and SKM 4031 HiDyn plus ® 2.2 EM 203 receiver/SK 50/250 UHF and SKM 5000 (HiDyn plus ) 2.3 EM 203 receiver/SER 20 transceivers 3 PUTTING THE EM 203 TO WORK 3.1 Mains connection 3.2 Antenna connection 3.3 AF connection 3.4 Start-up procedure/operating indicators 4 AVAILABLE MODULES 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Introduction The wireless Mikroport multi-channel sound transmission system EM 1046 is a transmitter/receiver system in a modular design. It offers comfortable handling and can be relied on for dependable service. • 3-channel diversity receiver EM 203 with microprocessor-controlled receiver modules • Ultimate flexibility in the selection of transmitter and receiver frequencies thanks to easy-to-replace PROMs and EEPROMs. The present manual shall help you to get acquainted with the EM 203 receive

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Technical overview 1 Computer control 1.1 Diversity 1.2 ® HiDyn plus noise reduction 1.3 Block diagrams 1.4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Computer control 1.1 Every single EM 1046 RX receiver module has an in-built micro- processor for the RF section, the operating elements and all indicators. It serves to control the following components or parameters: • phase locked loop (PLL) synthesizer • function of keys • 8 digit LED display • two LED bargraph displays • true diversity • monitoring • squelch threshold • description fields • stand-by • storage of all receiver parameters (e. g. receiver frequencies) in a permanent memory Durin

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Diversity 1.2 Control signal Control signal Automatic electronic switching Receiver 1 Receiver 2 of audible frequency signal Steuersignal Every EM 1046 RX receiver module operates on true diversity. An antenna splitter, integrated into the chassis, serves to route the antenna signals from both antennas to the three receiver modules. The receiving antenna not only receives direct electromagnetic waves, but also reflections from walls, windows, ceilings and other installations, which results in th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

DYNAMICS OF THE AF INPUT SIGNAL ® HiDyn plus 1.3 DYNAMICS OF THE AUDIO SIGNAL IN THE RF-SIGNAL (MAX 60 DB) COMPRESSION AT EXPANSION AT THE THE TRANSMITTER RECEIVER ® ® HIDYN plus HIDYN plus SYSTEM NOISE PLUS MODULATION/DEMODULATION NOISE IN THE TRANSMITTER PATH ® »HIDYN plus « NOISE REDUCTION SYSTEM ® The »HIDYN plus « noise reduction system serves to reduce the effects of RF interference fields. It increases the signal-to-noise ratio and gets close to about 110 dB for peak modulation. ® »HI

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

1.4 Block diagram EM 203

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Possible transmitter/ 2 receiver combinations EM 203 receiver/ 2.1 ® SK 2012 TV (HiDyn plus ) ® and SKM 4031 TV-HiDyn plus Transmitters EM 203 receiver/ 2.2 SK 50/250 UHF ® and SKM 5000 (HiDyn plus ) Transmitters EM 203 RECEIVER/ 2.3 SER 20 TRANSCEIVER

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

2.1 EM 203 receiver/ ® SK 2012 TV (HiDyn plus ) ® and SKM 4031 TV-HiDyn plus MKE 2-2 R MKE 10-2 R MKE 102-2 R NOTA BENE SK 2012 body-pack transmitters can be ® retrofitted (change from HIDYN to HIDYN ® plus ) to make them suitable for use with EM 1046 receivers. ® SK 2012 TV (HiDyn plus ) To this purpose please send the transmitters to be retrofitted to Sennheiser's Service Depart- ment, 30900 Wedemark. Attention: After the transmitters have been retrofitted, they are no longer compatible with ®

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

EM 1046/ 2.2 SK 50 UHF / SK 250 UHF and SKM 5000 SKM 5000 MKE 2-4 MKE 102-4 MKE 10-4 SK 50 UHF / SK 250 UHF 2 GZA 1036 TV 450 - 800 MHz or 2 GZA 1036-9 140 -960 MHz AB 1036 TV EM 203 receiver

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

EM 203 receiver/ 2.3 SER 20 transceiver Retrofitted SER 20 transceivers (change from © © HIDYN to HIDYN plus ) can be used in SER 20 transceiver conjunction with EM 203 receivers. © with HiDyn plus Refer retrofitting to Sennheiser distributors or Sennheiser's Service Department, 30900 Wedemark, Germany. At the time that the present brochure went to print the retrofit kit for the SER 20 transceiver was already under development. Please contact your Sennheiser distributor for further information o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Putting the EM 203 receiver 3 to work Mains connection 3.1 Antenna connection 3.2 AF connection 3.3 Start-up procedure/ operating indicators 3.4 DISPLAY (RX) MANIPULATION FUNCTION EM 203, Publ. 10/94 engl 13

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Mains connection 3.1 Power is supplied by a plug-in power supply unit. The power module is available as a 110, 230 or 240 V AC model. The unit can easily be adapted to changing power requirements by replacing the power module. Connection of the plug-in power supply unit is via socket P at the back panel of the EM 203. P Antenna connection 3.2 The two antennas needed for diversity operation (see ch. 1.2) connect to sockets ANTENNA A and B on the EM 302RI module SOCKET (N-type sockets). A The AB 1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Start-up procedure/ 3.4 Operating indications POWER + 12 V - 12 V + 5 V DC - A DC - B OL - A OL- B REMOTE + 20 dB + 20 dBu DISPLAY (RX) MANIPULATION FUNCTION This is how the channel module indicates that Switch on the receiver: it is ready for operation (after power-up). The three LED indicators for the operating voltages light up (see ch. 4.2.1). The display changes after about 5 seconds It shows the frequency on which the mdoule is operating or the name of the user, e. g. "THE CAT": NOTA BE

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Available modules 4 EM 1046 RX 4.1 receiver module Monitor 4.2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

EM 1046 RX receiver module 4.1 Adjustment 4.1.1 Receiver frequencies 4.1.2 Squelch 4.1.3 Selection 4.1.4 RF Signal level/deviation/ battery condition Display 4.1.5 Text/frequency/battery condition Entry of brief texts 4.1.6 System configurations and specifications 4.1.7 Remote monitoring 4.1.8 Of transmitter battery Monitoring of audio signals 4.1.9 Stand-by 4.1.10

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Adjustment 4.1.1 DIVERSITY MENU AB Y N SET ESC DISPLAY (RX) MANIPULATION FUNCTION Depress an arbitrary menu key on the The receiver switches to the menu mode. It is EM 1046 RX receiver module: now ready for data entry. Y Receiver operation remains unaffected. or: N The receiver is not set to the new parameters or: unless the new data are stored! SET or: ESC Different functions can be selected from the Selection of receiver frequencies menu by depressing the following keys: Please see chapter 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Receiver frequencies 4.1.2 DIVERSITY MENU AB Y N SET ESC DISPLAY (RX) MANIPULATION FUNCTION Chose option "RX-Freq." (chapter 4.1.1). Depress SET to allow the receiver frequencies to be selected. The "M" on the display starts blinking. The EM 1046 RX receiver module can be configured as follows: • operation on max. 32 switchable frequencies or • variable adjustment of receiver frequencies (5 kHz grid) within 16 frequency ranges The frequencies or frequency ranges selected must fall within the s

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