Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Anti-Tip Bracket 3,5 Problem Solver 18
Appliance Registration 2 Repair Service
Care and Cleaning 14-17 Safety Instructions 2-5
Control Panel 14 Surface Cooking 7
6 Air Adjustment 8
Flooring under the Range 5 Burners, Burner Grates 14, 15
Leveling 5 Control Settings
Lift-Up/Off Cooktop 14 Cookware Tips 8
Flame Size ‘7
Model and Serial Numbers 2
8,9 Lighting Instructions 7
Air Adjustment 9 Warranty Back Cover
10, 11
Baking, Baking Guide
Broiling, Broiling Guide 13
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Readtwfi bookcarefully. Itisintendedtohelpyouoperate andmaintainyournewrange p~.operly. Keepit handyforanswerstoyour questions. momm If youdon’tunderstandsomething smm ~ma or needmorehelp,write(include yourphonenumber): The~aEfO~nia safe Drintig ConsumerAffairs Water andToxic Edorcimcnt GEAppliances Actrequires theGovernor of AppliancePark . ‘California topublish alistof Louisville,KY40225 Subsmnces boyn totie Sbii tocauseemcer,and requhes write down the model busi~esses tomm CUStO~~rS and seria
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— s IfyOUr range haselectric * Don’t aliow anyone toclimb, @Never useyourappliance for — warming orheating theroom. standorhangonthedoor9 ignition, plugitintoaUO-volt broiler compartment orrange Prolonged useoftherange grounded outlet only.Donot without adquateventilation top.Theycoulddamage therange remove theround grounding prong canbehazardous. andeventipitovercausing severe fromtheplug.Ifindoubtabout personal injury. thegrounding ofthehome electrical * Donotusewater ongrease system, itisyour
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wommT smETY msTRucTIoNs (cQ~tinu~d) @If ~ com~i~~~i~~ of~i]s~~ ~IfyousrneU gas,andyouhave * useonly dry ~t holders—” moistordamppotholders onhot fa~wiU beusedinfrying, stir already madesurepilotsarelit, turnoffthegastotherangeand surfaces mayresultinbumsfrom together before heating, orasfats “ steam.Donotletpotholders , meltslowly. callaqualified service tahnician. comenearopenflames when Never useanopenflametolocate ~Use deep fatthermometer aleak. Iifiing utensils. Donotuseatowel whenever possi
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mooriw under — MlotSystem theRange — Yourgasrangeisequippedwith Yourrange, likeso many other eithera StandingPilotor Electric householditems,isheavyand PilotIgnitionSystem. can settleinto softfloor coverings such as cushionedvinyl.When ModeIJGAS02PK movingtherangeon thistypeof StandingPilotSystemhasa flooring,usecare. continuousflameburningat alltimes. Do not installthe range over kitchencarpeting unlessyou ModelJGM02EK placeaninsulatingpador sheetof ElectricPilotIgnitionSystemuses l/4-inch-thic
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
Featuresof YourRa~e I I I II Y/ Ill> Model JGAS02EK Elwtric Igfition ModeI JGAS02PK Stantig mot Explained Explained Feature Index on page Feature Index on page 1 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 6 OvenShelves 9, 15 (inburner boxundercooktop) (easilyremovedor repositioned on shelfsupports) I 2 SurfaceBurnerControls 7 7 OvenShelfSupports 9 I 3 SurfaceBurnersand Grates I 14,15,17 I 8 BroilerPanandRack 13,15,17 I 4 OVENTEMP Knob 9 9 Lift-Up/OffCooktop 14 5 OvenVent 9 (located in center of rear of range) 10Re
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
surface Cooting HowtQSelectFlameSk Lighti~ Imtructions SurfaceBurnerControk - The flamesizeona gasburner — ~- Standing Pilot Model Theknobsthatturn thesurface shouldmatchthecookwareyou ❑= JGAS02PK burnerson and offarelocatedon — thecontrolpanelonthefrontof areusing. ~ - Thesurfaceburnersonyourrange the range. havestandingsurfaceburnerpilots —. Thetwoon theleftcontroltheleft thatmustbe lit initially.Tolight frontandlefirear burners.Thetwo them: ontherightcontroltherightfront 1. Besuresurfaceburne
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
usi~ Youroven To~-of-Ra~eCookware AirAdjwtment Aluminum: Medium-weight Standing Pilot Model Anair adjustmentshutterforeach cookwareis recommended because JGAS02PK surfaceburnerregulatestheflowof it heatsquicklyandevenly.Most air totheflame. Yourovenburnerhasa standing foodsbrownevenlyin analuminum pilotportthatmustbe lit initially. When the right amount of air skillet.Mineralsin foodandwater Tolightit: flowsinto the burner, the flame willstainbutwillnotharm willbe steady,relativelyquietand 1. Be
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
AirAdjtiment OvenShelves EieetricIgnition Model Anairadjustment shutterforthe JG.N02EK ovenburnerregulates theflowofair totheflame.You’ll findtheshutter Theovenburneronthisrangeis — againstthebackwallbehindthe lightedbyelectricignition.The — broilerdrawer.Toreachit, remove _ -- ovenandbroilercannotbeoperated — —- theovenbottom(page16)andthe intheeventofa powerfailure. - ~ burnerbaffle. Tolightthe ovenburner, turnthe —. OVENTEMPknobto thedesired —— temperature.Theburnershould Theshelvesaredesigne
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
turningontheoven,leavetheoven cAm HowtoSet YourRange doorajarfora fewminutesoruntil Cakeriseshigher ononeside for Baking theoveniswarm. ~Batterspreadunevenly inpan. 1. Positiontheshelfor shelvesin ~Rangenotlevel. . Donotopentheovendoorduring theoven. *Usingwarpedpans. abakingoperation—heat willbelost ~Incorrectpansize. andthebakingtimemightneedto 2. Closeovendoor,turn OVEN beextended.Thiscouldcausepoor TEMPknobtodesiredtemperature Cakescracking ontop bakingresults.Ifyoumustopenthe andpreheatoven
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
Bating Guide 2. Alumrnumpansconductheat 3. Darkor non-shinyfinishes,also 1. Preheating is veryimportant ~ when using temperatures below quickly,For mostconventional glassandPyroceram@ cookware, 225°F.and when baking foods baking,light, shinyfinishesgive generallyabsorbheatwhichmay such as biscui~, cookies,cakes bestresultsbecausetheyhelp resultindry,crispcrusts.Reduce preventoverbrowning. Forbest ovenheat25°F.if lightercrustsare and other pastries. Preheatthe ovenforat least 15minutes. browningr
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
Roasting Roastingis cookingbydryheat. Step2: Checkweightofroast. Step 4: Mostmeatscontinueto Tendermeator poultrycanbe Placemeatfat-side-upor poultry cookslightlywhilestandingafter roasteduncoveredinyouroven. breast-side-uponroastingrackin a beingremovedfromtheoven.For Roastingtemperatures,which shallowpan. Themeltingfatwill rare or mediuminternaldoneness, shouldbe lowandsteady,keep bastethemeat. Selecta panas youmaywishtoremovemeatfrom spatteringto a minimum.When closetothesizeofmeataspossible.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
Broili~ Broilingiscookingfoodbydirect heatfromabovethe food.Your e Steaksand chopsshouldbe at e Usetongsto turn meat over— rangehasa convenient compartment piercedmeatlosesjuices. least l-inch thick forbestbroiling belowtheovenforbroiling.It also results.Panbroilthinnerones. hasa speciallydesignedbroilerpan andrackthatallowdrippingfatto drainawayfromthefoodsandbe Broil@ Guide keptawayfromthehighheatof —- thegasflame. Quantity 1st Side tndSide Distancefromthe heatsourcemay andlor Broil Time, Time
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Propercareandcleaningare Lift-up/off cooktop importantso yourrangewillgive It’sa goodideato wipethecontrol Cleantheareaunderthecooktop youefficientandsatisfactory panelcleanafiereachuseofthe ofien.Built-upsoil, especially service.Followthesedirections oven.Foramorethoroughcleaning, grease,maycatchfire. carefullyin caringfor it to help theknobscanberemovedby assuresafeandpropermaintenance. pullingthemofftheknobstems. W YOURWGE HAS Cleanwithmildsoapandwater, ELECTWC IGNITION, BE rinsewithcleanwate
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
oven shelves Porcelain OvenIntirior Theholesin theburnersofyour Ovenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith Withpropercare,theporcelain rangemustbe keptcleanat all a mildabrasivecleanserfollowing enamelinteriorwillretainitsgood- timesforproperignitionandan manufacturer’s directions.Afier -looking finishformanyyears. even,unhamperedflame. cleaning, rinsetheshelves withclean Soapandwaterwillnormally wateranddry witha dry cloth.To Youshouldcleantheburners dothejob. Heavyspatteringor removeheavy,burned-on soil,soa
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
Removable OvenBottom Toprotecttheovenbottomsurface, Pulltheknoboffthecontrolshaft placeapiece ofaluminumfoil andlookat thebackside.Thereis Theovenbottomcanbe removedto slightlylargerthanthebakingdish a discin thecenteroftheknobskirt makecleaningeasier. or a smallcookiesheeton a lower witha seriesofmarksoppositea shelfor underthebakingdishto pointer. catchanyboilovers.It shouldnot completelycovertheshelfas this Notec)osition of wouldcauseunevenheatinthe pointertomarks beforeadjustment oven.Alumin
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
cleaning Guide ~ Note:Let range/oven partscoolbeforetouchingor handling. MATERIALS ~ USE GENERAL DIREC1’IONS PART ~. Drainfat,coolpanandrackslightly.(Donotletsoiledpanandrackstandinbroiler BroilerPanandRack ● SoapandWater —— ● Soap-Filled ScouringPad compartment tocool.)SprinMe detergentonrackandpan.Fillthepanwithwarmwater —. andspreadclothor papertowelovertherack.Letpanandrackstandfora fewminutes. — s Commercial OvenCleaner - Wash;scourif necessary.Rinseanddry.OPTION:Thebroilerpanandrackmayalso
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
—. ~—. Questiom? UseThkRoblem Solver ~ PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEAND/ORWHATTODO Eyouneedmore help.. call, toll free: GE Answer Center” 800.626.2000 conswner information service --- 18
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
IfYouNeed Sertice Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty onthebackpageofthisbook. We’reproudofour serviceand wantyouto be pleased.If forsome reasonyouarenothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,hereare three stepsto followforfurtherhelp. FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain —. whyyouare notpleased.Inmost - - cases,thiswillsolvetheproblem. - NEXT,if youare stillnotpleased, m!- writeallthedetails-including — - yourphonenumber—to: ~ —. - Manager,ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Lou
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
.-. ..-.-— .. —— YOURGENERALELE~RIC RANGE WARRAN~ Saveproofoforiginalpurchasedatesuchasyoursalessliporcancelledchecktoestablishwarrantyperiod. FULLONE-YEAR WARRANTY Thiswarrantyis extendedto WHAT ISCOVERED theoriginalpurchaserandany Foroneyearfromdateof original succeedingownerforproducts purchase,wewill provide,freeof purchasedforordinaryhomeuse charge,partsandservicelabor inthe48mainlandstates,Hawaii inyourhometo repairor replace andWashington,D.C.InAlaskathe anypafi oftherangethatfails warran