Manual de instrucciones de Panasonic PT-F100

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Panasonic PT-F100

Aparato: Panasonic PT-F100
Categoría: Proyector
Fabricante: Panasonic
Tamaño: 0.22 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/6/2013
Número de páginas: 16
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Panasonic Projector RS-232C Control Specifications

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Using the Serial Terminals 1. Basic Format Transmission from the computer begins with STX, then the command, parameter and ETX are sent in this order. Add parameters according to the details of control. Basic control command (without parameter) Start Command End (STX) (ETX) 1 byte 3 bytes 1 byte Basic control command (with parameters) Start Command Separator Parameters End (STX) (colon) (ETX) 1 byte 3 bytes 1 byte Undefined length 1 byte Response (Callback) of the basic contr

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

2. Basic Control Command Explanatory notes Yes: Enable No: Disable 2.1. Power ON (Lamp ON) Hexadecimal 02h 50h 4Fh 4Eh 03h Character P O N Respone (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted (This command in power-on condition is included) Hexadecimal 02h 50h 4Fh 4Eh 03h Character P O N Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes) Note: • When you confirm whether to have succeeded in power-on, confirm it by QPW (Query Power) com

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

2.5. FREEZE key Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 46h 5Ah 3Ah *1 03h Character O F Z : *2 Parameters (*1, *2) Freeze OFF Freeze ON Hexadecimal 30h 31h Character 0 1 Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 46h 5Ah 3Ah *1 03h Character O F Z : *2 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE No No No No Yes 2.6. Input Change Hexadecimal 02h 49h 49h 53h 3Ah *1 *3 *5 03h Character I I S : *2 *4 *6 Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5,

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

2.10. Down ( ) key Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 44h 03h Character O C D Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 44h 03h Character O C D Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No Yes No Yes 2.11. Left ( ) key Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 4Ch 03h Character O C L Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 4Ch 03h Character O C L Acceptability SECURITY STAND

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

2.16. INDEX WINDOW key Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 49h 58h 03h Character O I X Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 49h 58h 03h Character O I X Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE No No No No Yes Notes: • It is invalid during SIDE BY SIDE with the PT-FW100NT. 2.17. DIGITAL ZOOM + key Hexadecimal 02h 44h 5Ah 55h 03h Character D Z U Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecima

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

2.20. Audio Volume Level Hexadecimal 02h 41h 56h 4Ch 3Ah *1 *3 *5 03h Character A V L : *2 *4 *6 Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6) 0 1 2 Hexadecimal 30h 30h 30h 30h 30h 31h 30h 30h 32h Character 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 61 62 63 Hexadecimal 30h 36h 31h 30h 36h 32h 30h 36h 33h Character 0 6 1 0 6 2 0 6 3 Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 41h 56h 4Ch 3Ah *1 *3 *5 03h Character A V L : *2 *4 *6 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGN

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Character Q P W Response (Callback) OFF Hexadecimal 02h 30h 30h 31h 03h Character 0 0 0 ON Hexadecimal 02h 30h 30h 31h 03h Character 0 0 1 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.24. Query Lamp Status Hexadecimal 02h 51h 24h 53h 03h Character Q $ S Response (Callback) Lamp OFF Hexadecimal 02h 30h 03h Character 0 In turning ON Hexadecimal 02h 31h 03h Character 1 Lamp ON Hexadecimal 02h 32h 03h Character 2 In turning O

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

2.26. Query Audio Volume Level Hexadecimal 02h 51h 41h 56h 03h Character Q A V In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 *5 03h Character *2 *4 *6 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No Yes Yes Yes Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6) 0 1 2 Hexadecimal 30h 30h 30h 30h 30h 31h 30h 30h 32h Character 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 61 62 63 Hexadecimal 30h 36h 31h 30h 36h 32h 30h 36h 33h Character 0 6 1 0 6 2 0 6 3 2.27. Query Color Hexa

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

2.30. Query Contrast Hexadecimal 02h 51h 56h 52h 03h Character Q V R Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 *5 03h Character *2 *4 *6 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No No Yes Yes Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6) −32 −31 −30 Hexadecimal 2Dh 33h 32h 2Dh 33h 31h 2Dh 33h 30h Character − 3 2 − 3 1 − 3 0 30 31 32 Hexadecimal 30h 33h 30h 30h 33h 31h 30h 33h 32h Character 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 2 2.31.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

2.34. Query White Balance - B Hexadecimal 02h 51h 57h 42h 03h Character Q W B Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 *5 03h Character *2 *4 *6 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No No Yes Yes Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6) −32 −31 −30 Hexadecimal 2Dh 33h 32h 2Dh 33h 31h 2Dh 33h 30h Character − 3 2 − 3 1 − 3 0 30 31 32 Hexadecimal 30h 33h 30h 30h 33h 31h 30h 33h 32h Character 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

2.37. Query Clock Phase Hexadecimal 02h 51h 43h 50h 03h Character Q C P Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 *5 03h Character *2 *4 *6 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No No Yes Yes Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6) −16 −15 −14 Hexadecimal 2Dh 31h 36h 2Dh 31h 36h 2Dh 31h 36h Character − 1 6 − 1 6 − 1 4 14 15 16 Hexadecimal 30h 31h 34h 30h 31h 35h 30h 31h 36h Character 0 1 4 0 1 5 0 1 6 Note

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

2.40. Query Color Temperature Hexadecimal 02h 51h 54h 45h 03h Character Q T E Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 03h Character *2 *4 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes No No Yes Yes Parameters (*1, *2, *3, *4) LOW STANDARD HIGH Hexadecimal 30h 31h 32h Character 0 1 2 2.41. Query Keystone Hexadecimal 02h 51h 4Bh 53h 03h Character Q K S Response (Callback) In the period when the command can

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Character Q S P Response (Callback) FRONT-F Hexadecimal 02h 30h 03h Character 0 REAR-F Hexadecimal 02h 31h 03h Character 1 FRONT-C Hexadecimal 02h 32h 03h Character 2 REAR-C Hexadecimal 02h 33h 03h Character 3 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.45. Query Display Language Hexadecimal 02h 51h 4Ch 47h 03h Character Q L G Response (Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h *1 *3 *5 03h Ch

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

2.47. Query Date Hexadecimal 02h 51h 47h 44h 03h Character Q G D Response (Callback) Hexadecimal 02h *y1 *y2 *y3 *y4 *m1 *m2 *d1 *D2 *w 03h Character Parameters *y1—*y4: Year (4 digits) *m1, *m2: Month (2 digits) *d1, *d2: Day (2 digits) *w: Day of the week (Mon = 1, Tue = 2, Wed = 3, Thu = 4, Fri = 5, Sat = 6, Sun = 7) Set it by UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Example: Saturday, April 21, 2007 *y1 *y2 *y3 *y4 *m1 *m2 *d1 *D2 *w Hexadecimal 32h 30h 30h 37h 30h 34h

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

2.51. Closed Caption (for FW100NTU/F100NTU/F100U only) Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 43h 3Ah *1 03h Character O C C : *2 Parameters(*1, *2) OFF CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 Hexadecimal 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h Character 0 1 2 3 4 Response(Callback) In the period when the command can be accepted Hexadecimal 02h 4Fh 43h 43h 3A *1 03h Character O C C : *2 Acceptability SECURITY STANDBY NO SIGNAL SHUTTER REMOTE No No No No Yes Notes: It is invalid during SIDE BY SIDE, FREEZE, INDEX WINDOW, and DIGI

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