Manual de instrucciones de Star Micronics LC-20

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Star Micronics LC-20

Aparato: Star Micronics LC-20
Categoría: Impresora
Fabricante: Star Micronics
Tamaño: 4.08 MB
Fecha de añadido: 9/11/2013
Número de páginas: 130
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Trademark Acknowledgements LC-20, NX-1OOO, LC.1O, ND.10/15: StarMicronicsCo., Lid. IBM PC, PC-AT, PC-XT, Proprinter III, ProprhrterII, PC.DOS: International BusinessMachines Corp. Microaoft BASIC, MS-DOS: MicrosoftCorporation LX.85Q FX86q Fx286e: seikO @sOn Corp. NOTICE ● All rights reserved. Reproduction of aoy partof this manual in any form whatsoeverwithout . . . %~~~~?~%~~%;~;~~;% ckgewitiattim. ● All effortshave been madeto ensurethe accuracyof the contentsof this manrral at the time of pre

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Thismanualis organizedintoninechapters.Tolearnhowto makethebest use of yourprinteryou areurgedto readthroughchapten 1through3.The remainingchaptersmay be treatedas a referenceguide for programming operations, etc. It assumes a degree of knowledgeof the operation of computexx (forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptexxare as follows: Chapter 1— Settingup the printer Thischapterexplainshowto getthe printerunpackedandsetup. Readthis chapterbeforeyou d

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Chapter 6— MS-DOSand yourprinter Since the PC or PC-AT family of computemrunningunder MS-DOS is curnmtlythe most popularconfigurationof microcomputer,we have in- cludeda fewhintsandtips to helpyouuse yourprinterwithsuchsystems. SincevirtuallyallPCsaresoldwithaMicrosoftBASICinterpreter,wehave also included some hints, and a sample program in this language to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer. Chapter 7 — Troubleshootingand maintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprinter

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

FEATURES OF THE PRINTER Thisprinterisaconvenient,monochrome printerwithoutfiillsbutwithafull complementof features, making it an excellent partner for a personal computer.It supportstheIBM/Epsonprintercommandsandcharactersets, enablingittoprintjust aboutanythingyourcomputercangenerate,bothtext and graphics.Someof its main featuresare the following: . ExtensivesoftwareSupport Sinceit is compatiblewith the Epsonand IBMprinters,it workswith any softwarethat supportsthoseprintem.That includesmost wo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER 1 Locating thePrinter 2 Unpacking andInspection 2 Checkthecartoncontents 3 Partsnameoftheprinter 4 Setting Up 4 Mount the platen knob 4 Install the ribbon cartridge 7 Comection 8 Loading Single Sheets 8 Automatic loading 10 Manual loading 11 Loading and Parking Fanfold Forms 11 Loading the paper 14 Paper parking 14 Paper unparking 15 Adjusting the Printing Gap 17 Chapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS 17 Buttons andIndicators 18 ONLINEbutton 19 PA

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

29 Chapter 3 DIP SWITCH SETTINGS 29 Location oftheDIPSwitches 30 Functions oftheDIPSwitches 33 Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS 34 FontControl Commands 39 Character SetCommands 41 Character SizeandPitchCommands 47 Vertical Position Commands 53 Horizontal Position Commands 58 Graphics Commands 61 Download Character Commands 65 OtherPrinterControl Commands 69 Chapter 5 DOWNLOAD CHARACTERS 69 Designing YourOwnDraftCharacters 70 Defining theattribute data 72 Assigning thechamcter data 72 Sample pr

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

. Chapter 8 SPECIFICATIONS 99 Chapter 9 CHARACTER SETS 103 Standard Character Set 104 International Character Sets 106 IBMCharacter Set #2 107 IBMCharacter Set#1 109 IBM Special Character Set 110 INDEX 113 COMMAND SUMMARY 116

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER Subjects covered in Chapter 1 include — ● Locatingthe printer ● Unpackingand inspection(namesof parts) ✎ Settingup and connection ✎ Loadingsinglesheets ● Loadingandparkingfanfoldforms ✘ Adjustingthe printinggap LOCATING THE PRINTER Beforeyou startunpackingandsettingup yourprinter,make surethat you havea suitableplaceon whichto locateit. By“a suitableplace”,wemean: . A firm, levelsurfacewhichis fairlyvibration-free ● Away fromexcessiveheat (such as directsunlight,

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

I UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Checkthe cartoncontents Nowunpackthecontentsof theshippingcarton,andcheckeachitemin the boxagainstFigwe 1-1to makesurethatyouhaveeverything(thereshould be five items). If anyof theseitems aremissing,contactyoursupplier. Figure 1-1.Check to make sure you have all five items: 1) Printer, 2) Paper guide, 3) Platen knob, 4) Ribbon cartridge, and 5) User’s manual. 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Theoptionalaccessorieswhichyoumayhaveorderedwithyourprinterare: ● Serial-Parallelconverter(SPC-8K) ● Automaticsheetfeeder(SF-1ODR) Partsname of theprinter Makeanexternalinspectionoftheprinter.Notethelocationsofthefollow- ing parts in Figure 1-2. ver Power s knob Control panil Figut@1-2 The printer’s external parts Bail lever: opensandclosesthe paperbail whichholdsthe paperagainstthe platen. Release lever: releasestheplaten.Thislever mustbe backfor singlesheets,andup for fanfoldforms. Top cover:

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

SETIWJG UP Place the printer in the desiredlocation,and removeall packingmaterial from inside the top cover. This packing material is intendedto prevent damageto theprinterwhilein transit.Youwillwantto keepallthepacking material,alongwiththeprintercarton,in caseyouhaveto movetheprinter to a new location. Mounttheplaten knob Theplatenknobis packedintoa recessofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethecarton.Be sureto removetheknobfrom the packaging. Mountthe knob on the platensha

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Figure 1-4. Removing the lop cover 1. Turn the tension knob counterclockwiseon the ribbon cartridge to tightenthe ribbonif it is slack. 2. Guidethe ribbonbetweentheprinthead andthe platen,makingcertain that the spindles on the cartridgeholder fit into the sockets on the cartridgeitself. Figure 1-5. Installing the ribbon cartridge

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

I 3. Theribbon shouldpassbetweentheprinthead andtheprinthead shield (seeFigure 1-6). Print head Print head shield \ I ‘ h~,.kribbo. IIL I @J\ Figure 1-6. Pass the ribbon between the print head and print haad shield To replacethe top cover,insertthe tabs into the slots on the printercase. Swingthe frontedgedownto closethe cover. Leavethe top coverclosedduringnormaloperation.The coverkeepsout dustanddirtand reducestheprinter’soperatingsounds.Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Connection Connect theprinter to your computerusing a standardparallel interface cable.On aPCorPC/AT-typecomputer,thismeansthatyouusethe25-pin D-typeconnectorat thecomputerend, andthe Amphenol-type36-pincon- nector at the printer end. The configurationof the printer’s connectoris given in Chapter 8 should you need a cable for connectionto another computer. If you need to connect to a serial port, use the optional Serial-Parallel converter,SPC-8K. ’06’ \!j$” & I Interface cable ,/ Connector * Fig

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

LOADING SINGLE SHEETS This sectionwilltake youthroughtheproceduresfor loadingsinglesheets of paper. If youareusingtheoptionalautomaticsheetfeeder(AN?),referto the ASF instructionbooklet. Automaticloading Singlesheetscan be loadedmanuallywiththe poweroff, or automatically withthe poweron. We will startthe easy way with automaticloading. 1. Place the paper guidein positionby insertingthe tabs, locatedon the bottomof the assembly,intothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. lever Figure T-8.Mounti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

2. Makesurethat the releaselever is down. If fanfoldpaperisalreadymountedintheprinter,pressthe PAPER FEED buttonwhileholdingthe FONT buttonto park the paperin the off-line state,thenmovethe releaseleverdownwards. Adjustthe paperguidesto matchthe size of paper you will be using. 3. Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft-handedge of the carriage. 4. Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter.The pnnterwillbeep,indicatingthatthereisnopaperinpositionforpnnting. The orang

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

I Manualloading Itisalsopossibletoloadpapermanuallywhiletheprinter’spowerisoff.The procedureis: 1. Placethe paper guidein positionby insertingthe tabs, locatedon the bottomof the assembly,intothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. 2. Checkthat printerpoweris off andthe releaselever is down. 3. Openthetopcover,thenmovethebailleverontopof theprinterfonvard to openthe paperbail. 4. Adjustthe paper guidesto match the size of paper you will be using. Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromth

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

LOADING AND PARKING FANFOLD FORMS Fanfold forms have holes along the sides and perforationsbetween the sheets.They are also calledsprocketforms,punchedforms, or just plain “computerpaper”.This printeracceptsformsup to 10”wide.This section will take you throughthe proceduresfor loading,parkingand unparking fanfoldforms. Loadingthepaper 1. Placea stackoffanfoldpaperbehindandatleastonepage-lengthbelow the printer. 2. Turnthe printer’spower OFF. 3. Pushthe releaseleverforward.Thishastheeffectofrelea

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Withthe sprocketcoversopen,mountthe paperby aligningholeswith 6. the pins on the sprockets. 7. Adjustthe spacingof thesprocketsby slidingthemalongthebar,using theclampleverat the backof eachsprocketto releaseandlockthemin position.Whenthe lever is down,the sprocketis released,and whenit is up, the sprocketis locked. I Figuru 7-11. Mount the fanfold psper over the sprockets. 8. Now closethe sprocketcovers,againmakingsurethat the paperholes are aligned with the pins on the sprockets. If they are n

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