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&RQWHQWV 1-1 1 ,QWURGXFWLRQ Supplies and Accessories 1-2 BJ Catridges and BJ Tanks 1-2 Canon Specialty Papers 1-3 Getting Help From Canon 1-4 Servicing the Printer 1-6 2-1 2 8VLQJ WKH 3ULQWHU :LWK :LQGRZV Installing a Printer Driver 2-1 Printing a Document 2-2 Printer Setup Within Windows 95 2-3 Opening the Printer Properties Dialog Box in Windows 2-3 95 2-3 Using the Printer Driver in Windows 95 Printer Setup Within Windows 3.1 2-4 Accessing the Printer Options 2-4 The Windows Tabs 2-5 Specifyi
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Paper Guidelines 3-4 Setting the Paper Thickness Lever 3-5 Printer Settings for Various Print Media 3-6 Loading Paper 3-7 Automatically Feeding Paper 3-7 Auto Feed Guidelines 3-10 Manually Feeding Paper 3-12 Printing on Envelopes 3-14 Using Canon's Specialty Papers 3-17 Canon's High Resolution Paper HR-101 3-17 Fabric Sheet FS-101 3-19 4-1 4 0DLQWDLQLQJ WKH 3ULQWHU Printer Guidelines 4-2 Cleaning the Printer 4-3 Printing the Test Pages 4-4 Cleaning the Print Head 4-6 Cleaning the Print Head From
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A-1 $SSHQGL[ $ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV Printing Specificatoins A-1 BJ Cartridges A-4 General A-5 G-1 *ORVVDU\ I-1 ,QGH[ FCC-1 )&& 5HJXODWLRQV W-1 :DUUDQW\
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,QWURGXFWLRQ Congratulations on your purchase of the Canon BJC-4200 Color Bubble Jet™ Printer. We appreciate your choosing this printer to meet your printing needs. The BJC-4200 offers excellent print quality and fast print speed using both color and black inks. We are certain you will be satisfied with this advanced Bubble Jet technology. This chapter: { Lists the supplies, accessories, and options you can purchase for the printer { Describe Canon's customer support services
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6XSSOLHV DQG $FFHVVRULHV Your BJC-4200 printer supports excellent and unique print media options that will allow you to produce dazzling, professional, and fun presentations. All of these print media are specially designed and manufactured to work with your Canon color printer so you can produce the finest output possible. Canon has an extensive dealer network equipped to offer you supplies as you need them. To find a dealer near you, call the Canon Referral Service at 1-800- 848-4123. If su
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&DQRQ 6SHFLDOW\ 3DSHUV Canon manufactures the following specialty papers: { Bubble Jet Paper LC-301 (water resistant) { High Resolution Paper HR-101 { Transparency CF-102 { Back Print Film BF-102 { High Gloss Film HG-101 { Fabric Sheet FS-101 { T-Shirt Transfers TR-101 { Greeting Cards GC-101 { Brochure Paper BP-101 See Chapter 3, Paper Handling, for details on Canon's specialty papers.
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*HWWLQJ +HOS )URP &DQRQ Canon provides experienced support personnel to help you in every way. 2Q OLQH 6XSSRUW 6HUYLFHV You can easily contact Canon on the World Wide Web. Our address is: Canon provides a bulletin board service (BBS), which is useful for obtaining newly developed third-party drivers. Call 1-757-420-2000. The protocol for the BBS is up to 28,800 bps, eight data bits, one stop bit, and no parity. ® If you use CompuServe , you can access the Canon Perip
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can determine what information would be beneficial to your installation. &XVWRPHU &DUH &HQWHU Canon provides customer support and service for all Canon printer products. If you have any questions regarding your new printer, call the Canon Computer Systems Customer Care Center at 1-800-423-2366. Support is available from 6 a.m. to 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST) seven days a week except holidays. { If you seem to have an operation problem, try to solve it by using the Super Solver or
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8VLQJWKH3ULQWHU:LWK:LQGRZV This chapter desribes how to use the printer with your Windows applications. It includes: { Installing a printer driver { Printing a document { Printer setup within Windows 95 { Printer setup within Windows 3.1 { The Windows tabs { Printing speed versus color ,QVWDOOLQJ D 3ULQWHU ’ULYHU Before you can use any type of printer with your computer, you must install a printer driver. The printer driver tells the computer what kind of a printer you are using. The pr
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3ULQWLQJD'RFXPHQW This procedure describes the general steps required for printing from various Windows applications. The exact steps for printing a document may vary depending on the application program you are using. Refer to your software application's documentation for the exact printing procedure. { Start the program you are using to create the documentation and open the 6WDUW \RXU document you want to print. DSSOLFDWLRQ { Choose Print Setup from the File menu. 0DNH VXUH WKH &D
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3ULQWHU6HWXS:LWKLQ:LQGRZV You can use the printer with all your Windows 95 applications 2SHQLQJ WKH 3ULQWHU 3URSHUWLHV ’LDORJ %R[ LQ :LQGRZV You can open the Properties dialog box in one of the following ways: { From within any Windows application, you can select the Print or Print Setup command. { From the Printers folder, you can select the printer and then select the Properties command from the File menu. { From the Printers folder, you can select the printer, click the right mous
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3ULQWHU6HWXS:LWKLQ:LQGRZV You can use the BJC-4200 with all your Windows 3.1 applications. $FFHVVLQJ WKH 3ULQWHU 2SWLRQV You can access the printing options from the Printers dialog box in the Control Panel, or you can select the Print Setup option available from the File menu of most applications that run in Windows. If the Print Setup option does not appear in the File menu for your application, refer to the user's manual supplied with the application. It should provide information a
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7KH:LQGRZV7DEV The BJC-4200 printer driver has several tabs from which you can select your printing options and learn about your printer driver as well as your BJC-4200 printer. { *HQHUDO :LQGRZV RQO\ This tab allows you to add comments regarding the printer driver and print a test page or a seperator page. (You see this tab when you open the Properties dialog box from the Printers folder, but not from within a Windows application.) { ’HWDLOV :LQGRZV RQO\ This tab allows you to
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Windows 3.1.) { *UDSKLFV This tab allows you to specify print quality, color model, and print model. (The printing options on this tab are the same for both Windows 95 and Windows 3.1. However, the Image Color Matching feature is available in Windows 95 only.) { 6HWWLQJ This tab allows you to turn on or off the Setup Analyzer and the Color Advisor. It also allows you to save up to four custom print settings.(The printing options on this tab are the same for both Windows 95 and Windows 3.1.
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{ &RQWURO This tab allows you to print test pages, turn off the printer, enable or disable the auto power on feature, clean the print head, or move the BJ cartridge so you can change it. It also allows you to turn off the printer after a certain period of inactivity. (The printing options on this tab are the same for both Windows 95 and Windows 3.1.) { 9LVXDO *XLGH This tab is selectable once you have installed either the Visual Guide or the Super Solver. From this tab you can initiate inst
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{ When you move the mouse cursor over one of the printing options, a help message appears at the bottom of the tab.
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5HFRPPHQGHG *UDSKLFV 6HWWLQJV You can select the following printing options from the graphics tab to achieve the specified results. (image goes here) ’ULYHU VHWWLQJV &RORU 7R DFKLHYH 3ULQW 4XDOLW\ 0RGHO 5HVXOWV Fastest B&W output Draft Monochrome Uses less ink. Output quality is draft. possible 180 x 180 dpi Fast letter quality Standard Monochrome Slightly slower than draft. Quality is output 360 x 360 dpi standard. Fast B&W photograph Standard and Monochrome Slower than B&W but better graysca
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8VLQJ WKH 6HWXS $QDO\]HU The Setup Analyzer allows the printer driver to evaluate your choice of choice of printing settings. On the Setting tab, click on the green to enable the Setup Analyzer. Click on the red Ø symbol to disable it. When you exit the printer driver and accept your printing settings by clicking the OK button, the Setup Analyzer (if enabled) checks to see if any of your settings are contrary to the recommended settings. If there are inconsistancies, a dialog box similar to
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8VLQJ &RORU $GYLVRU Canon's Color Advisor is automatically installed when you install the BJ Printer Driver from the Canon Creative CD. Color Advisor is a tool that colors documents even when your software application does not support color, and it expands the range of colors you can use when your application does support color. See your Visual Guide for details on using the Color Advisor. To enable the Color Advisor, click on the green Click on the red Ø symbol to disable it. 8VLQJ &DUWU