Manual de instrucciones de Powerware 9125 Two-in-One UPS 6000 VA

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Powerware 9125 Two-in-One UPS 6000 VA

Aparato: Powerware 9125 Two-in-One UPS 6000 VA
Categoría: Cargador
Fabricante: Powerware
Tamaño: 1.17 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/18/2013
Número de páginas: 66
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Powerware 9125 Two-in-One UPS 6000 VA Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Powerware 9125 Two-in-One UPS
5000/6000 VA
User’s Guide

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

ClassAEMCStatements FCCPart15 NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to rad

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

RequestingaDeclarationofConformity Units that are labeled with a CE mark comply with the following harmonized standards and EU directives: S Harmonized Standards: EN 50091-1-1 and EN 50091-2; IEC 60950 Third Edition S EU Directives: 73/23/EEC, Council Directive on equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits 93/68/EEC, Amending Directive 73/23/EEC 89/336/EEC, Council Directive relating to electromagnetic compatibility 92/31/EEC, Amending Directive 89/336/EEC relating to EMC The EC De

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

SpecialSymbols The following are examples of symbols used on the UPS or accessories to alert you to important information: RISKOFELECTRICSHOCK-Indicates that a risk of electric shock is present and the associated warning should be observed. CAUTION: REFERTOOPERATOR’SMANUAL -Refer to your operator’s manual for additional information, such as important operating and maintenance instructions. This symbol indicates that you should not discard the UPS or the UPS batteries in the trash. This product c

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ......................................................... 1 2 SafetyWarnings ..................................................... 3 3 Installation.......................................................... 15 InspectingtheEquipment................................................................ 15 UPSSetup .......................................................................... 15 InstallingtheUPSInternalBatteries ...............................................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS ReplacingBatteries .................................................................... 42 HowtoReplaceExtendedBatteryModules ................................................ 42 HowtoReplaceInternalBatteries ....................................................... 44 TestingNewBatteries.................................................................. 45 RecyclingtheUsedBatteryorUPS ......................................................... 46 8 Specifications ...................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Chapter 1 Introduction ® The Powerware 9125 uninterruptible power system (UPS) protects your sensitive electronic equipment from the most common power problems including power failures, power sags, power surges, brownouts, line noise, high voltage spikes, frequency variations, switching transients, and harmonic distortion. Power outages can occur when you least expect it and power quality can be erratic. These power problems have the potential to corrupt critical data, destroy unsaved work sessi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

INTRODUCTION Providing outstanding performance and reliability, the Powerware 9125’s unique benefits include the following: S Online UPS design with pure sine wave output. The UPS filters and regulates incoming AC power and provides consistent power to your equipment without draining the battery. S 5U rack height with the highest power density for a 6000 VA UPS. S Two-in-one form factor for using the UPS in a rack-mount configuration or as a standalone cabinet. ® S ABM technology that uses advan

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Chapter 2 Safety Warnings IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS Thismanualcontainsimportantinstructionsthatyoushouldfollowduringinstallationand maintenanceoftheUPSandbatteries.Pleasereadallinstructionsbeforeoperatingthe equipmentandsavethismanualforfuturereference. DANGER ThisUPScontainsLETHALVOLTAGES.Allrepairsandserviceshouldbeperformedby AUTHORIZEDSERVICEPERSONNELONLY.ThereareNOUSERSERVICEABLEPARTS insidetheUPS. WARNING S ThisUPScontainsitsownenergysource(batteries).Theoutputrecep

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

SAFETY WARNINGS CAUTION S Batteriescanpresentariskofelectricalshockorburnfromhighshort-circuitcurrent. Observeproperprecautions.Servicingshouldbeperformedbyqualifiedservice personnelknowledgeableofbatteriesandrequiredprecautions.Keepunauthorized personnelawayfrombatteries. S Properdisposalofbatteriesisrequired.Refertoyourlocalcodesfordisposal requirements. S Neverdisposeofbatteriesinafire.Batteriesmayexplodewhenexposedtoflame. Sikkerhedsanvisninger VIGTIGE SIKKERHEDSANVISNINGER GEM DISSE ANVISNI

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

SAFETY WARNINGS ADVARSEL S Batterierkanudgøreenfareforelektriskstødellerforbrændingerforårsagetafhøj kortslutningsspænding.Dekorrekteforholdsreglerbøroverholdes. S Korrektbortskaffelseafbatteriererpåkrævet.Overholdgældendelokalereglerfor bortskaffelsesprocedurer. S Skafdigaldrigafmedbatteriernevedatbrændedem.Batteriernekaneksplodereved åbenild. Belangrijke Veiligheidsinstructies BELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIES BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIES DEZE HANDLEIDING BEVAT BELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIES G

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

SAFETY WARNINGS OPGELET S Batterijenkunnengevaarvoorelektrischeschokofbrandwondenveroorzakenalsgevolg vanunhogekortsluitstroom.Volgdedesbetreffendeaanwijzingenop. S Debatterijenmoetenopdejuistewijzewordenopgeruimd.Raadpleeghiervooruw plaatselijkevoorschriften. S Nooitbatterijeninhetvuurgooien.Debatterijenkunnenontploffen. Tarkeita Turvaohjeita TÄRKEITÄ TURVAOHJEITA - SUOMI SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEET TÄMÄ OPAS SISÄLTÄÄ TÄRKEITÄ TURVAOHJEITA VAARA TämäUPSsisältääHENGENVAARALLISIAJÄNNITTEITÄ.Kaikkikorjauk

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

SAFETY WARNINGS Consignes de sécurité CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS CE MANUEL CONTIENT DES CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES DANGER! CetonduleurcontientdesTENSIONSMORTELLES.Touteopérationd’entretienetde réparationdoitêtreEXCLUSIVEMENTCONFIÉEAUNPERSONNELQUALIFIÉAGRÉÉ. AUCUNEPIÈCERÉPARABLEPARL’UTILISATEURnesetrouvedansl’onduleur. AVERTISSEMENT! S Cetonduleurrenfermesapropresourced’énergie(batteries).Lesprisesdesortie peuventêtresoustensionmêmelorsquel’onduleurn’estpa

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

SAFETY WARNINGS Sicherheitswarnungen WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN AUFBEWAHREN. DIESES HANDBUCH ENTHÄLT WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN. WARNUNG DieUSVführtlebensgefährlicheSpannungen.AlleReparatur-undWartungsarbeitensollten nurvonKundendienstfachleutendurchgeführtwerden.DieUSVenthältkeinevomBenutzer zuwartendenKomponente. ACHTUNG S DieseUSVistmiteinereigenenEnergiequelle(Batterie)ausgestattet.Anden AusgangssteckdosenkannauchdannSpannunganliegen,wenndieUSVnichtaneiner Wechselspannungsquelleang

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

SAFETY WARNINGS Avvisi di sicurezza IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI DI SICUREZZA CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI QUESTO MANUALE CONTIENE IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI DI SICUREZZA PERICOLO laTENSIONEcontenutainquestogruppostaticodicontinuitàèLETALE.Tutteleoperazioni diriparazioneedimanutenzionedevonoessereeffettuateESCLUSIVAMENTEDA PERSONALETECNICOAUTORIZZATO.All’internodelgruppostaticodicontinuitàNONvi sonoPARTIRIPARABILIDALL’UTENTE. AVVERTENZA S Questogruppostaticodicontinuitàcontieneunafontedienergiaautonoma(leba

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

SAFETY WARNINGS Viktig Sikkerhetsinformasion FARLIG DenneUPS’eninneholderLIVSFARLIGESPENNINGER.Allreparasjonogservicemåkun utføresavAUTORISERTSERVICEPERSONALE.BRUKEREKANIKKEUTFØRESERVICEPÅ NOENAVDELENEiUPS’en. FARLIG S DenneUPS’enharenegenenergikilde(batterier).Stikkontaktenekanværestrømførende selvomUPS’enikkeertilsluttetenvekselstrømforsyning. S StrømforsyningskabelenmåikkefjernesellertrekkesutnårUPS’enerpå,slikatikke sikkerhetsjordingenfjernesfraUPS’enogdetutstyretsomerforbundetmedden. S Forå

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

SAFETY WARNINGS Regulamentos de Segurança INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTES GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES ESTE MANUAL CONTÉM INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTES CUIDADO AUPScontémVOLTAGEMMORTAL.Todososreparoseassistênciatécnicadevemser executadosSOMENTEPORPESSOALDAASSISTÊNCIATÉCNICAAUTORIZADO.Nãohá nenhumaPEÇAQUEPOSSASERREPARADAPELOUSUÁRIOdentrodaUPS. ADVERTÊNCIA S EstaUPScontémsuaprópriafontedeenergia(baterias).Osreceptáculosdesaída podemcontervoltagemativaquandoaUPSnãoseencontraconectadaaumafonted

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

SAFETY WARNINGS Säkerhetsföreskrifter VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSFÖRESKRIFTER SPARA DESSA FÖRESKRIFTER DENNA BRUKSANVISNING INNEHÅLLER VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSFÖRESKRIFTER FARA DennaUPS-enhetinnehållerLIVSFARLIGSPÄNNING.ENDASTAUKTORISERAD SERVICEPERSONALfårutförareparationerellerservice.Detfinnsingadelarsom ANVÄNDARENKANUTFÖRASERVICEPÅinutiUPS-enheten. VARNING S DennaUPS-enhetharenegenenergikälla(batterier).Deutgåendekontakternakanvara strömförandenärUPS-enheteninteäranslutentillenväxelströmkälla. S Taaldrigbort

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