Manual de instrucciones de Genelec 8050A

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Genelec 8050A

Aparato: Genelec 8050A
Categoría: Altavoz portátil
Fabricante: Genelec
Tamaño: 0.91 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/17/2013
Número de páginas: 6
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Operating Manual
8000 Series
Genelec 8040A and 8050A
Monitoring Systems

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Genelec 8040A and 8050A Monitoring Systems System Crossover Mounting considerations The GENELEC 8040A and 8050A are The active crossover network consists of two Align the loudspeakers correctly two way active monitoring loudspeakers parallel bandpass filters. The crossover fre- Always place the loudspeakers so that designed to produce high SPL output, low quency is 3.0 kHz on the 8040A and 1.8 kHz their acoustic axes (see figure 2) are aimed coloration and broad bandwidth in a small on the 805

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Figure 2. Location of the acoustic axis Cable Screen RCA XLR (Source) (Speaker) Figure 1. Amplifier panel layout of the 8040A Figure 3. RCA to XLR cable Minimum clearances threaded hole which can be used for secur- and the loudspeaker. The factory settings Sufficient cooling for the amplifier and func- ing the loudspeaker to its base. Do not use for these controls are all "OFF" to give a flat tioning of the reflex port must be ensured if this thread for mounting the loudspeaker on anechoic res

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Speaker Mounting Position Treble tilt Bass tilt Bass roll-off Desktop LF Flat anechoic response None None None None Free standing in a damped None -2 dB None None room Free standing in a None -4 dB None None reverberant room Near field on a reflective None -2 dB None -4 dB surface In a corner None -4 dB -4 dB None Figure 5. Omnimount type Figure 6. K&M type Table 1. Suggested tone control settings in some typical situations wall mount wall mount Figure 4. The Iso-Pod™ can also be attached to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Figure 8. The curves above show the effect of the “bass tilt”, Figure 9. The upper curve group shows the horizontal directivity “treble tilt”, “desktop low frequency” and “bass roll-off” controls characteristics of the 8040A measured at 1 m. The lower curve shows on the free field response of the 8040A. the system's power response. Figure 10. The curves above show the effect of the “bass tilt”, Figure 11. The upper curve group shows the horizontal directivity “treble tilt”, “desktop low fre

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

8040A and 8050A Operating Manual SySTeM SPec IFIc ATIo NS cro SSover Sec TIo N 8040A 8050A 8040A 8050A Lower cut-off frequency, -3 dB ≤ 45 Hz ≤ 35 Hz Input connector XLR female Pin 1 gnd, pin 2 +, pin 3 - Upper cut-off frequency, -3 dB ≥ 21 kHz ≥ 21 kHz Input impedance 10 kOhm balanced Free field frequency response of 48 Hz - 20 kHz 38 Hz - 20 kHz Input level for maximum short term Adjustable from +6 to -6 dBu system (± 2.0 dB) output of 100 dB SPL @ 1m: Maximum short term sine wave Crossover

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