Manual de instrucciones de Sony DCR-TRV11E

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Sony DCR-TRV11E

Aparato: Sony DCR-TRV11E
Categoría: Cámara de vídeo
Fabricante: Sony
Tamaño: 5.08 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/6/2014
Número de páginas: 220
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Sony DCR-TRV11E Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

3-059-593-13 (1)
Video Camera
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly,
and retain it for future reference.
Пepeä ýêcïëyaòaöèeé aïïapaòa âíèìaòeëüíî ïpî÷òèòe,
ïîæàëóéñòà, äaííîe pyêîâîäcòâî è cîxpaíяéòe eãî äëя
äaëüíeéøèx cïpaâîê.
© 2000 Sony Corporation

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

English Рóññêèé Welcome! Дîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü! Congratulations on your purchase of this Sony Пîçäðàâëяåì Вàñ ñ ïðèîáðåòåíèåì äàííîé Digital Handycam camcorder. With your Digital âèäåîêàìåðû Digital Handycam ôèðìû Sony. Handycam, you can capture life’s precious С ïîìîùüþ Вàøåé âèäåîêàìåðû Digital moments with superior picture and sound Handycam Вû ñìîæåòå çàïå÷àòëåòü äîðîãèå quality. Вàì ìãíîâåíèя æèçíè ñ ïðåâîñõîäíûì Your Digital Handycam is loaded with advanced êà÷åñòâîì èçîáðàæåíèя è çâóêà. feat

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

English Table of contents Checking supplied accessories .............................. 5 Using with analog video unit and PC Quick Start Guide ............................................. 6 – Signal convert function ................................... 96 Recording video or TV programmes .................. 97 Inserting a scene a from VCR Getting started – Insert editing .................................................. 101 Using this manual .................................................. 10

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Рóññêèé Оãëàâëåíèå Пpîâepêa ïpèëaãaeìûx ïpèíaäëeæíîcòeé ........ 5 Зaïècü âèäeî èëè òeëeïpîãpaìì ....................... 97 Pyêîâîäcòâî ïî áûcòpîìy çaïycêy ................. 8 Bcòaâêa ýïèçîäa c âèäeîìaãíèòîôîía – Mîíòaæ âcòaâêè .......................................... 101 Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Ayäèîïepeçaïècü .............................................. 104 Haëîæeíèe òèòpa .............................................. 108 Иcïîëüçîâaíèe äaííîãî pyêîâîäcòâa ............... 10 Cîçäaíèe Baø

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Checking supplied Пpîâepêa ïpèëaãaeìûx accessories ïpèíaäëeæíîcòeé Make sure that the following accessories are Уáeäèòecü, ÷òî cëeäyþùèe ïpèíaäëeæíîcòè supplied with your camcorder. ïpèëaãaþòcя ê Baøeé âèäeîêaìepe 1 2 or/èëè RMT-811 RMT-808 34 5 6 DCR-TRV6E/ 7 DCR-TRV20E 8 9 TRV11E or/èëè 0 qa 1 Wireless Remote Commander (1) (p. 212) 1 Бecïpîâîäíûé ïyëüò äècòaíöèîííîãî RMT-808: DCR-TRV6E yïpaâëeíèя (1) (còp. 212) RMT-811: DCR-TRV11E/TRV20E RMT-808: DCR-T

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Quick Start Guide English Quick Start Guide This chapter introduces you to the basic features of your camcorder. See the page in parentheses “( )” for more information. Connecting the mains lead (p. 19) Use the battery pack when using your camcorder outdoors (p. 13). Open the DC IN jack cover. Connect the plug with its v mark facing lens side. AC power adaptor (supplied) Inserting a cassette (p. 20) 1 Slide OPEN/EJECT in 2 Push the middle 4 After the cassette the direction of the portion of the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Quick Start Guide ( ) OFF CHG VCR CAMERA MEMORY OFF(CHG) VCR CAMERA MEMORY POWER Recording a picture (p. 21) 1 Remove the lens cap. 2 Set the POWER switch to CAMERA while pressing the small green button. 4 Press START/STOP. Your camcorder starts recording. To stop recording, press START/STOP again. 3 To open the LCD panel, press OPEN. Viewfinder The picture appears When the LCD panel is closed, use the on the LCD screen. viewfinder placing your eye against its eyecup. Monitoring the playback pic

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Pyêîâîäcòâî ïî áûcòpîìy çaïycêy Pyccêèé Pyêîâîäcòâî ïî áûcòpîìy çaïycêy B äaííîé ãëaâe ïpèâeäeíû îcíîâíûe ôyíêöèè Baøeé âèäeîêaìepû. Бîëee ïîäpîáíyþ èíôîpìaöèþ cì. ía còpaíèöe â êpyãëûx cêîáêax “( )”. Пîäcîeäèíeíèe ïpîâîäa ýëeêòpîïèòaíèя (còp. 19) Пpè ècïîëüçîâaíèè âèäeîêaìepû âíe ïîìeùeíèя ècïîëüçyéòe áaòapeéíûé áëîê (còp. 13). Oòêpîéòe êpûøêy ãíeçäa DC IN. Пîäcîeäèíèòe øòeêep òaê, ÷òîáû ìeòêa v áûëa íaïpaâëeía â còîpîíy îáúeêòèâa. Ceòeâîé aäaïòep ïepeìeííîãî òîêa (ïpèëaãaeòcя) Уcòaíîâêa êacceò

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Pyêîâîäcòâî ïî áûcòpîìy çaïycêy ( ) OFF CHG CAMERA VCR MEMORY ( ) OFF CHG VCR CAMERA MEMORY POWER Зaïècü èçîápaæeíèя (còp. 21) 2 Haæaâ ìaëeíüêyþ çeëeíyþ êíîïêy, 1 Cíèìèòe êpûøêy îáúeêòèâa. ycòaíîâèòe ïepeêëþ÷aòeëü POWER â ïîëîæeíèe CAMERA. 4 Haæìèòe êíîïêy START/STOP. Baøa âèäeîêaìepa ía÷íeò çaïècü. Дëя îcòaíîâêè çaïècè íaæìèòe êíîïêy START/ STOP eùe paç. 3 Haæìèòe OPEN, ÷òîáû îòêpûòü ïaíeëü Bèäîècêaòeëü ЖКД. Ha ýêpaíe ЖКД Ecëè ïaíeëü ЖКД çaêpûòa, âîcïîëüçyéòecü ïîяâèòcя âèäîècêaòeëeì, ãëяäя â î

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

— Getting started — — Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè — Using this manual Иcïîëüçîâaíèe äaííîãî pyêîâîäcòâa Иícòpyêöèè â äaííîì pyêîâîäcòâe The instructions in this manual are for the three ïpeäíaçía÷eíû äëя òpex ìîäeëeé, models listed in the table below. Before you start ïepe÷ècëeííûx â òaáëèöe íèæe. Пepeä òeì, reading this manual and operating your êaê ïpî÷ecòü äaííîe pyêîâîäcòâî è ía÷aòü camcorder, check the model number by looking ýêcïëyaòaöèþ Baøeé âèäeîêaìepû, at the bottom of your camcorder. Th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Иcïîëüçîâaíèe äaííîãî Using this manual pyêîâîäcòâa Note on Cassette Memory Пpèìe÷aíèe ïî êacceòíîé ïaìяòè Your camcorder is based on the DV format. You can only use mini DV cassettes with your Baøa âèäeîêaìepa paáîòaeò â ôîpìaòe DV. camcorder. We recommend you to use a tape Bû ìîæeòe ècïîëüçîâaòü äëя âèäeîêaìepû with cassette memory . òîëüêî êacceòû ìèíè DV. Peêîìeíäyeòcя ècïîëüçîâaòü ëeíòy c êacceòíîé ïaìяòüþ . The functions which depend on whether the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Иcïîëüçîâaíèe äaííîãî Using this manual pyêîâîäcòâa Note on TV colour systems Пðèìå÷àíèå ïî ñèñòåìàì öâåòíîãî òåëåâèäåíèя TV colour systems differ from country to Сèñòåìû öâåòíîãî òåëåâèäåíèя îòëè÷àþòñя â country. To view your recordings on a TV, you çàâèñèìîñòè îò ñòðàíû. Дëя ïðîñìîòðà Вàøèõ need a PAL system-based TV. çàïèñåé íà ýêðàíå òåëåâèçîðà Вàì íåîáõîäèìî èñïîëüçîâàòü òåëåâèçîð, îñíîâàííûé íà ñèñòåìå PAL. Copyright precautions Пðåäîñòåðåæåíèå îá àâòîðñêîì ïðàâå Television programmes, fil

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Step 1 Preparing the Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa power supply ècòî÷íèêa ïèòaíèя Installing the battery pack Уcòaíîâêa áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa Install the battery pack to use your camcorder Уcòaíîâèòe áaòapeéíûé áëîê äëя òîãî, ÷òîáû outdoors. ècïîëüçîâaòü âèäeîêaìepy âíe ïîìeùeíèя. (1) Lift up the viewfinder. (1)Пîäíèìèòe âèäîècêaòeëü. (2) Slide the battery pack down until it clicks. (2)Пepeäâèíüòe áaòapeéíûé áëîê âíèç äî ùeë÷êa. 1 2 To remove the battery pack (1) Lift

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

OFF(CHG) VCR CAMERA MEMORY POWER Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя Charging the battery pack Зapяäêa áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa Use the battery pack after charging it for your Иcïîëüçyéòe áaòapeéíûé áëîê äëя Baøeé camcorder. âèäeîêaìepû ïîcëe eãî çapяäêè. Baøa âèäeîêaìepa paáîòaeò òîëüêî c Your camcorder operates only with the áaòapeéíûì áëîêîì “InfoLITHIUM” (cepèè M). “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (M series). (1) Oòêpîéòe êpûøêy ãíeçäa DC IN, ïîòяíyâ ee (1) Open the DC

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя After charging the battery pack Пîcëe çapяäêè áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa Disconnect the AC power adaptor from the DC Oòcîeäèíèòe ceòeâîé aäaïòep ïepeìeííîãî IN jack on your camcorder. òîêa îò ãíeçäa DC IN ía Baøeé âèäeîêaìepe. Notes Пpèìe÷aíèя •Prevent metallic objects from coming into •He äîïycêaéòe êîíòaêòa ìeòaëëè÷ecêèx contact with the metal parts of the DC plug of ïpeäìeòîâ c ìeòaëëè÷ecê

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя Charging time/Bpeìя çapяäêè Battery pack/ Full charge (Normal charge)/ Бaòapeéíûé áëîê Пîëíaя çapяäêa (íîpìaëüíaя çapяäêa) NP-FM50 (supplied)/ 150 (90) (âxîäèò â êîìïëeêò) NP-FM70 240 (180) NP-FM90 330 (270) NP-FM91 360 (300) Approximate number of minutes to charge an Пpèáëèçèòeëüíîe âpeìя â ìèíyòax ïpè empty battery pack èñïîëüçîâàíèè ïîëíîñòüþ çàðяæåííîãî áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa Recording time/Bpeìя çaïècè DCR-TRV6E Recording wi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя Approximate number of minutes when you use a Пpèáëèçèòeëüíîe âpeìя â ìèíyòax ïpè fully charged battery ècïîëüçîâaíèè ïîëíîcòüþ çapяæeííîãî áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa Numbers in parentheses “( )” indicate the time using a normally charged battery. Цèôpû â cêîáêax “( )” yêaçûâaþò âpeìя ïpè * Approximate continuous recording time at ècïîëüçîâaíèè áaòapeéíîãî áëîêa c 25°C (77°F). The battery life

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Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя DCR-TRV20E Playing time Playing time Battery pack/ on LCD screen/ with LCD closed/ Бaòapeéíûé áëîê Bpeìя âîcïpîèçâeäeíèя Bpeìя âîcïpîèçâeäeíèя ía ýêpaíe ЖКД ïpè çaêpûòîì ЖКД NP-FM50 (supplied)/ 125 (110) 160 (145) (âxîäèò â êîìïëeêò) NP-FM70 265 (235) 335 (300) NP-FM90 400 (360) 505 (455) NP-FM91 465 (415) 585 (525) Approximate number of minutes when you use a Пpèáëèçèòeëüíîe âpeìя â ìèíyòax ïpè fully charged battery ècïîëüç

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêa ê ýêcïëyaòaöèè Step 1 Preparing the power Пyíêò 1 Пîäãîòîâêa ècòî÷íèêa supply ïèòaíèя Connecting to the mains Пîäcîeäèíeíèe ê ceòeâîé pîçeòêe Ecëè Bû cîáèpaeòecü ècïîëüçîâaòü When you use your camcorder for a long time, âèäeîêaìepy äëèòeëüíîe âpeìя, we recommend that you power it from the mains peêîìeíäyeòcя ècïîëüçîâaòü ïèòaíèe îò using the AC power adaptor. ýëeêòpè÷ecêîé ceòè c ïîìîùüþ ceòeâîãî aäaïòepa ïepeìeííîãî òîêa. (1) Open the DC IN jack cover, pulling the co

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Step 2 Inserting a Пyíêò 2 Уcòaíîâêa cassette êacceòû (1) Install the power source. (1) Уcòaíîâèòe ècòî÷íèê ïèòaíèя. (2) Slide OPEN/EJECT in the direction of the (2) Пepeäâèíüòe ïepeêëþ÷aòeëü OPEN/EJECT arrow and open the lid. The cassette â íaïpaâëeíèè còpeëêè è îòêpîéòe compartment automatically lifts up and êpûøêy. Кacceòíûé îòceê aâòîìaòè÷ecêè opens. ïîäíèìeòcя ââepx è îòêpîeòcя. (3) Push the middle portion of the back of the (3) Чòîáû âcòaâèòü êacceòy, íaæìèòe ía íee cassette to insert. In

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