Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Print Server
Hardware Installation Guide
This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware
installation of the print server. It contains the following information:
Scope of Supply
Safety Regulations
Print Server Controls and Technical Data
Mounting the Print Server
Information and Hotline
To obtain additional information about your print server, please refer to the
documentation on the product CD. Should you have any
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Scope of Supply Please check the package content before getting started: Print Server IC146-ETHER-HP-FL Hardware Provides a brief description of the hardware Installation installation of the print server. (This document) Guide Software Provides a brief description of the software Quick installation of the print server under each of the Installation supported operating systems. Product CD The Product CD provides: - Installation Manual (The pdf file provides a detailed description of the
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Saftety Regulations English (en) Print servers are network interfaces for printers in office environments and are designed for the direct integration of printers into networks. Before starting the initial operation procedure of your print server, please note the following safety regulations: Read the documentation and make sure that your system meets the requirements listed therein. Avoid contact with humidity or liquid. The print server must only be connected and operated if it is in
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Les serveurs d'impression sont des interfaces réseaux pour les imprimantes dans des bureaux et servent à l'intégration directe des imprimantes dans les réseaux. Avant de mettre en service votre serveur d'impression, veuillez suivre ces quelques conseils de sécurité: Lisez attentivement la documentation et assurez-vous que votre système satisfait bien toutes les exigences mentionnées. Evitez le contact avec l'humidité ou avec le liquide. Le serveur d'impression doit être connecté et exp
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Il server di stampa deve essere collegato e messo in funzione solo in condizioni perfette. Assicurarsi che nessuno inciampa nei cavi. Prima di procedere all'estrazione della scheda dalla confezione devono essere adottate misure idonee per evitare danneggiamenti del server di stampa a causa di scariche elettrostatiche. Questo è un prodotto laser della categoria 1. Se non viene collegato nessun cavo al connettore SC o ST, una emissione invisibile di radiazione laser è possibile. Evitar
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Detta är en laserklass 1 produkt. Om ingen kabel ansluts till SC- resp. ST-kontakten kan osynlig laserstrålning tränga ut. Utsätt dig ej för laserstrålen och se inte in i laserstrålen. Sätt de i leveransen medföljande pluggarna på SC- resp. ST-kontakten om den ej används. Printservern får ej bedrivas utanför skrivaren. Dansk (dk) Printservere er netværksgrænseflader til printere i kontormiljøer og bruges til at integrere printere direkte i netværk. Inden De tager Deres printserver i brug
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Lees de documentatie en vergewist u zich er van dat uw systeem voldoet aan de vermelde vereisten. Het apparaat mag niet in aanraking komen met vochtigheid of met vloeistoffen. De printserver mag alleen in onbeschadigde toestand worden aangesloten en bedreven. Kabels dienen zo te worden gelegd, dat niemand er op stapt of er over kan struikelen. Voor het uitpakken moeten maatregelen worden getroffen om te voorkomen dat de printserver beschadigingen oploopt door elektrostatische ontla
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Pred vybalením urobte opatrenia, aby sa predišlo poškodeniu elektrostatickými výbojmi. Ide o laserový výrobok triedy 1. Ked nie je do SC- príp. ST-zástrčky pripojený žiadny kábel, je možné že vyžaruje neviditeľný laserový lúč. Nevystavujte sa laserovému lúču a nepozerajte sa do vnútra. Na SC- príp. ST-zástrčku nasadte ochranné kryty, dodané spolu s výrobkom, v prípade že tento nepoužívate. Tlačový server sa nesmie prevádzkovat mimo tlačiarne. Eesti (ee) Printserverid on võrguliidesed bü
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ijungtas joks kabelis, gali būti, kad spinduliuojami nematomi lazerio spinduliai. Ven- kite lazerio spindulių ir nežiūrėkite į vidų. Užmaukite pridėtus apsauginius gaubtelius ant SC ar ST kištukinių jungčių, jei jų nenaudojate. Printserver negãlima anapus printer dirbiti. Latviešu valoda (lv) Printera serveri ir tīkla saskarnes printeriem biroju apkārtnē un tie kalpo tiešai printeru ieslēgšanai tīklos. Pirms uzsākt printera servera ekspluatāciju, lūdzam iepazīties ar sekojošiem drošības not
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Polski (pl) Serwery druku stanowią interfejsy sieciowe dla drukarek w otoczeniach biurowych i służą do bezpośredniego integrowania drukarek w sieci. Przed uruchomieniem serwera druku należy przestrzegać następujących przepisów bezpieczeństwa: Przeczytać dokumentację i upewnić się, że posiadany system spełnia podane tam wymagania. Urządzenie nie może mieć kontaktu z wilgocią lub cieczami. Serwer druku może być podłączany i eksploatowany tylko w nieuszkodzonym stanie. Wszystkie kable na
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Olvassa el a dokumentációt és biztosítsa, hogy az Ön rendszere megfeleljen a felsorolt követelményeknek. A készülék nem léphet érintkezésbe nedvességgel vagy folyadékkal. Csak sértetlen állapotban csatlakoztatható és üzemeltethető a nyomtatószerver. Az összes kábelt fektesse úgy, hogy senki ne léphessen rá vagy botolhasson meg. Kérjük, hogy a kicsomagolás előtt gondoskodjon az elektrosztatikus kisülések megelozésérol. Ez egy 1. osztályú lézer termék. Ha az SC- ill. ST dugón nincs k
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Print Server Controls and Technical Data 1) Network activity LED (yellow): The LED lights up when data packets are being received. 2) TX 3) RX 4) Link indicator LED (green): The LED lights up when a (physical) connection to the network is availably. 5) Status button 6) Status indicator LED (green): The LED shows that the print server is operational. Characteristics Values Printer Connector - HP EIO Network Connection logical: - IEEE 802.3j (10BaseFL Ethernet) physical: - ST (Type MMF 6
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Mounting the Print Server The print server is a so-called slot card that is simply inserted into the foreseen slot. The print server slot is usually located next to, or above the printer's Centronics interface. Insert the print server Proceed as follows: 1. Turn the printer off. 2. Disconnect the printer's power cord. 3. Remove the data cable connecting the printer to the computer. 4. Remove the screws from the interface cover. 5. Remove the metal cover. 6. Insert the print server board into t
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Notification 14 Hardware Installation Guide
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Federal Communication Commission (FCC) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera- tion is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This de- vice may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Pursuant to Part 15.21 of the FCC Rules, any changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by the SEH Computertechnik GmbH may cause interference and void the FCC aut
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Manufactured by: SEH Computertechnik GmbH Suedring 11 33647 Bielefeld Germany Phone: +49 (0)521 94226-29 Document: Fax: +49 (0)521 94226-99 Type: Hardware Installation Guide Support: +49 (0)521 94226-44 Title: IC146-ETHER-HP-FL Email: Version: 2.0 Web: Order number: MHAB-EB-III-IC146 Online Links to important Internet Resources: Free Guarantee Extension: Support Contacts and Information: http://www.seh-tech