Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool RB120PXK

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool RB120PXK

Aparato: Whirlpool RB120PXK
Categoría: Horno
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 1 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/7/2014
Número de páginas: 16
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Whirlpool RB120PXK Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

I e In a 01 r) a from to cor- nr B for of e r) ~I~IZ . _ .I 1 L d or ,;.;- . . G.! !eed 1 $Tmk Sewce +eea ‘* Assistance forAssIstance ailing Assistance Service Ne ?LX iv k19r’ 1’1 oven ~Xfrurilng maintained. properly properly; it operate can who people by only cased ovens; home expected jobs only used Is... oven your sure be must You use Proper Instructions.“) “Installation (See grounding. and supply electric rect the connected properly l weather; the pro

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

tight tight 5. food turn on off to 6. When turn to turn OFF. hot.) turn on off to or of different. If follow 4. 2. 4. out of IS tooth to to 10 (5 10 (5 4 ‘Tmk knob. the Replace screw. locking the Tighten C] F about C). F about equals notch equals notch Each HI. closer Each LO. closer Control. perature is so ring tootn so rlng DlaCk screw. rng Tem- Oven the black move perature, move perature, center the Pull lock- the Loosen tem- the raise To tem- the lower To 3.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

door to 1. Put In 2. tood orl 5. 6. When 4. to to turn to OFF on a for door, ] to a When on on When on a turns off on. on on door on OR Food for or food to of a from I1 2 to 2 6.) (4-5 cm) of a door to For informa- 5 ” Guide “Cooking the see tion more pan. another and wall oven broil-stop the open the and pan sides the between the with broil ALWAYS page (See ment. inches least at leave Always ele- broil the distance suggested at IS oven the center the in placed broile

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

times for di fr of meats. to (cm) trom Food 2nd 1 (2.5 cm) 3 (8 cm) 7-9 3-5 I (2.5 cm) 3 (8 cm) 9-11 4-7 Well 1 (2.5 cm) (8 cm) 1 l-13 5-7 (4cm) 4 -5 (IO-13cm) 13-15 6-8 (4 cm) 4 -5’ (IO-13 cm) 17-19 8-10 Well (4 cm) 4’-5” (IO-13 cm) 19-21 14-16 --~__-.-- 3 (8 cm) 6-8 4-5 1 2 (1 cm] -. ~~-~~~ 6-8 4-5 cm) -~~ 1 1 -1 or (1-2.5 cm) 3 (8 cm) _- 4-5 __..~ ’ (1 cm) 3 (8 cm) 6 4 or Well (2-2.5 cm) 4 -5’ (1 3 15 10 ~-..~~_ 2-3 (l-l.5 7 -9” (18-23 cm) 25-30 IO-12 ___--~

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

to turn on off not 1. 2. 3. turn to of food to k to 4. turn 5. on 6. on to to off. 8. 7. turn to OFF. turn to OFF. 1. 4. on food 5. on 2. to of 6. turn to 3. In turn OFF. to to 7. Off turn to OFF. foods not or a a half- (118 mL) of for 1 to hours. for to food to for to or or fish, or or or or fruits TWO foods. 7 -Tm* in cooked be can Vegetables type STARTS. COOKING BEFORE HOURS casserole- and vegetables, can so used; be may meats frozen Smoked THAN MORE S

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

WIII on to shut-off 2. 3. a 1. off from from on When on, hot a on of for not If a for a 261818 from instructions. installation easy includes kit The dealer. your ) kit order can you oven, your rotisserie like would you ROTISSERIE OPTIONAL THE result can baking Poor vent. the block Do circulation. air needed is vent The panel. control the top vent through escape moisture and air is oven the VENT OVEN THE supply. power main the at back power electrical Turn stores. hardware

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

1. First 2. 3. Wash 4. on OFF a soft on. to off. on OFF. c!nC WINDOW a of door, for a door. Lift on of With door out from ftOm the !rame Fit of the of of 9 down openrng. window pushing while opening the tye bottom the into frame screws the ReDlaCe into frame the top Push the tabs bottom the REPLACING wlndorv outer the frame sltghtly top c’ top the screws the frame and window the Tip rer--c:,+ closed the the sides both up glass black apart take NOT DO cleaning removed be

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

door door on on too With too lift door out Fit When on door. door. IO the Close clips. stop broil the move and the thedoor open place, slightly lifting while in straight into snap hinges the hrnges the push Careful/y slots corner into hinges REPLACING straight the slightly and pull sliqhtlv, lifted and in tiDDed the the in lie sides both the Hold slots hinge over clips stop broil Swing the Open DOOR OVEN THE

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

wa!ls woI!s a e A fat on out on of turns fat to (350 -475 F, 176 -231 to a Out, FOIL to foil from a (rf ?ti-Ini.! [45 foil, or a foli 241430) fronl Whrrlpool Lift For to lift off tnt on foil. to 11 wrinkles without .Jnd sides both up start ynouyh [ong centered, IS :oii ;k

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

TIPS 1. not 3. If do door not hot 4. foil on tom to do not -. a hot for In not or a off for harmful WALLS Wash hot a or for 12 well. Rinse spots. stubborn pad scouring plastic pad steel-wool soapy Use water. soupy with - DOOR AND well Rinse soots. stubborn fumes pad scouring Dlastic give and surface Use cleansers rJbraslve porcelain-enamel the well Rinse results. wool steel use Do trapped be can Some best pad steel-wool water sudsy stiith PRODUCTS. CLEANING soapy Use -

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

WHAT HOW Warm, Warm, Warm, Warm, Warm, Warm, 13 operations. roasting or baking normal during condition clean presentably a to reduce gradually surface interior porcelain-enamel continuous-cleaning the on spatters fat Most representative. service p TECH-CARE your or dealer Whirlpool your from 241430 cleaners. oven commercial use not Do l No. Part order or stores spillovers. catch to oven grocery at available foil of bottom on foil aluminum of strip Place l aluminum Heavy-duty ove

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

l a from l for informa- on to 1 often from find 2 out of Whirlpool i It from: l a crrcurt . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 632-2243 & . . . . . . . . (800) 253-l 121 l morn or clrcurt- of our to If not from or, If a l ?o a or not l L; services: 3 If on Whirlpool a finish: l finish , ffFj~J~;C”“:p or It IS not to i l If often l door WI! on

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

4 have our of our or if to Mr. Whirlpool 2000 MI 49022 ‘If or of a cf rnformation In to to for 15 assistance request your spond re- better order needed is This problem the descrrptton complete and purchase, date number senal number, model provide: please write. call must you Harbor. Benton North US-33 Center Administrative Corporation Preslent Vice Turner. Guy write prefer, yoLi Consultants, one with talk and ;lj Step [see number phone tele- assistance oe serv COOL-LINE

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

a quality this quality a will fit right and right, the used build - Built-rn and Unlls, and 311418 A Rev. No. Part U.S.A. in Printed Systems. Conditioning Air Heating Central Dehumidifiers, Conditioners. Air Room Compaclors, Ovens, Microwave Ranges, Surface Ovens Dishwashers, Makers, tee Relrigeralor-Freezers, Freezers. Dryers, Clothes Washers, Automalic Michigan. Harbor, Benton appliance Whirlpool new every to specifications exacting same to made are they because work parts

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