Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool RB170PXL

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool RB170PXL

Aparato: Whirlpool RB170PXL
Categoría: Horno
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 0.85 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/15/2014
Número de páginas: 16
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Whirlpool RB170PXL Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Using i. Put 6 rng the until the Signal Lrght 5. Pul rn the When baking, turn both lo ___--- lo be than old the in old changed gradually the think both adjusting. lo the 1. Pull the the ing off knob lo knob lo notch notch F F Cl Cl 4 Tmk knob. the Replace screw. locking the llghten I5 I5 aboul10 equals 10 about equals Each Each notches of HI closer LO closer straight of part black of part black posilron NOTICE Control perolure move perolure, move peralure, screw;

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

the Put pan and it broiling. on the ) broiling the 6. When broiling 4. must be portly turn both lo OFF lo on a A built-rn wrll hold brorltng ] Brolllng by the lo a selling than When on the on all the flme. When on a the turns and on the seltlng, the the the on al front and pull out should be P.djust the lop the be brolled rn the the 0 the 2 the the the a pan and the and pan the 5 Guide.” “Cookrng see Iron, Informa- more For another wall oven of sides between cm] (4-5

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

- top \ o IsI 1 3 1 3 1 Well 3 4 4 Well 4 % 3 1 3 % 3 % 6 4 Rlb loin % Well 4 lb kg) cut in half 7 cml 3 fillets 3 % 3 3 3 4 until the nghl unlil the dial on OFF. 1. turn the the hand lo the hand posl fhe When lhe up, a will sound settrng the dial lo OFF lo slop the buzzrng Turn 4. want. you buzzer is lime set 3. clockwise limer Minute want. you setting back Turn 2. knob, the In pushing WIthout TIMER MINUTE THE USING day of time Ihe change WI// you knob. the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

turn the upper on and off al not around. and baklng the on the 1. Put the on the and the in the the Push in and turn the Push in and turn the the right lo the the the mg lo shul otf 8. slop the the turn both lo OFF baklng 1. Put the and Push rn and turn the Slop the rn the the shut the on turn both on the OFF the the the right turn both OFF that not go bad o dtsh a holf- walling cup ml] 1 hours. using eggs, that fish, should be cold put be used, frurts and lype b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

the usrng not in the be turned on will then l not 1. the and and * not all the light the rrght the the 1. the and and Push in and turn the the right the right Push the light the and hold it in Push in ond turn the the lighl go and turn the the right OFF Push the light and hold the OFF; the be unlocked the lights will on push the Push the shut lights will on an 1. the bulb by the Ilght bulb the supply pulling oul on the holder and the bulb o the bulb bulb and snop the h

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

2. 3. 4. Push 1. and o on cloth off. the panel and dry on OFF and dry HOW Outslde cloth, l off regularly - l not contalnlng [such pad stubborn on will the flnlsh. . not sudsy and . and dry brush l not l wlth utensils. pads l not in pan and arld panel . and dry cloth. . . scrubbing pad and dry cloth. . wlth . stubborn scrubbing pad . dlrectlons on . not fat on the lnterlor gradually a condltlon durlng . in during pads l and dry. pads stubborn . using Cleanlng b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

upper be LOWER Support 1. Open the the the on both Pull the the and slightly hinges, the in the hinge supports LOWER 1. Frt the hinge supports Lrlt slightly sliding When the ln the the the the hrnge supports hrnge supports the the the will snap and be 10 closed. can place into door openings, oven openings comers oven bottom Into slide Into at openrngs stops 3. while 2. Into DOOR OVEN THE REPLACING oven. from Ihe stops clear away straight to 1111 sides stop

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

upper hlgh burn understand the 1. that not be durrng the hot and gent a bad on. try the flberglass bend I rn the stand the htgh 3. w Out wrll help dunng the the touch the during the cleanrng durrng the cleanrng must it burn rn rn the Durrng the the finrsh burn melt, or can occur may they cycle. cleaning porcelarn to Damage oven liners oven your cleaners oven other or forI use NOT DO commercral use NOT DO results best you can for freely move Air cycle cycle ove

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

the 1. the Push rn the and turn the and and Light will on all the hand and the will right lor ) the Light When the Light on the oft turn the gels OFF unlocks the be unlocked the Light on the 8. off OFF a cloth touch up pad 12 YOU. BURN CAN IT CYCLE. CLEANING THE DURING OVEN THE TOUCH NOT DO steel-wool soapy or cleanser with spots needed II damp wrth ash or to Control ature residue any wtpe cool, Is oven the After Temper- Oven Turn 7. IS Lock when can’t door The

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

1. the the the cleanrng during the get the cleanrng help a get rid longer and the and rn not than usual tong enough the longer 4. the and slrde on gudes left in the l the dunng the cleanrng untrl the hand pants the rrght slrde polish the the and gurdes a l the and pad, well, and , OFF on a thrn l When the the untrl the HOW ___~ the the much than it F up and and burns it off. graph and during a hours. and that the heatrng the settrng up. but that rt a longer the en

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

LOWER a A fat up on the but out on the lal and turns fat burns the relurn a Up, Out. Burns FOIL loll rn the sell-cleanrng upper not Cut a roll alumrnum loll, buy a krt Whrrlpool the loll under the bakrng. the slrghtlY the the loll long enough up both and lying flat 14 wrinkles without sides, start to centered, IS sure Make toll. the on solldly rest bottom oven teet all so element bake element OH feet 1111 to lower proper For bake Slrde element bake cool the Lilt dealer

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

do hroifrnq than haklnq. hand 1. and not by hand clconlng be necdcd not gel hot the allrmrnum on the lo inslruclions. hand be do nol burn and the a pad hot sudsy be trapped rn not the a and oft pad harmful stubborn hot a pad pad stubborn If . the and result little things find and . the dial the out kind. l the dial the . the a the wlfh the l the . gradually during not deslgned l the turned a tlng but not . l the . than will turned a be on the in the l th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

l . using pans in the a l baking, 2 on all the pans * . the hrgh? the fulfill the l the the product calls and l the pans the called in the in the in l a a call number in l the utensils flat under: the on and and talk instruct tn applr- a rn phone number and talk if to: Guy must call number, number, and a the in spond Our hfe I” U S A Prlnled of way Oual~ty 077626 1324013 NO PO,, assistance for request Your to re- better to order needed is rnformatron This

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