Manual de instrucciones de LOREX Technology Dlink DI-624

Manual de instrucciones del aparato LOREX Technology Dlink DI-624

Aparato: LOREX Technology Dlink DI-624
Categoría: Router
Fabricante: LOREX Technology
Tamaño: 1.06 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/3/2014
Número de páginas: 12
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LOREX Technology Dlink DI-624 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.1
Lorex Monitor Remote Access Setup Guide
Dlink DI-624
Date: 25 May 2005

Step 1: Before you Start

This section will help you in setting up and configuring your Lorex Monitor(s) and PC(s) to be able to view the
video images from remote locations on the Internet. We assume that you already have the monitor hooked up
and working and that you can view video from within your Local Area Network (LAN). If not, please consult the
Quick Start guide or the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.2 Select a screen display that provides device and/or network status. In the case of the DLink-624 it will appear as follows; The status and external IP Address of the router are clearly shown in the WAN section. Step1B: Set up the Static IP address Some routers, including the DLink-624, have the capability to fix the internal IP addresses that are distributed using DHCP. If your router supports this feature, you will want to set it up to ensur

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.3 'clone' button. Click on the Static DHCP 'Enabled' radio button. Then click on the 'Apply' button to save this configuration. If your router does not support the Static DHCP feature, then you will want to set the IP Address explicitly. Choose a new address value that is not already assigned and is outside of the range of the DHCP server to avoid address conflict. (i.e. does not fall within the Starting and Ending IP Address). Use the new address

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.4 Create a path for your streaming video by entering values as shown; • Click the 'Enabled' radio button • Enter the Name (this is your choice) • Enter the Private IP. This must be the same IP address that appears in the LCD of the Lorex Monitor and/or the static IP set in the previous step. • Set the Protocol Type to 'TCP', • Set the Private Port to '80' • Set the Public Port to '80' • Set the Schedule to 'Always' and select the 'Apply' button. This

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.5 support by a different means, you may not need to do this step. Using a web browser go to, and click on the 'create account' link. You will be asked to provide the following information; • Your e-mail address • A secret password • Your name • Your Region ( state or province) • Your country • Your product license number – This is the same number you entered when installing your Lorex Player. The license number is made up of;

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.6 details will be displayed to the right. To change any of the highlighted parameters, enter in the new values and click ‘Submit’. For example, to enable access port 9002, enter this in the HTTP Port2 field and click 'Submit'. In order to use the Lorex technology Inc. DDNS service you must have signed up with the Lorex technology Inc. network in step 2 above. You will have received an e-mail providing you with the parameters to enter in this part of the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.7 Step 3A: Set up the DDNS client Click on the Configuration link to bring up the configuration pane and then click on the DDNS link. The following screen will appear; The Dynamic DNS settings must be entered as described in the confirmation e-mail. When done, click on the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page. Note that IP Address updates do take a few minutes to propagate, so allow about 15 minutes after setting up the Lorex Monitor's DD

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.8 Step 3B: Set up a password to secure your module The connection that you currently have is suitable for use on a private Local Area Network. If you are concerned that others can get access to your Lorex Monitor, you must enable password protection as follows; In the left-hand panel, click on the 'User' option. The following screen will appear; Enter in a user name and password to create a new user and click on 'Set/change'. Also, click on the 'admin'

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.9 Step 3C: Setting up an alternate port To set an additional port for accessing the Lorex Monitor, click on the 'System' link. The following screen will appear; Enter the alternate port into the 'Http port 2' field, select the 'Reboot' option and click on the 'Change' button. Step 4: Configure the Lorex Player The Lorex Player was previously configured for Local Area access by specifying the IP address directly. This section will show you how to set

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.8 Step 3B: Set up a password to secure your module The connection that you currently have is suitable for use on a private Local Area Network. If you are concerned that others can get access to your Lorex Monitor, you must enable password protection as follows; In the left-hand panel, click on the 'User' option. The following screen will appear; Enter in a user name and password to create a new user and click on 'Set/change'. Also, click on the 'admin'

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc.. p.11 Enter a name that indicates that this is for Internet access, and define the cameras exactly as before; In the address field, enter the URL as it is specified in the DDNS setup e-mail. Typically, this will be in the format In the Port field enter '80'. Note if you are setting up an alternate port number (e.g. 9002), then enter that instead; The User Name and Password will be the same as entered in step 3B above. Af

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

© 2006 Lorex technology Inc. p.12 Define the camera, as before, by clicking the 'New' button, and when done click the 'Finish' button. Start the video by double-clicking on the camera icon and you will be able to view the video as before from anywhere in the world.

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