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E : 1 Volume I: N 8 s . dThis supports the installation, commissioning an 1 s 8 intended for use only by personnel who are trained, . L THE INTERNATIONAL HAZARD SYMBOL IS INSCRIBED ADJACENT TO E MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR COMMISSIONING THE UNIT. THE REAR CONNECTION TERMINALS. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ TH CAUTION: REFER TO MANUA equipped and authorised to carry out these functions It i -DIN Digital Indicator. configuring of the Volume II: taken by the user are to be in front of the panel Digital
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
1 59039 r -DIN Digi 8 - Vol Man 1 -DIN DIGITAL INDICATOR 8 L VOLUME I OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS In normal operation, the operator must not remove the e hazardous live parts. Installation and configuration y l Volume II of this manual. 1 November, 2000 ( i ) SM067- V . This is covered in technically competent servicing personne must be undertaken b rear terminals, as this would provide potential contact with Indicator from its housing or have unrestricted access to th PRODUCT MANUA Prod uct ual ume
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1 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 - Vol Man s 1 N 1-1 2 E MOD 2-1 3 E 3-1 4 S COM s A x A-1 ( i i ) November, 2000 1 SM067- V Al pha beti cal In de Ap pen di ce 4-1 RIAL RS485 SE MU NI CA TION SET UP MOD OP ERA TOR IN TRO DUC TIO Con tent Prod uct ual ume I tal In di ca to
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 1 8 - Vol Man N 1 The -DIN Digital Indicator is an easy-to-operate microprocessor-based instrument, 8 incorporating the latest in surface-mount and CMOS technology. The standard features include: . (or LED dis * n * * ) from the front panel. range se * t out re (user- * s * . Hold and Time Elapsed fea Hold, Mini * OM067-1 November, 2000 1 - 1 Maxi mum mum tures Alarm hys tere si Alarm 1 latch ing or non- latching selectable) lay pu In put lected (mA, mV or V Uni ver sal sen
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1 1 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 n - Vol Man . * 2 * . . to IP65 (NEMA 4) stan Front panel seal * . * y fa off Vari * from front panel. * . * and the many optional features include: s out * of latched alarm re * t out * y * com ASCII and MOD * . com * 1 - 2 November, 2000 OM067-1 RS485 se rial mu ni ca tions BUS mu ni ca tions pro to cols Trans mit ter power sup pl Re- transmitted Proc ess Vari able pu Re mote set Alarm 2 and Alarm 3 re lay put Sen sor Break in di ca tion Alarm type se lected Proc e
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 2 8 - Vol Man Mode E 1 N The Operator Mode is the normal mode of the Indicator, once it has been set up and configured as required. The front panel displays, indicators and keys are shown in Figure 2 - 1 . 2 - 1 2.2 FOUR-DIGIT DISPLAY l y Strategy parameter in Set Up Mode (see NOTES ON TABLE 3 : m X Break (see Sub the Sen 2.6 (see Sub ) and Over- 2.5 . m N 2.6 n 2.5 . OM067-2 November, 2000 2 - 1 ) con di tions ) and Under- Range (see Sub sec tio the Sen sor Break (see Su
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1 2 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 Mode - Vol Man . s - will show: dis - d . (iv) (v) shows ). (units dis and con Alarm 2 value, if fit (vi) . (units dis and con (iv) . vari 3 S The AL1 - alarm, ON when (with latch Flashes when Alarm 1 is ac has cleared) - Flashes when Alarm 2 is ac AL3 - Flashes when Alarm 3 is ac 3 . 4 RESETTING THE MAXIMUM VALUE/MINIMUM VALUE OR TIME ELAPSED E To reset the maximum value, minimum value (to the process variable value at the time elapsed value (to zero)
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 2 8 - Vol Man Mode 5 OVER-RANGE/ S t r display will : for the over-range condition . 6 N If a break is detected in the sensor circuit, the four-digit display will show: . D If a thermocouple input is fitted, the Cold Junction Compensation should be enabled. If it is disabled, whenever the process variable is displayed, the unit display will be as shown on the right. 2.8 M If Output 1 is configured to be a latched alarm output, once it becomes active it will e latched alarm
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1 2 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 Mode - Vol Man for two seconds, indicating that the latched alarm has been reset. The latched Alarm 1 can be reset only if the original alarm condition has been cleared; this reset has no . 9 VIEWING THE HARDWARE DEFINITION CODE The operator may view the current to the normal Operator Mode display by simultaneously depressing the Lower and . NOTE: An automatic return is made to the normal Operator Mode . Hardware Option setting, press the Scroll key whilst the Hardw
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 3 8 - Vol Man Set Up Mode E 1 ENTRY INTO SET UP MODE Set Up Mode, with the instrument initially in Operator Mode displaying the process variable value, depress the Raise and Scroll keys simultaneously for three SET e . NOTE: If the four-digit display shows: (i.e. all decimal point positions illuminated), this indicates that one or more of the critical Configuration Mode parameters - typically input l t values/settings. To clear this display, simply alter the value/setting o
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1 3 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 Set Up Mode - Vol Man Table 3 - 1 s Set Up Pa Parameter d Adjustment Range t 1 Alarm 1 Value or Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. (Proc. High) Range Min. (Proc. Low) Alarm 1 Hysteresis 1 LSD to 10% of span expressed 1 LSD as display units 2 Alarm 2 Value Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. (Proc. High) Range Min. (Proc. Low) 2 Alarm 2 Hysteresis 1 LSD to 10% of span expressed 1 LSD as display units 3 Alarm 3 Value Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. (Proc. High) Range
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 3 8 - Vol Man Set Up Mode NOTES ON TABLE 3-1 1. The legend for this parameter will be if only Alarm 1 is fitted/configured or if o ther alarms are fitted/configured. 2. These parameters appear in the display sequence only if Alarm 2 is fitted/configured. 3. These parameters appear in the display sequence only if Alarm 3 is fitted/configured. 4. Only applicable if a DC Linear input is fitted. 5. Defines the parameters displayed in sequence in Operator Mode: Para
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1 3 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 Set Up Mode - Vol Man 6 E e e Maximum. If Alarm 3 is selected to be a Process Low alarm, this defines the process Range Minimum. Its value may be adjusted between Input Range Maximum and Input . ALARM 3 HYSTERESIS effect of the hysteresis value on alarm operation is shown in Figure 3-2. 8 T This parameter is used to modify the actual process variable value (measured at the : Offset PV value = Actual PV value + Process Variable Offset value. The offset process variable va
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1 59039 -DIN Digi 3 8 - Vol Man Set Up Mode 13.1 LINEAR INPUT SCALE RANGE MAXIMUM and 9999 (with decimal point as defined by Linear Input Decimal Point Position). The ) . 3.12 M This parameter defines the value of the process variable at which the Recorder Output e l s variable input range. The default value is Input Range Minimum. This parameter is not NOTE: If this parameter is set to a value greater than that for the Recorder Output Scale Maximum (see Subsection 3.13), the relationship bet
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1 3 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 Set Up Mode - Vol Man m gdirect-actin m reverse-acting m gdirect-actin m reverse-acting Figure 3 - 1 n Alarm Value Alarm Hysteresis PROCESS HIGH Process Variable ALARM Alarm Inactive Alarm Active Alarm Inactive Process Variable PROCESS LOW Alarm Hysteresis ALARM Alarm Value Alarm Inactive Alarm Active Alarm Inactive Figure 3 - 2 n Op 3 - 6 November, 2000 OM067-3 Alarm Hys tere sis era tio Alarm Op era tio Process Low Alar Process Low Alar Process High Alar Process High A
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1 59039 -DIN Digi 4 8 - Vol Product Man s Com RS485 Se S a . 1 S : S 4.1.1 n Data format is fixed to be seven data bits and one stop bit. The Baud rate may be selected to be 1200, 2400, 4800 (default) or 9600 Baud. For ASCII protocol, the parity parity is selectable to be even, odd or none. 4.1.2 d Line Turn- : Pro half as a multi- link is op The com a starts de an lines be the trans re a trans on the mas re (a) The transmitter must release the transmission lines within 6ms of t delays du
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1 4 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 s Com RS485 Se - Vol Product Man (a) A Start of Message character ) (d) An End of Message character master device may be one of four types: Type 1: * Type 2: * Type 3: * Type 4: * where all characters are in ASCII code and: L is the (Hex 4C) {N} t zero (e.g. 07). form, the first digit be {P} - . {C} ) is the com # (Hex 23) } ) * is the (Hex 2A) char End of Mes d are per No space char e no re . 4 - 2 November, 2000 OM067-4 char ac ter mes sage will cause the slave to
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1 59039 r -DIN Digi 4 8 - Vol Product Man s Com RS485 Se 4 - 1 Point Po - Sign and Deci {DATA} Ele t Sign/Decimal Point Position abcd0 +abcd abcd1 +abc.d abcd2 abcd3 +a.bcd abcd5 –abcd abcd6 –abc.d abcd7 – abcd8 –a.bcd Table 4 - 2 s and Iden r Parameter/Command Operation r A Maximum Process Variable value y B Minimum Process Variable value y C D Alarm 1 Hysteresis value 1 E 1 F Alarm 2 Hysteresis value G m s only) - otherwise Read Only H m s only) - otherwise Read Only J e 2 L Ins
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1 4 r -DIN Digi 59039 8 s Com RS485 Se - Vol Product Man 4.2.1 e * This message is used by the master device to determine whether the addressed slave s * L {N} ? A An inactive instrument will give no reply. 4.2.2 e L {N} {P} {C} * d {C} represents the command to be executed, which may be one of the following: } de the value of the pa } de the value of the pa by {P} de value of the pa the cur : * where {DATA} comprises five ASCII-coded digits whose format is shown in Table 4-1. The data is