Manual de instrucciones de Paradyne SLV 9128

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Paradyne SLV 9128

Aparato: Paradyne SLV 9128
Categoría: Equipo de red
Fabricante: Paradyne
Tamaño: 0.08 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/28/2014
Número de páginas: 19
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

FrameSaver SLV 9128
Quick Reference
Document Number 9128-A2-GL10-40
May 2000
Product Documentation on the World Wide Web
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documentation for specific topics and print only what you need, reducing the waste of
surplus printing. It also helps us maintain competitive prices for our products.
Complete documentation for this product is available at
Select Library →Technical Manuals →FrameSaver Frame Relay Dev

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Menu Hierarchy MAIN MENU Status Status Test System and Test Status LMI Reported DLCIs Configuration PVC Connection Status Auto-Configuration Timeslot Assignment Status Control DBM Interface Status Easy Install IP Routing Table Performance Statistics Trap Event Log Display LEDs and Control Leads Identity System and LMI PVC Connection Timeslot Identity Trap Event Performance IP Routing Test Status Reported Status Assignment Log Statistics Table • System DLCIs Status  Self-Test Result

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

MAIN MENU Status Test Configuration Auto-Configuration Auto-Configuration  Frame Relay Discovery Mode Control  Automatic Circuit Removal Easy Install  Automatic Backup MAIN MENU Configuration Status Test Configuration Auto-Configuration Control Control Modem Call Directories Easy Install System Information Administer Logins Change Operating Mode Select Software Release Select DSX/PR1 LED Source LMI Packet Capture Utility Disconnect Modem Reset Device System Informati

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Configuration Option Summaries This section summarizes the configuration options accessed when you select Configuration from the Main Menu.  System  Physical (Network, Data Port, and ISDN)  ISDN (Link Profiles)  DSX-1  Time Slot Assignment — Frame Relay Network Assignments — DSX-1 to Network Assignments — Sync Data Port Assignments  Frame Relay (Network and Data Port)  DLCI Records (Network, Data Port, and ISDN)  PVC Connections  Management and Communication  Auto Backup Criteria Syste

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Frame Relay and LMI Select Frame Relay and LMI to configure the general frame relay options for the system. Frame Relay and LMI Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] LMI Behavior [Independent], Port-1_Follows_Net1-FR1, Port-2_Follows_Net1-FR1, All_Ports_Follow_Net1-FR1 Net1-FR1_Follows_Port-1, Net1-FR1_Follows_Port-2, Port-1_Codependent_with_Net1-FR1, Port-2_Codependent_with_Net1-FR1 Traffic Policing Enable, [Disable] LMI Error Event (N2) 1, 2, [3], 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 LMI C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

General Select General to configure a timeout period and duration for user-initiated loopbacks and pattern tests, a primary and secondary clock source for the system, and a system alarm relay. General Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Test Timeout [Enable], Disable Test Duration (min) 1–120 [10] Primary Clock Source [Net1], DSX, Internal, DBM Secondary Clock Source Net1, DSX, [Internal], DBM System Alarm Relay Enable, [Disable] Physical Select Physical to configure the physica

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Data Ports Select Data Ports, then Physical to configure physical characteristics for the port connected to the DTE. Data Ports Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Port Status [Enable], Disable Port Use (Port-2 only) [Frame Relay], Synchronous Data For Port-1 or when Port Use is set to Frame Relay on Port-2: Max Port Rate (Kbps) [1536], 2048 (Port-2 only) Invert Transmit Clock [Auto], Enable, Disable Transmit Clock Source [Internal], External Monitor DTR [Enable], Disable

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

ISDN Select ISDN, then Physical to configure physical characteristics for the ISDN interface if an ISDN DBM is installed. The following table shows the configuration options for an ISDN BRI DBM. ISDN BRI Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Interface Status Enable, [Disable] Originate or Answer [Originate], Answer Service Profile ID 1 or 2 (SPID) [Clear] (3–20 digits) Local Phone Number 1 or 2 [Clear] (up to 10 digits) The following table shows the configuration options for an

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

ISDN Link Profiles Select ISDN, then Link Profiles to configure the ISDN Link Profiles. Link Profiles Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Link Name ASCII text entry, [HQ_Site] Link Status Auto, [Disable] Outbound Phone Number 0–9, *, #, , _, –, ), or ( Inbound Calling ID 1 or 2 0–9 Maximum Link Rate (Kbps) BRI DBM: [64], 128 PRI DBM: [64], 128, . . . 1472 DSX-1 Select DSX-1 to configure the DSX-1 interface. DSX-1 Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Interface Sta

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Time Slot Assignment Select Time Slot Assignment to make cross-connection assignments. Select Frame Relay Network Assignments to assign DS0s on the T1 network interface(s) for frame relay links. Frame Relay-to-Network Interface Time Slot Assignment Network Channel Settings Default in [Bold] Time Slot Discovery [Enable], Disable N01–N24 [Available], Assigned, FrameRly1 Select DSX-1-to-Network Assignments to assign or unassign DSX-1 timeslots to T1 network interface timeslots. DSX-1-to-Network In

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Frame Relay Select Frame Relay to configure the Frame Relay characteristics of the following interfaces:  Network  Data Ports Frame Relay Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] LMI Protocol lnitialize_From_Net1FR1, Initialize_From_Interface, Auto_On_LMI_Fail, Standard, Annex-A, Annex-D [lnitialize_From_Interface] for a data port link. [Auto_On_LMI_Fail] for a network link. LMI Parameters [System], Custom When LMI Parameters is set to System: Frame Relay DS0s Base Rate [Nx64], Nx56

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

DLCI Records Select DLCI Records to manually configure DLCI records for each interface. The Auto-Configuration feature provides automatic configuration of DLCI records. Select DLCI Records to configure the DLCI Records for the following interfaces:  Network  Data Port  ISDN The Auto-Configuration feature provides automatic DLCI record configuration. DLCI Records for Each Interface Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] DLCI Number 16–1007 DLCI Type Standard, Multiplexed [Standard] f

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

PVC Connections Select PVC Connections to manually configure the logical connections between the selected interface and the data ports. The Auto-Configuration feature provides automatic configuration of PVC connections. PVC Connections Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Source Link Port-n, ISDN Link Name, Net1-FR1 Source DLCI 16 –1007 Source EDLCI 0 – 62 Primary Destination Link ISDN Link Name, Net1-FR1 Primary Destination DLCI 16 –1007 Primary Destination EDLCI 0 – 62 Alternate Des

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Node IP Select Node IP to configure support of the IP communication network. Node IP Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Node IP Address –, [Clear] Node Subnet Mask [] –, Clear Default IP Destination [None], Modem, COM, PVCname TS Access Management Link [None], PVCname TS Management Link [Level-1], Level-2, Level-3 Access Level Management PVCs Select Management PVCs to configure a Management PVC for in-band management. Th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

General SNMP Management Select General SNMP Management to configure the FrameSaver unit so it can be managed as an SNMP agent. General SNMP Management Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] SNMP Management [Enable], Disable Community Name 1 ASCII text entry, [Public], Clear Name 1 Access Read, [Read/Write] Community Name 2 ASCII text entry, [Clear] Name 2 Access [Read], Read/Write Telnet and FTP Sessions Select Telnet and FTP Sessions to configure access to the FrameSaver unit through T

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

SNMP NMS Security Select SNMP NMS Security to configure access to the unit. SNMP NMS Security Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] NMS IP Validation Enable, [Disable] Number of Managers [1]–10 NMS n IP Address–, [Clear] Access Type [Read], Read/Write SNMP Traps Select SNMP Traps to configure desired SNMP traps and dialing out when SNMP traps occur. SNMP Traps Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] SNMP Traps Enable, [Disable] Number of Trap Mana

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Communication Port Select Communication Port to configure the FrameSaver unit’s COM port. Communication Port Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Port Use [Terminal], Net Link When Port Use is set to Terminal: Data Rate (Kbps) 9.6, 14.4, [19.2], 28.8, 38.4, 57.6, 115.2 Character Length 7, [8] Parity [None], Even, Odd Stop Bits [1], 2 Ignore Control Leads [Disable], DTR Login Required Enable, [Disable] Port Access Level [Level-1], Level-2, Level-3 Inactivity Timeout [Enable], Di

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Modem Port Select Modem Port to configure the FrameSaver unit’s Modem port. Modem Port Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold] Port Use [Terminal], Net Link When Port Use is set to Terminal: Dial-In Access [Enable], Disable Login Required Enable, [Disable] Port Access Level [Level-1], Level-2, Level-3 Inactivity Timeout [Enable], Disable Disconnect Time (Minutes) 1–60 [10] When Port Use is set to Net Link: Dial-In Access [Enable], Disable IP Address–, [

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Warranty, Sales, Service, and Training Information Contact your local sales representative, service representative, or distributor directly for any help needed. For additional information concerning warranty, sales, service, repair, installation, documentation, training, distributor locations, or Paradyne worldwide office locations, use one of the following methods:  Internet: Visit the Paradyne World Wide Web site at (Be sure to register your warranty at

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