Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Print Server
Hardware Installation Guide
This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware
installation of the print server. It contains the following information:
Scope of Supply
Safety Regulations
Print Server Controls and Technical Data
Mounting the Print Server
Installation in a Wireless LAN
Information and Hotline
To obtain additional information about your print server, please refer to the
documentation on the product C
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Scope of Supply Please check the package content before getting started: Print Server PS54-G Hardware Provides a brief description of the hardware Installation installation of the print server. (This document) Guide Software Provides a brief description of the software Quick installation of the print server under each of the Installation supported operating systems. Product CD The Product CD provides: - Installation Manual (The pdf file provides a detailed description of the software ins
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Safety Regulations English (en) Print servers are network interfaces for printers in office environments and are designed for the direct integration of printers into networks. Before starting the initial operation procedure of your print server, please note the following safety regulations: • Read the documentation and make sure that your system meets the requirements listed therein. Avoid contact with humidity or liquid. The print server must only be connected and operated if it is in
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Verwenden Sie für die Verbindung zum Drucker ein zertifiziertes USB-Hi-Speed-Kabel. Eine Liste der zertifizierten Kabel finden Sie unter! Français (fr) Les serveurs d'impression sont des interfaces réseaux pour les imprimantes dans des bureaux et servent à l'intégration directe des imprimantes dans les réseaux. Avant de mettre en service votre serveur d'impression, veuillez suivre ces quelques conseils de sécurité: Lisez attentivement la documentation et assurez-vous que votr
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No quite o cambie la tarjeta PCMCIA o CompactFlash de los servidores de impresión WLAN. Lea y tenga en cuenta las restricciones nacionales con respecto al uso de los servidores de impresión WLAN. Para más informaciones, consulte su comerciante especializado. Para la conexión con la impresora, utilice un cable USB certificado que aparece en la lista en Italiano (it) I server di stampa sono interfacce della rete per le stampanti negli ambienti dell'ufficio e servono all'int
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Como cabo de dados utilize apenas cabos que estejam em conformidade com a norma IEEE 1284l. A blindagem do cabo e a blindagem da ficha devem ser ligados de forma a que encostem bem. Aviso! Esta é uma instalação da Classe A. Esta instalação pode causar interferências de rádio em zonas residenciais; nesse caso pode ser exigido do proprietário da instalação, que tome as devidas providências. O servidor de impressão tem de ser operado com um equipamento de alimentação enviado. Os cartõe
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Kabler skal udlægges således, at personer ikke kan træde på dem eller snuble over dem. Som datakabel må kun anvendes kabler, som er i overensstemmelse med IEEE 1284. Kablets lednings- og stikafskærmning skal være fladt forbundet. Advarsel! Dette er en klasse A indretning. Denne indretning kan forårsage forstyrrelse af radiomodtagelse i boligområdet; i dette tilfælde kan den driftsansvarlige forlange, at der gennemføres passende foranstaltninger. Printserveren må kun drives med den me
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Gebruik als datakabels uitsluitend IEEE 1284-conforme kabels. De afscherming van de kabel en van de stekker van de kabel dienen als in een vlak op elkaar aan te sluiten. Waarschuwing! Dit is een apparaat uit klasse A. Dit apparaat kan interferentie veroorzaken in de directe omgeving. In dit geval moet de gebruiker mogelijk passende maatregelen nemen. Voor de printserver mag uitsluitend de meegeleverde voedingstekker worden gebruikt. De PCMCIA- of CompactFlash-kaart kan niet worden v
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Prečítajte si dokumentačný materiál a uistite sa, že Váš systém vyhovuje uvádzaným požiadavkám. Prístroj nesmie príst do kontaktu s vlhkostou alebo s kvapalinami. Printserver smie byt zapojený a prevádzkovaný len v nepoškodenom stave. Všetky vodiče umiestnite tak, aby nikto na ne nemohol šliapnut alebo o ne zakopnút. Ako dátový kábel používajte len vodice, ktoré sú zhodné s IEEE 1284. Ochrana vodiča a ochrana zástrčky kábla musia byt spojené plošne. Výstraha! Toto je zariadenie trie
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Lietuvių kalba (lt) Printserveriai skirti tinklo sąsajos biuro spausdintuvams ir jie naudojami jungiant spaus- dintuvus į tinklą. Prieš pradėdami naudoti savo printserverį atkreipkite dėmesį į šiuos nurodymus dėl saugos: Perskaitykite dokumentus ir įsitikinkite, ar jūsų sistema atitinka nurodytus reikalavi- mus. Prietaisui kenkia drėgmė ar skystis. Tik nepriekaištingos būklės printserverį galima prijungti ir juo naudotis. Ištieskite visus kabelius taip, kad niekas jų neužmintų ir už jų
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Printera pievienojumam izmantot sertificētu ātrdarbīgu USB-kabeli. Sertificētu kabeļu sarakstu atradīsiet interneta lapā ! Slovenščina (si) Tiskalniški strežniki so omrežni vmesniki za tiskalnik v uradih in služijo za neposredno povezavo tiskalnikov v omrežja. Pred zagonom svojega tiskalniškega strežnika upoštevajte naslednje varnostne predpise: Preberite dokumentacijo in prepričajte se, da vaš sistem ustreza navedenim zahtevam. Stroj ne sme priti v stik z vlago ali tekočin
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Należy przestrzegać właściwych dla danego kraju ograniczeń używania serwera WLAN. Proszę o to zapytać swojego sprzedawcę. Do połączenia z drukarką należy używać kabla USB-Hi-Speed z certyfikatem. Lista kabli z certyfikatem znajduje się na stronie . Česky (cz) Tiskové servery jsou sít’ová rozhraní pro tiskárny v kancelářském prostředí a slouží pro přímé sdílení tiskáren v sítích. Před uvedením tiskového serveru do provozu dodržujte následující bezpečnostní předpisy: Přečtěte
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A nyomtatókiszolgálót csak a hozzá adott tápegységgel szabad üzemeltetni. Nem szabad kivenni vagy kicserélni a PCMCIA vagy CompactFlash kártyát. Kérjük, hogy a WLAN nyomtatókiszolgáló használatakor tartsa be az országos korlátozásokat. Ezekről a nyomtatókiszolgáló viszonteladójától kérhető további felvilágosítás. A nyomtatókiszolgáló és a nyomtató összekapcsolására használjon tanúsított nagysebességu USB kábelt. A tanúsított kábelek jegyzéke a helyen megtalálható. Malti (
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Print Server Controls and Technical Data 1) Link indicator LED (green): 1) Status button The LED lights up when a 2) USB port (physical) connection to the 3) Centronics network is available. connector 2) Network activity LED (yellow): 4) Connector for SEH The LED lights up when data power pack packets are being received. 3) Status indicator LED (green): The LED shows that the print server is operational. Characteristics Values Printer Connector - 1 x Centronics - 1 x USB 2.0 highspee
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Mounting the Print Server The print server can be used for printers with parallel or USB interface. You can connect up to two printers. It is also possible to connect a hub to the USB interface of the print server and use it with up to four additional printers. Proceed as follows: 1. Turn the printer off. 2. Connect the data cable to the print server. 3. Connect the power cord to the print server. 4. Turn the printer on. 5. Press the status button of the print server in order to print out a st
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Installation in a Wireless LAN General Setup Information Communication mode By selecting the communication mode you define the type of network structure the print server is to be installed in. Two modes are available: - In the 'Ad-Hoc' mode, the print server communicates directly with another WLAN Client (peer-to-peer). - The 'Infrastructure' mode is suitable for setting up large wireless networks with several devices in different rooms. Communication between the devices is done via an acce
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Security Information Make sure that no unauthorized user logs on to the Wireless LAN and that no one has access to the Internet or network resources. Your print server offers several security mechanisms. The following table gives an overview of different encryption and authentication methods. Mechanism Encryption Authentication Standard WEP --- WEP (Open System / Shared Key) WEP EAP WEP+EAP (Open System) (TLS / MD5 / LEAP) TKIP/MIC PSK *WPA (Personal Mode) AES-CCMP PSK *WPA2 (Personal Mode) *WP
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WPA / WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) In contrast to WEP, WPA offers enhanced mechanisms for exchanging keys. The exchange key is only used at the beginning of a session. Afterwards a session key is used. The key is regenerated periodically. The WPA mechanism requires an authentication at the beginning of a connection. Network authentication is done via the Pre-Shared-Key (PSK), a password with 8 to 63 alphanumeric characters. An individual 128-bit key is used for data encryption after the authen
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Installation The description for installing a print server in a WLAN given in the ’Software Quick Installation’ guide does not apply to the PS54-G. Please follow the instructions below to install a PS54-G. This Guide describes the installation via the 'WLAN-Wizard' that is included in the 'InterCon-NetTool'. The configuration via the 'Properties' dialog or the 'Prrint Server Homepage' is also possible. Verify the following points before configuring the PS54-G: You have decided into which n
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Example: - PC IP = / Subnetmask = - Print server IP = / Subnetmask = Select the WLAN communication mode. - Select 'Ad-Hoc', if you want to operate the print server 'Peer to Peer'. - Select 'Infrastructure' if you want to operate the print server within a network with an access point. Enter the SSID. - If you operate the print server in the 'Ad-Hoc' mode, enter a freely definable name. - If you operate the print serv