Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
User Manual for the
Wireless PCI Adapter
4 500 G reat A m erica P arkway
S anta C lara, C A 95054 U S A
Version v1 .0
Feb ru ary 2 005
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Technical Support Please refer to the support information card that shipped with your product. By registering your product at, we can provide you with faster expert technical support and timely notices of product and software upgrades. NETGEAR, INC. Support Information Phone: 1-888-NETGEAR, for US & Canada only. For other countries, see your Support information card. E-mail: Web site: Statement of Conditions In the int
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FCC Electronic Emission Notices This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Tested to C om p ly with F C C S tand ard s F O R H O M E OR OF F IC E U S E F C C ID : P Y 3W G 3 1 1 TV 3 T
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Product and Publication Details Model Number: WP N 311 Publication Date: Feb ru ary 2 005 Product Family: wireless access p oint Product Name: NE TG E A R RangeM ax™ W ireless P C I A d ap ter W P N3 1 1 Home or Business Product: Home Language: English Publication Part Number: 202-1 0074-01 iv
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Contents Chapter 1 About This Manual A u d ience, S cop e, C onventions ...................................................................................... 1 -1 H ow to P rint th is M anu al ................................................................................................. 1 -2 Chapter 2 Introduction A b ou t th e N E TG E A R R angeM ax™ W ireless P C I A d ap ter W P N 3 1 1 ............................. 2 -1 K ey F eatu res and R elated N E TG E A R P rod u cts ...........
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Appendix C Preparing Your PCs for Network Access P rep aring You r C om p u ters for TC P /IP N etworking ....................................................... C -1 C onfigu ring W ind ows 98 S E and M e for TC P /IP N etworking ......................................... C -1 Install or V erify W ind ows N etworking C om p onents ................................................. C -1 E nab ling D H C P to A u tom atically C onfigu re TC P /IP S ettings in W ind ows 98 S E and M e C-3 S electi
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viii Contents
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Chapter 1 About This Manual Audience, Scope, Conventions This manual assumes that the reader has basic to intermediate computer and Internet skills. However, tutorial information is provided in the Appendices, on the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Resource CD, and on the NETGEAR Web site. This manual uses the following typographical conventions: Table 1-1. Typographical conventions italics Emphasis. bold User inp
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 How to Print this Manual To print this manual you can choose one of the following several options, according to your needs. • Printing a Chapter. Use the link at the top right of any page. — Click “PDF of This Chapter” link at the top right of any page in the chapter you want to print. A new browser window opens showing the PDF version of the chapter you were viewing. — Click the print icon in the upper left of the window. —
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Chapter 2 Introduction This chapter introduces the features, package contents, and appearance of the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311. About the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 The NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 gives you flexibility to install the PC in the most convenient location available. The WPN311 frees you from traditional Ethernet wiring that is limited by cabling requirement
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 The following NETGEAR products can be configured to communicate with the WPN311 Wireless PCI Adapter: • WPN824 RangeMax™ Wireless Router • WGT634U 108 Mbps Wireless Media Router • WGT624 108 Mbps Wireless Firewall Router • WG602 54 Mbps Wireless Access Point • WGR614 54 Mbps Cable/DSL Wireless Router • WGR511 54 Mbps Wireless PC Card • MA111 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter • ME103 802.11b ProSafe Wireless Access Point • MA311 802.11
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 A Road Map for ‘How to Get There From Here’ The introduction and adoption of any new technology can be a difficult process. Wireless technology has removed one of the barriers to networking—running wires. It allows more people to try networking, while at the same time exposes them to the inherent complexity of networking. General networking concepts, set up, and maintenance can be difficult to understand. In addition, wireless
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here If I Want To ... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I? Protect m y To learn ab ou t wireless 1 . A ssu re th a t th e 1 . A wireless network with wireless networking secu rity, see wireless au th entication and W E P conn ection from “A u th entication and W E P ” on network h as encryp tion enab led . snoop ing, page B -2 . secu rity 2 . W ireless networking hacking,
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here If I Want To ... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I? Exch ange files F or assistance with W ind ows 1 . U se th e 1 . Th e d esktop com p u ter I am between a networking software, see Windows u sing to connect to th e wirelessly A p p end ix C , “P rep aring Y ou r Network wireless network need s to b e connected P C s for N etwork A ccess” for N eighborhood configu
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here If I Want To ... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I? U se p rin ters in a W ind ows D om ain settings are 1 . U se th e 1 . Th e d esktop com p u ter I am com bined usually m anaged b y corp orate Windows u sing to connect to th e wireless and com p u ter su p p ort grou p s. Printers and wireless network need s to b e wired network. Fa x fea tu res to configu red wit
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Chapter 3 Basic Setup This section describes how to install your NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 and set up basic wireless connectivity on your Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Advanced wireless network configuration is covered in Chapter 4, “Configuration” in this manual. Note: Indoors, computers can easily connect to 802.11 wireless networks at distances of several hundred feet. Because walls do not always block wireless signals, others from outside your immediate area c
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User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Observe Location and Range Guidelines Computers can connect over 802.11g wireless networks indoors at a range which varies significantly based on the physical location of the computer with the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311. For best results, avoid potential sources of interference, such as: • Large metal surfaces •Microwaves • 2.4 GHz Cordless phones In general, 802.11g wireless devices can communicate through w
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 For Windows XP Users Installing a WPN311 Install the WPN311 software. a. Power on your computer, let the operating system boot up completely, and log in as needed. b. Insert the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311 Resource CD into your CD drive. The CD main page shown at the right loads. c. Click the “Install Driver & Utility” WP N 31 1 R esou rce C D m ain p age link. d. Follow the Smart Wizard - Install Note: