Manual de instrucciones de TC electronic SDN BHD Mastering 6000

Manual de instrucciones del aparato TC electronic SDN BHD Mastering 6000

Aparato: TC electronic SDN BHD Mastering 6000
Categoría: Instrumento musical
Fabricante: TC electronic SDN BHD
Tamaño: 0.4 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/9/2014
Número de páginas: 4
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TC electronic SDN BHD Mastering 6000 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

V3_3_brochure 05/05/04 10:56 Side 1
The Pro for your Tools
Your workstation may be perfect for editing, mixing and
synchronizing audio, video and MIDI. But what about the final
touch, the elements that turn good into great - the creation of a
real masterpiece?
System 6000 is a dedicated system, designed specifically to put
the finishing touches on your sound. Whether you're mixing
music, designing sound effects for feature films or mastering the
latest high resolution DVD, System 6000 is your

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

V3_3_brochure 05/05/04 10:56 Side 3 – An Industry Milestone – Turn a Master into a Masterpiece While System 6000 won the prestigious TEC award in shared between rooms. How the lines are drawn can Mastering 6000 is packed with a choice selection of combination you like. New limiting and compression the year 2000, its software and processing capa- be changed at the push of a button, allowing precision tools for multiple mono, stereo and multi- algorithms make their debut with the introduction o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

V3_3_brochure 05/05/04 10:56 Side 5 Film & Post Production Music Production With more than 300 built-in Film-and Post production presets, Reverb 6000 offers the most extensive reverb and Reverb 6000 comes with more than 300 built-in presets for music production. It further refines TC’s idea of Reverb room simulation collection in the business. being more than a pleasing sustain effect; which is why you are not only offered stereo-in to stereo-out or 5.1-in to 5.1-out, but also Source based im

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

V3_3_brochure 05/05/04 10:56 Side 7 Mastering Technical Specifications For Music and Film mastering, no compromise tools are needed to allow adjustment and quality check in one real- Networking facilities time pass. Mastering 6000 has this capacity, and also acts as a jitter-immune anchor, improving the performance With the 6000 family you can connect multiple Mainframes with up to ten TC Icons and Mac/PC editors. For instance, keep your Mainframe of work stations and other equipment in the s

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