Manual de instrucciones de X-Micro Tech. 400

Manual de instrucciones del aparato X-Micro Tech. 400

Aparato: X-Micro Tech. 400
Categoría: Reproductor MP3
Fabricante: X-Micro Tech.
Tamaño: 0.48 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/19/2014
Número de páginas: 59
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Video M P3 400

User Manual

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Table of Contents 1. Overvi ew………………………………………………….….2 2. Main Menu………………………………………………..….9 3. Turn On/Off………………………………………..……......10 4. Musi cal File Playback ………………………………....…...11 5. Record ………………………………………………….…...26 6. Voice ………………………………………………….……31 7. FM…………………………………………………….……..39 8. Jpeg Viewer ……………………………………….………..43 9. Settings ………………………………..…………………….45 10. UDISK…………………………………………………..…..51 11. Upgrade ……………………………………………..…...…53 12. Noti ce …………………….……………………………...…57 1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

1 Overview X-Mi cro Vi deo M P3 can pl aying MP3/ WMA fi les , digital voice recordi ng, USB Disk st orage and FM radio, the pl ayer als o has t he added ability of pla y ing MT V m ovi e f iles (A s pec i a l s oftwar e is requ i re d t o p e rf orm nec e ssa ry c onver si ons.), as w e ll as t he added functi on of viewi ng JPEG pi ct ures. The common funct ions of the product: Playi ng of mus ical fil es and recorded files stored i n up to 99 subdirect ories of t he same l evel

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

1.1 Specification s 65,000 OLED full-color Dis play Support MP3, WMA and WAV Creat ive MTV functi on Support JPEG pict ure brows ing Play m usic wi th 16-Level Speed Full band FM stereo radio, with a total of 20 mem ory stations . Double-screen lyrics sync display, facil itati ng lyri cs l earni ng and memorizing. Fri endly fade playback, more com fortable t o your ears . Gra ph ical op e r ation i n t e rfac e, re m ovable disk f older managem ent Built-in microp

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1.2 Button Functi on Definitions There are 9 buttons . PLAY: Turn On, Turn Off, Pl ay, Pause, and Stop. MODE: Switchi ng Worki ng Mode, Menu Options , Interface Switching. NEXT: Move to Right, Forward LAST: Move t o Lef t , Backward VOL+: Volume Increasing, Last Item VOL-: Volume Decreasing, Next Item A-B/ REC: Special A-B / Recording Hot Button EQ: When playi ng MP3 musi cal fi les , us e t his button t o directly change their sound effects wit hout enteri ng t he opti on me

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1.3 Button Pressing Modes There are three ways for operati ng butt ons: 1.3.1 Short -Press In cases of but tons with bot h l ong and s hort press funct ions , the buttons wil l functi on as a s hort-pres s once they are releas ed within 1.2 seconds (Pl ay, Stop, Last , Next). If a butt on has only s hort-press functions , the button will res pond onl y once when it is released wit hout ti m e li mits . 1.3.2 Long-Press: Pres s a but ton for longer t han 1.2 s econds , t hen t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

1.6 Standard Control I nterface Standard Menu Note: The standard menu offers a menu s el ect ion i nterface. In each functional module interface, t he st andard menu will be repeatedly used. Every time when entering the i nterface, its for m at is as shown in the Fi g below. The Settings menu Up to 4 items can be dis played i n one screen. If the number of the items is less than 4, the items will be dis played from t op to down. The i tem wi th the blue background is t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

A s hor t- pr e ss of A- B will ente r t he recording m ode a nd star t reco rd i ng. A s hort-press of PLAY will quit the m enu. Spe cial Quit Func ti on Auto quit for i dli ng for 5 seconds. Restore of the enabled posit ion Each time when you enter the menu, the player will restore to the enabled position where you quit last time. 1.1.1 The St andard Sli de Bar Note: The standard s lide bar offers an i nt erface for s elect ing numbers. In each functi onal modul e interface,

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

A short-press or long-press of LAST will move the enabl ed positi on a s tep to left. The corres ponding num ber will be dis played st ep by step till t he min number. A s hort-press of MODE wil l f i nish the set ti ng and quit . A s hor t- pr e ss of A- B will ente r t he recording i nter f ace and start recordi ng. 1.7 Battery Level There are all t ogether 9 levels for meas uri ng t he battery energy. stands for l ow batt ery. stands for full battery. 8

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

2 Main Menu There are 6 functions available: m usic, recorder, voi ce, radi o, j pe g a nd s e tting s . 2.1.1 The interface is as shown in the Fig below. The Mus ical Fil e Playback Each round icon stands for a mode. You can onl y enter the m ode re pr e s ente d by the one t hat is l o c a te d in the c e nte r a nd ha s colors. 2.1.2 Butt on Functi on in the Main Interface A s hort-press or long-press of NEXT will cycle t he selection position to right. A s hort-p

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3 Turn On/Off 3.1 Turn Off A l ong-press of PLAY will turn off t he pl ayer. When t he pl ayer idles for a time that reaches what the user specifies to turn off the pl ayer, the pl ayer will be turned off aut omaticall y. When the USB port of t he player is connected to a PC, however, t his functi on wil l be overridden. 3.2 Turn On A l ong-press of PLAY will turn on the pl ayer. 3.3 Low Battery If t he batt ery is l ow, the player will aut omaticall y go into the Stand By m

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

4 Musi cal File Playback The Musica l File Playback f unc t ion re alize the playback of musical files in MP3 and WMA format s along with the feat ures of r epeati ng, f oll o wi ng and con t r a sti ng. I t h a s the inte rf aces of Stop, Pl aying, Lyrics Dis play, Repeating, Del eti ng, Di rectory Sel ecting, as well as funct ion sel ection and set ti ngs. The Musical File Playback als o reali ze the playback of MTV m ovie s with onl y s u c h f eatur e s as p la y i ng, s top, LAST

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

i ndicates that the current m usi cal file is t he fi rst one and the total number of the m usi cal files is 15. The t otal num ber refers to the number of m usi cal files in the current direct ory. indicates that the current EQ is Rock. s hows t hat t he curr ent playba ck position is a t 00: 03 and the tot al length of t he song is 05: 17. represents that the current s ong has its l yric. “ My Hear t W ill Go On” is t he nam e of the song. I f t he song does not have a Ta

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Note: You can select Local folder, Delete and Exit . When you enter into this int erface, the enabled position is t he one where you quit last ti m e. The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow. The Stop Menu of the Musical File Playback Interface The blue s tr i p ind ic a t e s the enable d icon. “Delete”: This is the nam e of t he current enabled option. 4.1.3 The Deleting Interf ace Note: You can delete a si ngle file or all files i n here. The File Selection Inte

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Musi cal File Playback Int erface – St op Menu – Deleting Files – De le t ing Wa y s Button Functi on i n the Deleting I nterface Long-Press of PLAY: Turn the player off. Short -Press of PLAY: Return to the Stop Interface. Short -Press of A-B: Switch to the recordi ng interface and star t reco rd i ng. 4.1.4 Directory Sel ection Interf ace Note : You c an se le c t the v a l id dir e c t or y (the dir e c t or y tha t contains musical f i les ) here to change t he current pl

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Short - P re ss or Long- P r e ss of “ Vol - ”: The selec t ion str i p s witches t o t he next directory one by one. The selecti on stri p s crolls in a way of two lines . Short -Press or Long-Press of “ Vol +”: The s election s trip s witches t o t he last di rect ory one by one. The selecti on stri p s crolls in a way of two lines . A s hort-press of MODE wil l select the directory and re turn to t h e Stop i n terface. If the curr ent d ire ctory (in c lud i ng the d isk) is ch a

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Short- P re ss of MODE: Ente r in to the P laying m e nu interface. Long-Press of MODE: If there is the corresponding lyric, t hen you will ent er into the Lyrics int erface. If there is no correspondi ng lyrics, then t he song wil l st op playi ng and you will ent er the main menu. Short -Press of PLAY: Enter into the St op Interface. Long-Press of NEXT: Function as fast forward till the end of a s ong. Long-Press of LAST: Function as fast backward till the beginni ng of a so

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4.2.3 Pl aying Menu Interf ace Note: This i nterface provi des the user wit h the foll owi ng options: ① Repeat: To s et the ways for playi ng s ongs . ② Equalizer: To set sound effects for the playi ng songs. ③ Tempo rate: To adjust the speed of song playing, except for the songs in the WMA form at. ④ Repla y : T o e nter the R e pe a t inte r f a ce and star t the Repeat function. ⑤ Replay Ti m es: To set the times for repeati ng. ⑥ Replay gap: To s et the i nterval between ea

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The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow. The Playi ng Menu of the Musical F ile Playback Interface – Repeat Mode Button Function in the Cycle Setting Interface Standard Icon Menu Functions. Auto quit for i dli ng for 5 seconds. List of Repeat Mode Opti ons: Norm al: When t he p l ayer f i n is hes p la ying t h e song s in the current di rectory, it will continue t o play the s ongs in t he next directory . Repeat One: Repeat playing t he current s ong. Fol der: The

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But ton Function in the Equali zer Sett ing Int erface Standard Icon M enu Functions Auto quit for idling for 5 seconds. List of Sound Effects Options: Natural (Defaul t) Rock Pop Classic Soft Jazz DBB 4.2.6 Re peat I n t e rf ac e Note: You can perform manual or auto repeat in here. The repeat t ype you use is s et in the “ Settings”. The Replay Times and Replay gap are set in the Playi ng menu interface. The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow. M

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