Manual de instrucciones de Jwin JX-MP259FM

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Jwin JX-MP259FM

Aparato: Jwin JX-MP259FM
Categoría: Reproductor MP3
Fabricante: Jwin
Tamaño: 10.37 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/6/2014
Número de páginas: 7
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A continuación encontrarás resúmenes de los contenidos incluidos en las páginas posteriores del manual de instrucciones para Jwin JX-MP259FM. Puedes utilizarlos si quieres ver rápidamente el contenido que se encuentra en la siguientes páginas del manual.

Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

. Do not expose the unit in the ultimate temperature(above 95 F or below 23 F)
or humidity environment.
. Do not place heavy things above the unit.
. Do not extrude the unit by great pressure.
. Do not drill other things into the unit.
. Do not fix the unit with chemical substance such as benzene or thinner.
. Do not expose the unit on the place close to sun or heat sources.
. Do not place the unit in the dusty environment.
. Do not open or repair the unit privately.
. Re

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

LCD DISPLAY Book Mark Backlight display Sampling Frequency

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

In POWER ON state, if In POWER OFF state, if 35 the EQ mode. You can choose the music, voice or FM radio pressing SKIP/SEARCH( )button and then press ( )button to confirm. recording mode. to exit " EQ "mode. appears not

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

of the LCD. KOR (RED,BLUE,CYAN,GREEN,VIOLET,WHITE,YELLOW) KOR KOR PLAY( ) "VOL +" button for 2 seconds. KOR Korean diaplay Press "VOL +" button for 2 seconds to turn off the back light. invalid invalid If the song has no ID3 function, it will display the file name only. Voice Activity Detect VAD Before you record on MP3 Player, you can setect the Voice bit rate level. Before you can set the VAD function. "VOICE B/R" menu. "MIC VAD" menu. VOICE B/R button to select ON or OFF. VOICE B/R VOIC

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

"ERASE" menu. "FORMAT" menu. "LINE IN B/R" menu. LINE IN B/R and to select YES then press PLAY ( ) button. Press SKIP/ SEARCH ( ) button to choose normal or quick format, Press ( ) button to start format, Press (F) to exit menu. LINE IN B/R LINE IN B/R "LINE IN B/R" menu. stop or pause mode. Select the voice record Bit Rate record voice on then select" FM BAND RECORD" menu,and press( )button. "voice bitrate" p.28). VOICE B/R one time on pause/stop mode.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Set the bitrate for line in record. FM RADIO P25 ) by pressing. Enter record mode by pressing Function (F) button mode. (ST: Stereo, for more than 1 second. MO: Mono) FM 87.5 MHz). ST (Stereo) MO (Mono) Press B.MARK button and SKIP/SEARCH( )button to select the store number, then press B.MARK button again,a preset number is stored. To pause the recording, press( )button. the line in REC LINI001.MP3, LINI002.MP3, LINI003.MP3... in order. some time Enter "LINE IN" folder to pla

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7


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