Manual de instrucciones de Jensen SMP-xGBEB

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Jensen SMP-xGBEB

Aparato: Jensen SMP-xGBEB
Categoría: Reproductor MP3
Fabricante: Jensen
Tamaño: 0.37 MB
Fecha de añadido: 6/8/2014
Número de páginas: 18
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

100mm x 80mm DEAR JENSEN CUSTOMER Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit you've just purchased is only the start of your musical enjoyment. Now it's time to consider how you can maximize the fun and excitement your equipment offers. This manufacturer and the Electronic Industries Association's Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

100mm x 80mm SAFETYINFORMATION Readthisuserguidecarefullytoensureproperuseoftheproductandtoavoidanydangerorphysicaldamage.  DonotusethePlayerinextremelyhot,cold,dustyandmoistenvironment.  DonotdropthePlayer,thiscouldcauseexternaldamageordamagetointernalcomponents.  Donotrepairtheplayerbyyourself,oritwillcausedamage.  DoavoidgettingtheMP3playerwetordropitinwater.  Wedon'tsuggestyoutousethePlayerwhendrivingordoingotherthingsthatyoumustfullyconcentratein.Itmay causedistraction.  Whenusingyour

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

100mm x 80mm WARNING  Iftheunitisnottobeusedforanextendedperiodoftime,removethebatteries.  Oldorleakingbatteriescancausedamagetotheunitandmayvoidthewarranty.  Onlyadultsshouldreplacebatteries.  Replacethebatterieswhentheunitstopsoperatingproperly.  Useonlyfreshbatteriesoftherequiredsizeandrecommendedtype.  Disposeofoldbatteriespromptlyandproperly.Donotburnorburythem.  Non-rechargeablebatteriesaretoberechargedunderadultsupervision.  Onlybatteriesofthesameorequivalenttypeasrecommendedareto

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

100mm x 80mm LOCATIONS OF CONTROLS 23 4 1 56 7 8 9 10 11 1. Headphone jack 6. LCD display 2. HOLD button 7.A-B repeat / VOLUME adjust button 3. / MENU (Confirm) / 8. PLAY/ PAUSE button button 9. MIC (Microphone) 4. Micro USB port 10. Battery Compartment ("AAA") 5 REC button 11. Neck strap hole ACCESSORIES IMPORTANT:Makesureyoucanlocatethefollowingitems after opening the package. -USBcableforPCconnectionandmusicsynchronization -Earbudswithneckstrap -Armband -Heaphonesadaptor -UserManual -"AAA"(UM

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

100mm x 80mm BASIC OPERATIONS Turnpoweronandplaymusic 1. InstallanAAA(UM-4)batteryintothebatterycompartment. 2. Plug theearbuds into the earphonejack. 3. MakesureHOLDbuttonis in the "Unlock"position 4. PressandholdPLAY/PAUSEbuttonto turn the unit on. During the music playback mode, press the MENU button to enter intosubmenu(MENU1)andyoucanpress / buttontoselect the following choices: Repeat, Equalizer, SRS WOW, Tempo rate, Replay,Replaytimes,ReplayGap,Exit). Toreturn to the mainmenu:pressandhold

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

100mm x 80mm BASIC OPERATIONS (i) REPEAT(MUSIC/MENU1):Letyouenjoyyourmusicplaybackwithrepetition. 1. SelectREPEATmodeandshortpresstheMENUbuttontoenter. 2. Shortpress / buttontoselectyourdesiredoption(e.g.Normal,RepeatOne,Folder,RepeatFolder, RepeatAll,RandomandIntro.) 3. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoconfirmyourselection. (ii) EQUALIZER(MUSIC/MENU1):Letyouselectdifferentmusiceffect. 1. SelectEQUALIZERmodeandshortpresstheMENUbuttontoenter. 2. Shortpress / buttontoselectyourdesiredoption(e.g.Natural,Ro

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

100mm x 80mm BASIC OPERATIONS (vii) REPLAYGAP(MUSIC/MENU1):Youcanselectthetimeinterval(insecond)betweeneachA-Breplay. 1. Select"REPLAYGAP"modeandpresstheMENUbuttontoenter. 2. Shortpress / buttontoselecttheA-BREPEATGAP(from1to10seconds). (viii)PLAYLIST,ARTISTS,ALBUMS,GENRE,COMPOSERSLICENSEINFOAND LOCAL FOLDER (MUSIC/MENU 2):Youcanselectyourfavorite musicbythesedivisions. 1. SelectthedivisionbypressingtheMENUbutton. 2. Pressthe / buttonandMENUbuttontobrowsethroughthemusicyouhavebytheselecteddivisi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

100mm x 80mm FM RADIO OPERATIONS 1. PressandholdtheMENUbuttontoenterthemainmenu. 2. SelectFMmodebypressing / button,andpresstheMENUbuttontoconfirm. 3. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoenterthesubmenu(Save,Record,Delete,Deleteall,AutoSearchandExit). Note:Thereare20presetmemorystations. MANUALLYSEARCHTHEFMSTATIONS 1. Press / buttontotuneyourfavoriteFMradiostationby0.1Mhzsteps. 2. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoentersubmenu. 3. Shortpressthe / buttonandMENUbuttontoselect"save"menuandstorethetunedFMstation. AUTOM

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

100mm x 80mm SETTINGS 1. PressandholdtheMENUbuttontoentermainmenu. 2. Shortpress / buttontoselect"SYS"mode. 3. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoenter. 4. Press / buttontochooseindividualsettings(SystemTime,Recordtype,Backlight,Language,Poweroff, Replaymode,Contrast,OnlineDevice,OnlineMode,Memoryinfo.,DRMTime,ProtectsettingandExit). 5. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoconfirmanyselectedsetting. (i) SYSTEMTIME: 1. Press/buttontoselectSYSTEMTIMEmode. 2. ShortpresstheMENUbuttontoentertheSystemTimeinterface. 3. Pres

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

100mm x 80mm SETTINGS (v) POWER OFF: ShortPress / buttontoselect:Offtime/Sleeptime(Offtime:0-60Sec;Sleeptime:0-120Min). (vi) REPLAYMODE: Shortpress / toselect"Manualreplay"or"Autoreplay". (vii) CONTRAST: Press / buttontoadjustthescreencontrast:from1to16. (viii)ONLINEDEVICE: Press / buttontoselect"MediaDevice"or"USBDisk". NOTE:Thisisanimportantoption.FortheSynchronizationofDRMWMAmusic,MediaDevicemustbeselected. (ix) ONLINEMODE: Press / buttontoselect"MultiDrive","NormalOnly"or"EncryptedOnly". FOR

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

100mm x 80mm ADDING / REMOVING FILES / FOLDERS YoucanusetheplayerasaremovableUSBstorage.(TheOnlineDeviceinSettingmenumustbeUSBDisk) 1. ConnectthePCUSBportandtheMP3USBportwiththeprovidedUSBcable,yourplayerwilldisplay: 2. Addfiles/folderstotheUSBstorage'sfolder.Yourplayerwilldisplay: 3. Openfiles/folderstotransferfromyourcomputer. 4. OpenMyComputer->RemovableDiskfromthedesktop. 5. Select the files/folders to transfer from your computer and draw and put them to a folder of your choice in the Remova

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

100mm x 80mm ADDING / REMOVING FILES / FOLDERS RemovetheplayerfromPC Note:Pleasefollowthestepsincaseofdamagingtheplayerordataloss. 1. Clicktheleftmousebuttonontheicon thatisonthetaskbaratthebottomrightcornerofthedesktop. 2. Clickthe"SafelyremoveUSBMassStorageDevice Drive(X:)"column. 3. Disconnecttheplayerfromyourcomputer. CAUTION:  DonotremovetheplayerwhilefileswithintheUSBMassStoragearebeingplayedonyourcomputer.  Donotdisconnecttheplayerfromyourcomputerwhiletransferringfile,oritwillcausedamag

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

100mm x 80mm DRM HowtosetyourMP3playerintoMTPmode? In"SYS"menuselect"OnlineDevice"submenuandenterbypressingtheMENUbutton,thenpress / buttonto select"MediaDevice"forDRM function. 5. Click"OK"tostartsynchronization,yourPCwilldisplay: E13

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

100mm x 80mm DRM 6. Select "Manual" or "Automatic" as your requirement, for example,select"Manual"andclick"Finish",itwilldisplay: 7. Addthesongsthatyouwanttosynchronizeintothesync List. E14

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

100mm x 80mm DRM 8. Click"StartSync". E15

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

100mm x 80mm DRM 9. Thedexterframewilldisplaythesynchronizedsongs. E16

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

100mm x 80mm SPECIFICATION Compatible Operation System Windows VISTA/XP/2000/ME Macintosh OS 10.2.6 or above Music Format MP3 (MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5, Layer 1/2/3, ID3 display supported) and WMA(8Kbps340Kbps) Equalizer Natural, Rock, Pop, Classic, Soft, Jazz and DBB. USB Interface USB2.0(High speed), Mini 4-pin USB Internal Memory Size 1GB LCD Display 132x32 Dot Matrix LCD with Blue LED Backlight Signal-to-noise Ratio >85dB Audio Frequency Range 20Hz-20KHz FM 87.50 ---- 108.00MHz Support 20 preset sta

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