Manual de instrucciones de Kensington 4

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Kensington 4

Aparato: Kensington 4
Categoría: Ratón
Fabricante: Kensington
Tamaño: 6.77 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/11/2014
Número de páginas: 18
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Choprer One: lntroduction.... ...................1 Special Features Overview.... .........1 Hardware ...................1 Software..... ................2 System Requirements................ .......................3 Chopfer Two: Setting Up .........5 Registration ................5 To Install the Turbo Mouse Software..... ..........b To Install the Turbo Mouse Hardware .............2 Using Turbo Mouse Hardware .........................g Positioning Your Turbo Mouse Trackball.... .

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Mini Panel ...........40 Control

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Turbo Mouse Sofhrqre Chopter Three: Using Turbo Mouse software functions in This chapter describes each of the as read through the detail. Feel free to experiment on screen you detailed descriptions belor,v. The Turbo Mouse ConlrolWindow the actions of the Turbo Mouse sofrrvare, you can customize With input devices. Turbo \Iouse trackball and other Macintosh your load the program. Double-click the Turbo Mouse Control icon to any' Turbo Mouse title window will appear first. You can click

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Chopter 3: Using furbo Mouse Softwore As you position the cursor on a particular feature, the Turbo Mouse Help window you will display a brief description of that function. can move this window to any convenient place on screen. To turn off Help, click the close box of the window. If you are running System 7 yot can , also use Balloon Help or Turbo Mouse Control Help in the Balloon Help menu. In the upper right hand corner of the Turbo Mouse Control wind.ow there are two icons. Th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Using Turbo Mouse Softwore Chopter 3: "Enhanced" vs. Mouse Features Normal Mouse has many features not found in normal Your Turbo trackball Enhanced Acceleration, Enhanced mouse devices. For example, and Enhanced Chord Speed are options that apply Mouse Buttons Turbo llouse trackball. onl1, to 1'or-rr commands of the Turbo Mouse software Horvever, carl use other )'ou normal mouse devices. Cursor Keys and for both Turbo \Iouse and to both. Normal Mouse Acceleration Double-Click Speed ar

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Chopier 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softrvore or to move across large screens, or to move between screens when using more than one monitor. To change the acceleration for Turbo Mouse normal or mouse devices: 1. Move the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the right to increase the speed at which the cursor moves on screen. Move it to the left to decrease cursor speed. l';llxt1:l"c*tn:l E re 2. For both Turbo Mouse and normal mouse devices there are ten possible speed positions at this l

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Chopter 3: Using furbo Mouse Softwore use the two scroll bars to fine tune \Arhen you click Custom, you can moving your mouse device slo'lvly and the acceleration when you are This same window has a graph that when you are moving it quickly. curve directly. lets you modify the acceleration the Tzrble button to enter accel- Finally, more experienced users can click level of Custom Acceleration, eration lalues. This is the most intense create and experiment with designed for users u,ho rvoul

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Chopter 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore The Moving slowly scroll bar adjusts the acceleration of the cursor when you are moving the mouse device slowly. Move the scroll bar to the right for faster acceleration or to the left for slower acceleration. Your changes take place immediately. Moving acts the same as Moving Slowly Quickly but applies to when you are moving your device quickly. The graph to the right shows an acceleration curve for whatever changes you make to the Movi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

furbo Mouse Softwore Chopter 3: Using i) ! .i*l&,. ,t &ii{ Sta*datd; SCr:fr9tu,rt}$ retu'r',nr to optir:ns Sia dm,fa*e,,*1&,i Table opens a\vindorv that allor,vs experienced Clicking the button t'ith different of acceleration users to create and experiment $'pes this feature iu more detail. cunres. Appendix D describes Mouse Butlons Enhonced section of the Turbo Nlouse Control In the Enhanced Mouse Buttons icons. Each icon has a pop-up menu next to rvindorv, there are three for that bu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Chopter 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore Lock Button Down This command locks the button down. This is - useful whenever you need to drag, scroll, highlight large blocks of text, etc. It makes holding the button dorvn and moving the ball at the same time unnecessary. Click this button once to lock the butto, dorvn, click either Turbo Mouse button to release. If the Show Button command is on, you will see the indicator in the menu bar that the mouse button is down. For more infor

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Chopler 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore You can use a single key or a combination of the modifier keys and another key, such as Shift, Option, Command, Control and Caps Lock. They are represented as shown below. A dot is also inserted ryrnbols between each character for clarity. Shitl kes +- - f,.rps Loch: keg ;| - ilption ke'J N [ommand keg ffi- f,ontrol keg ft- Help opens the Heip rvindow with Learn Send $tring brief messages that Please Tgpe the $tring to be Senl define the Send String fu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Chopler 3: Using furbo Mouse Softwore 4. The next time you click the button to which you assigned Send String, you will send a Print command. There will be no need to tlpe Return or click OK The string you last accepted in the Learn Send String window will remain until you replace it. This allows you to temporarily switch the button to a different function and then switch back to sending the last string you accepted. The string you send may also be a block of text you define. For

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Chopter 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore Brilliant Cursor The Brilliant Cursor command allows the cursor to - jump to predefined points on screen. These points are known as HotSpots. (How to define vour own HotSpots is described later in Chapter 4: More Turbo Mouse Software Options.) The Brilliaut Cursor command is very useful for quickly getting to frequently used areas on the desktop, such as the File and Edit menus and the Trash icon. It is also useful for navigating large monitors.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Chopler 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore The Axis-Only command can be useful for placing objects in exact locations on screen, especially in drawing, graphics or page layout applications. Cursor Keys Cursor Keys are special commands that are executed when hold 1,ou donn one of the modifier keys on your keyboard, Shift, Option, Control, Command, r,vhile simultaneously moving your mouse device. Cursor Key affect both Turbo Mouse normal mouse devices. commands and ,hown Brilliant The three commands

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Chopler 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore Combining Commonds It is possible to combine a Cursor Kel,command with an Enhanced \Iouse Br-rtton command. To do this, one cornmand must be assigned to an Enhanced \,Iouse Button and the other to a Cursor Ket'. First hold dorr'n the br-rtton, then the particular modifier ke1', atrd move the ball. \br-r can esperi- ment with combinations to find effective ones for voLr. One combination that is especially useful for sraphics and CAD r-ork combines Lock

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Turbo Mouse Softwore Chopter 3: Using double-click the Turbo Mouse icon. When the To test your position, Turbo Mouse icon flash, you have a proper adjust- buttons on the not flash, the setting is not right for your normal ment. If they do Move the scroll box, and test until you find the Double-Click Speed. for you. speed that's comfortable Enhqnced Chord Speed adjust the ease with which Using Enhanced Chord Speed helps you at once-like you chord. Chording is pressing both buttons chord,

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

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