Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool MW8650XL

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool MW8650XL

Aparato: Whirlpool MW8650XL
Categoría: Microondas
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 1.59 MB
Fecha de añadido: 8/3/2014
Número de páginas: 28
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Whirlpool MW8650XL Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

place handy in together slop sales and warranty your
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

2 16 _. 2 3 16 16 17 . . .._............... 18 Adding 4 19 5 19 6 19 6 20 6 20 Light 7 . 21 . 8 2 1 _.,.._....._..,__..._.__ 8 2 1 9 22 9 Work 24 Adding 9 25 In 10 If or 26 Adding 11 1. 26 26 2. 12 3. . 27 4. a 27 .,....._..__._...,.._...__ 14 out to door. !I.. 1 . Empty 2. Put a 3. It IS a damp 4. must When time IS up must a 6. put IS mlsslng. IS number must 120 60 A C When IS It WIII 1375 It a 2000 U 5 33 49022 5 Put ml) . WIII In a In

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

must . l It l l l up ALL 7 use. safe on result. damaged information the stand may user the to injury or be can oven The empty. it’s under- and read have you oven the to Damage burst. when oven the start NEVER until oven the use NOT DO to egg an cause can build- Steam oven. wave mrcro- the in eggs whole reheat or cook NOT DO ovens wave micro- home of expected jobs for only Used repair. good in and clean Kept weather the from Protected properly. instructions. operate can who peo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

MICROWWE OVEN CONTROLS When plug Command WIII IS push them...just them. L a In When a It time number mand A 1 POWER - Command Light Light mand 19 IS a Light WIII IS a mand It a time, - o - a L Switch ON/OFF Panel Control temperature food Power, Cook - it tell to Pads Number louch you’ll do, to want you what oven the tell to Pad Com- touched you’ve Once PADS ,NUMBER doing oven the what show to on be lights] (or Slgnal running. oven the While pad

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

It a In a time IS up must DO THIS... Light WIII a ” Within 5 number time 1. WIII them. 1 minute, 45 2. for Light IS much time IS d When time up, a a must mmer IS mmer TO TO number time, tlme. CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF SWITCH a ON! When e IS !he must IS 5 ON switch the when on stays (,) colon The nmer Minute the use to and oven microwave the in cook to ON be switch The dark be will Display or-’ used be cannot oven the OFF, swatch A’, oven the using from fingers”

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

COOKING ONE POWER DO THIS... 1. food In door. 1 Light WIII . . 2. 1. 3. high 1 Light IS 4. time much IS d When time 4 ) When [ TIME time 1 1 2 time 3 1 WIII trme new the for cookrng continue CYCLE COOK START Touch new for numbers Touch CYCLE COOK Touch cycle the during anytime cooking the change can You COOKING THE CHANGING .) colon the only show will Drsplay the stops, beeping the CANCEL touching or door oven the opening bv beeping the stop can (You beeps hear

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

LOWER POWERS a number, ] [ Tmk 4 = 3 = 9 = 2 8 = 1 = 7 = 0 = 6 = 5 = I DO THIS... 1. food door. 1 Light 2. 1. WIII 7 30 for POWER Light WIII 5. a for want. you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power full of 50% shows example This touched you what show will display The POWER. OOK O’s two show wrll Drsplay the and on come Srgnal COOK The want. you time cooking the Pads Number Touch seconds minutes. shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

LOWER 1 POWER WIII a high. 6. time much time 2 10 When time 4 When POWERS l time POWER a number - time POWER II a htgh DEFROSTING I Tmk DO THIS... 1. food door. Light 2. WIII them. 2 30 3. for want. you tlme detrostlng the Pads Number Touch seconds mrnutes, shows example Thrs touched you order the in touched you numbers the show Display The DEFROST. QUICK Touch O’s four show will Display the and on come will Signal DEFROST QUICK The the close and oven the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Light WIII IS much IS d When time WIII 4 When TIME a When 1 a time time 1 ttme. a time, 1 time 2 2 3 time 4. POWER 5 6 When WIII shut WIII 2 WIII 4 time IS time - - In It OR TIME time time IS 1 2 time 3 tlme time IS 1 2 IS ttme 3 10 II IS In II 4 3 needed IS frme addrtronal Instructions new touch Or, needed trme addrtronal no Cycle the contrnue START touch and door the Close food the defrost further will standing that Remember trme additional set froz

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

TWO a time. time. DO THIS... 1. food door. 1 Light WIII 2. 1. for 3. first POWER Light . . 0 s . liil 4. POWiR. (If to 6.) 5. a for In first 2 WIII them. 4 30 7. for time In cycle. second the want you cooklng the Pads Number Touch seconds minutes. shows example This touched You order the in touched you numbers the show Drsploy The O’s four show will Display the and on come will Lrght Srgnol CYCLE COOK The cycle. the want you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

POWER WIII WIII (If to 10.) WIII 9. a for In When 1 . . Light IS . POWER Light w a WIII time much time IS 2 10 WIII II a high. a push 2 Light POWER WIII a high WIII much time IS In d 2 10 WIII a high When WIII 4 ) When WIII ( ) OR ttmes, 2 1 1 2 time 3 POWER, 4 number POWER high IS 5 11 START. Touch desired If again COOK touch or Power, Cook new for Touch desired If COCK Touch desired of new for numbers Touch 2) or CYCLE (COOK add or change to wish yo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

DO THIS... 1. food In door. Light 2. 2 30 for 3. 1 4. 1. 5. for first POWER WIII WIII to 8 if first to to 12 If WIII 7. a for In first 12 cycle. cooklng the want you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power full of 60% shows example This touched You what show Drsplay The power.) high at cycle one only want you step Sklp power. hlgh at cook cycle the want YOU step Sklp (Options: POWER. COOK Touch 6. O’s two show Drsplay the and on come Lrght Srgnal COOK The cycle.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

2 WIII 0 s 8. 2. if In them. 4 30 9. for In POWER 1 if 11 a for When WIII time much IS tn When time Light time When IS a WIII 1 Light WIII POWER a high. than other Power Cook using are you If on be also will Lrght COOK The cycle cooking first the during on be Slgnal CYCLE COOK The start P cycle cooking Irrst the and beep hear will you over. trme standing the off. be will fan the and dark be will oven the countdown the Durlng rng stand- the down counts Drspla

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

time she! much In 2 10 WII a high When WI a IS 4 WIII 2 Light WIII POWER Light a high time much time IS 2 10 WIII o When 4 When WIII tlme: time l It 2 COOKING WITH PROBE DO THIS... 2. PI 3. 1. plug a I I door. the ,kv Close interior. oven the ot oveq the on socket the food the part any touch not does ~qto probe the and Into probe temperature oven the in food ace the of j least at Insert probe the sure Make c Sensor CClblC Plug pads Number on printed are sett

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

DO THIS... Light 4. number 6. a 150 F 0 5. a for POWER Light 6. if to 7. for 8. number [number] number IS In 2 10 II a high When 4 ] When WIII ( 1 ._. _. _j . . ‘C .’ 3.’ -. colon :ne only show Display the stops, beeplng the CANCEL touching Sv or door oven the opening by beeping the stop can [You beeps hear will you and off shuts oven the selected, you temperature the senses probe the than other Power Cook using ore you selected You Power Cook the show ~111

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

FOR l l l l unplug Itght. l l l l l l a l simmer a but l When - number WIII shut 1 2 a a 3 In 4 It WIII 16 handle the on HI-Z” have oven your for probe rlghi the have you sure Make NOTE: cable the kink to not careful Be drshwasher the of basket stlverware the placed be may Probe foods stubborn remove to pad scourrng plostrc Use cloth sudsy hot with probe Wrpe pods hot using oven microwave from probe Remove PROBE: THE CLEANING off oven the food, the of temperature th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

1 2 up 99 99 DO THIS... 1. In food door. 1 Light . . 2. 1. 3. for In of 60 POWER Light 4. POWER 5. 2 Light WIII WIII 6. 2. 7. WIII In 1 WIII but WI/I time 8. 17 START. Touch set the down count D~splcy the off be oven the CYCLE COOK During operation during Cycles” Two Cooklng as Information same the show Display and Lights Slgnol The Power. Cook and time cooking the in Touch CYCLE COOK Touch O’s four show Display the and on come Signal CYCLE COOK The pad. “0”n

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

l 99 min- item 99 1. l put TWO milk CHANGING ADDING mind In l time - - time. - time l tlme time - 1 - time. - - time l time - 1 - POWER a high. - a - WIII time. - POWER a high. - l 2 time 1 - 2 - time. - POWER, a high IS - a number - 2 1. . When - - number - WIII shut . 1 2 IS - 1 2 - In time - time 1, 2 18 CYCLE COOK and DEFROST QUICK between nol CYCLE COOK and DEFROST QUICK between occurs Standing START Touch instructlons Power Cook and

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

CANCELLING l l - - . time a a a plug a l . l l . l OPERATING a number WIII ttme 1 command WIII 5 IS 2 . !he . must In 3 4 When a high. 2 5 When 1 a time time 1 time 19 standing this after begln automattcally will CYCLE COOK two the between occur ~111 defrosting the to equal standing DEFROST, QUICK follows CYCLE COOK cooking during IO every of seconds lor Power Cook the show will Display the than other Power Cook using first the erase will InstructIons second

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

a In 2 3 a a a a mild 4. bulb a 40. 1. bulb 2. R 5. 3. bulb 6. 20 Screw Panel ACCesS Bulb socket. its from cord power the in Plug light the Remove screw holding and panel panel access access the Replace on screw holding emove appliance watt cord. power the Unplug with Replace bulb light the Replacing panel. control the and door the of outside the on cleaner glass commercial or detergent with sponge or cloth sott Use electronics. and panel control the damage can like t

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