Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool MW7500XW

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool MW7500XW

Aparato: Whirlpool MW7500XW
Categoría: Microondas
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 2.36 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/27/2013
Número de páginas: 44
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Whirlpool MW7500XW Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

latches Door
guide Defrost
guide set Auto
Guide Care Use
Appliis Home
01 Vbfl

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

for a Whirlpool ._..,_._.__.__.,_.._..._._,_,_.__._._._,....____._,.._. 3 form if or a .._........ 4 _.___,..._,_,.,,,....._,_,,,_._.._,_,,,..__ 5 l from .,_,,,,..._._._,,,._..._.__,,._._ 5 door on _.._._._._._...._._._._...._._._...... 6 from .__._._,,_.__.._._,_,_.._ 7 l ._....._.._._......__.__.... 9 a ..__..........._................ 9 _._._,_,,,,__.._.._.,___.._._._.,...,.._._._... ._._._,____._._._........_._._........_._.... 10 . .._.........._... 11 .,_._._.__,,,.._._.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

for to to of fire, to or follow l micro- . cord from l follow l not cord of or Micro- found on 4. . door l on 36. to Ground- * of fire found on 35. not food. l or if or to found on 34. or l if for foods. not not fry In or l for 41. l too hot to from or l not if a cord or if not or if or foil or fire or trim.) -If l door turn off, cord, or off for or or . not or l not or on or or a fire or l not outdoors. to or l follow l not cord or on 38. 3 IN

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

for: l on a to from a 50°F for l to l not to l l for of a n not if door not to door for harmful to It not to or a not or not front door or or to on not not if It door no to (1) (2) or (3) 4 surfaces. sealing and seals Door loosened), (broken latches and Hinges (bent), Door the: damage is there that and properly close oven the that important particularly removed. cabinet outer is damaged. is it oven the operate Do the with oven microwave the operate Do surf

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

to 5. 6. 7. on to a of functions. 6 for 1. for to 8. turns on door or 2. 9. 3. Window from It a 10. to to food 11. 4. turns food for It for 40 for 5 details. more page See results. cooking best operation during oven in be must cooking. even more cooks it as turntable This Turntable. Glass Plate. Number Serial and Model cooks. it as view you allow screen Vents. Air Oven External as designed is escaping. microwaves prevents Shield Shield. Metal with Guide. Set Auto S

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

1. 3. or 1 to first first or a 12, 13, 18, 20, 30 31 for 4. 2. to to to a 1. 17, 20 31 for 5. to food 16-l 7 for 6. to turn off food a to for 23-25 for informa- a to of to food. or 13 for for to for foods WARM. to food for to 99 99 29 for to to turn or food, or to 26-28 for 10. to of 1 1 for 11. a function a to to do or to a of 12. “0” on For or 9-32. 30-32 for 1. 13. a function to of on to function. functions 14. to 9 for or to a to 2. t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Quick reference a of a For Why of useful Put in the and the and the Put in the and the the result in the a the Put in the and the lets up ten by touching only a the 1 9 a the Put in the and the the the Put in the and the lets this lets results. the a the in the the in the a the in the on 7 page next continued START. Touch 10. cycle. second want you Power Cook for Pad Number Touch 9. 10.) Step to skip power, HIGH use to want you (If POWER. COOK Touch 6. cyc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

of Why l/3 the lets tell the turn the off the a in the and plug the thal the on the wall. not the final and the the Put in the and the lets the turning in the addmg in the Put hot in the and lets in the 1 hour, Put in and the lets the a the length in the and START. Touch 6. Power. Cook time cooking Touch 7. 2. COOK Touch 6. Pad. Number “0” Touch 5. POWER. COOK Touch 4. want. you delay of for Pads Number Touch 3. 1. COOK Touch 2. trme. later at automatrcally start t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

controls for on When first a 88:88. If 1 l), off for a When not When to to do A to to 10 for on While (or on to a to to do, to a a a food temperature. - Power, Cook - time, - it... tell Pads Number touch you’ll it want you what oven the tell Pad Command touched you’ve Once pads Number doing. is oven the what show be will lights) Light Indicator an running, is oven the Pad. Command the touch you when Light Indicator an lights SET) CLOCK and CANCEL, START, (except P

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

to A a A 30 to Four of function. If a of or For a not if a a 1. door. 2. 3. l 1. door. 2. 0, 3. not if l If off, on. if to clock When first a 88:88. If off, on. 1. a “0” to first 5 or If 10 continue. and again SET CLOCK touch blank, goes Display the blank. go will Display the seconds within touched be must Pad Number Ma The flash. start will colon the and . show will Display The SET. CLOCK Touch cooking. after blank be will Display the but clock, the set

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

for of 3:25. If 12:65, “Err” on on to microwave to It l What l food l What l l to a l for different foods. to to l food for If or for to food. l turn or food for l If a not or a to 11 cooking. during steam vent corner back Turn wrap. plastic approved microwave towels paper waxpaper, use available, is cover glass recipes. all with doneness even most time cooking the through halfway about cooked being the rearrange over Stir, the overcooking avoid doneness check t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

cook to 1. food door. 2. 1. 1 on four 3. for 1 30 4. 1 on to first to first When on 4 door or on a 30 (to food door or of or 1. 1. 2. for 3. 1 for 12 time. new the cooking continue will cycle Cook START. Touch time. new the numbers Touch COOK Touch START: touching after before time any changed be can time Cooking time cooking the Changing day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven) the in left is that you remind secon

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

cook powers For for for a different of to or of for, of full 9 of full 8 of full 7 of full 6 of full 5 of full 4 of full 3 of full MED-LOW 2 of full 1 of full LOW 0 (fan off) 1. food door. 2. 1. 1 on four 3. for 7 30 4. on to full 5. a for 1 5 for of full power. 50% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you what show will Display he want. you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power. (HIGH) at cook programmed pre- is oven the shows This “P-HI”. show

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

6. 1 on to first a to first For 2 of 10 When on 4 door or on a 30 (to food door or of or 1. 2. a for 3. for 1. if to a to 2. AUTO to (l-9). to do 1 or 2. a short-cut for on door food to A of 2 30 to from O-99 O-99 to or to for to a 14 16 for instructions. page See time. later at dish prepared already an cook else someone oven the preprogram Power, Cook and time cooking favorite your store you allowing seconds, minutes, time any changed be may time The pa

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

1. food door. 2. to 6 if to on 2 30 (or 3. a for from 1 to 9 4 4, a to 6. on to full 5. a for 5 for of full 6. on If a on. to For 2 of 10 if a When on 4 door or on a 30 (to food door or of 1 or 1 2 to follow 20-22 for 15 instructions). pages (see Set, Auto and COOK COOK set can You NOTE: day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven) the in left is that you remind seconds every sound will tone reminder and Display the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

to often follow 1. 2. for If to 5. 3. 4. for 5. for future If off, to 2 30 to food For defrost door or 1. food door. 2. on four 3. for 2 30 4. on to to When defrost on 4 door or on a 30 (to food of 16 day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL or opened is door the until oven) the in left is that you remind seconds every sound will tone reminder and Display the remain will “End” CANCEL.) touching by the opening by beeping the stop can (Yo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

If for or for food of defrost 27-28 for First of full of full ..___.._ of full For food to for a of food to defrost food When 1 follows or defrost a to for 1 or rs 1. 18. 2. for For a different 3. 1. 2. 2. 3. for of full to 4. of 5. “0” for 1. door. 6. 2. food a fork; if When off. to 3. door to if no for defrost- time. ing additional instructions new in Touch OR... needed. is time additional cycle the continue START touch and the Close defrosting. compl

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

from to 1. food door. 2. on four 3. for 2 30 4. 1. 1 on four for 4 30 6. a to 8. on to full 7. a for 6 for of full 18 power. 60% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you what show will Display The want. you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power. (HIGH) at cook grammed prepro- is oven the shows This “P-HI”. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER COOK The POWER. COOK touch Power, Cook another select To Step skip power, HIGH at cook To Po

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

8. When on. off. to When defrost food for of for on fan off. When 2 1 on on if a to For 2 of 10 if a When on 4 door or on a 30 (to food door or of day. time the show then w;ll Display The touched. is CANCEL ooened is the until oven) the in left is that you remind seconds every sound will tone reminder and Display the remain will “End” CANCEL.) touching by the opening by beeping the stop can (You sound. will beeps and Display the show will “End” ends, cycle Cook t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

more cook For for for a of for of to from to 1. food door. 2. 1. 1 on four 3. for first 3 25 4. a to 6. on to full 5. a for first 6 for of full 6. 2. 2 on four 7. for 4 30 20 seconds. minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will Display The cycle. second the in want you time cooking the Pads Number Touch w 0’s. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator COOK The COOK Touch . . power. 60% Pad Number touched

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