Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
and Dehumtdl
Condltloners. Au Room Compactors. Trash Ovens. MIcrowave Ranges. Un~ls. Surface Ovens Bwll-In Dishwashers. Makers. Ice Refrlgeralor-freezers. freezers.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
St , ! i ,I
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
carefully 7 ot thls & l WF l l l l l l PRECAUTIONS POSSIBLE WAVE DO NOT oven DO NOT 3 broken. is window door the if oven microwave removed. cabinet outer sealing on ;;cz;oylate opemtethe fhe wlth oven mlcrowave to resldue cleaner or sol1 DONOTOperateth0 allow or door the and face seailng and 2~~11s (3) front oven the between Ject personnel. ob- any place NOT DO k~sened), or (broken service quoliffed latches and Hlnges (2) properly except anyone inferlocks. safefy
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS off, off 4 INSTRUCTIONS THESE SAVE 10. page on starting PRECAUTIONS” SAFETY “OPERATING follow and Read 17. result. may fire appliance, the on panel. breaker circuit or fuse the at power opening any block or cover not Do 10. shut or cord, power the disconnect adjustment. or repair examination, and oven turn closed, door oven keep ignite should oven the inside materials If d. for company service Whirlpool” thorized trim.) or glaze metaiilc staples, lining, au- an
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
Microwave oven controls microwave oven l l l l l l l l l tlme. cooklng mlnute 5 a to minutes 2 to 1 add example, For needed. be will ttmes cooklng longer slightly Gulde Cooklng MENUS@ MICRO the than other sources or cookbooks tram recipes mlcrowave uslng When cooking. during steam vent to corner a back Turn wmp plastic approved microwave or towels paper waxpaper, use available, not is cover glass a If recipes. all wlth doneness even mast for tlme cooklng the through halfway abou
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
Setting controls ffmer POWER LOW. LOW 6 power full of -15% notoperate. power full of 30% - D5FRO5T will oven so door oven the MED-LOW/ closing bebre “OFF” to ttmer power full of 50% - MED yOUremoVethefOOd,S&the power If cooklng. complete to door door. oven tothefood.Closetheoven full of 70% - MED-HIOW the behind chart the see Ingredients add or arrange HIOn-lOO%offuNpower defrosttlmes, suggested For re+ turn, sttr, can you sci oven tlme. defrostlng deslred the helpful: be
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
Installing microwave oven Ir II II \ cm) 7 I cabinet. the of outside the damage could This ated. gener- are steam and heat excessive where area any in or unit surface tional conven- a to next oven the install not Do flow alr proper top. or slde left the for required Is ance ensure to place In are legs oven mlcrowave clear- No operatton. proper for slde rlght the on the sure Make results. cooklng poor and oven (12.7 In. 5 least at of clearance Leave Inet. the to damage cause can
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
requirements WE I WALL me me me me INSTRUCTIONS THESE SAW nician. tech- service Whirlpool” authorized an by heated. be should water unless serviced be not should and voltage high up is ttme When mlnutes. 2 for COOK with equipped Is untt The ttme. any at cabinet to oven the set to 6 page on directions the low or panel, control door, me remove NOT DO Fol- latches. it sure Make door. the Close oven. purposes. commercial the in container glass a in water cold of ml) (250 cup one abou
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
oven me me d0m. ek, cleaner. glass spray or gent deter- mlld a with sponge a or cloth sofl a Use surtacer oven exterior and lnterlor the and panel, control the damage can clothes, wash gritty pads, wool steel cleansers, Abrasive well. Rinse PLACE. IN TRAY GLASS soft or sponge a with WITH OVEN OPERATE ALWAYS applied detergents or soaps dishwasher. automatic the in nonabrasive mild, only use or detergent mild in hand by door, the closing on gether Wash cleaning. for removed to-
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
me me / , I ’ I HOT NOT l l l 10 turntable glass above Inch 3/16 least at be must bottom dlsh brownlng the used, is dlsh browning a When breakage possible avoid to oven from removing when care wtth tray glass Handle breakage possible avoid to tray glass on cookware place Carefuliy Precautions Addltlonal time. Cancel food. removlng tempemtures after contlnuetoopemte frying deep approprlate oven the let NOT DO malntaln to difficult Is It and sultabie not are exploslon. or ha
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
for not POTATOES. Wrap WT smoke 11 page next on connnued tire. and In result may Overcooklng bag. paper a result. may NEVERtrytopopcornln Fire oven. the In clothes or ovens. mlcrowave gourds paper, wood. herbs, for especially deslgned hult, flowers, dry Do package commercial or popper popcorn wwvd burned. be may You result. could Fire oven. the oven. the In wax parattln In paper prlnted other or mlcrowavs a In except melt to try NOT DO musenewspaper DO popcorn, pop NOT DO
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
General Information need assistance%. Before Calling assistance... l l l l l l l l l l 12 page next on continued temperature. rcom normal to up warms oven the unttl slower run will fan The area? cold a In stored been oven the Has usual: than slower funning be to seems tan the If morethanonefoodltem? cooklng when time more allowing you Are correctly? set Power Cook the Is low. is voltage outlet the if you tell can. technician service or electrician Your low. is voltage li
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
have problem%. need service%. WITS 13 999.9993 MAPLE 123 CO SERVICE XYZ COMPANIES SERVICE SERVICE WHIRLPOOL AUTHORIZED APPLIANCES WHIRLPOOL WONERS-SERVICING a DRYERS MACHINES. WA!%ING OR A MUOR-REPIIRING REPAIR 6 MAJOR-SERVICE assistance for request Your to r&pond better APPLIANCES- ELECTMCAL APPLIANCES-HOUSEHOLD- ldomdbnlsneededinorderto the ot description complete cs”,p under: Pages pur- d date number, serial number, model Yellow directory telephone your In look or 2) lfyou
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
14 Notes
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
MWOOi l.W@TH Will to From of or Whirlpod” on If Fifth In or From of WHWl.POOl WILL to: 1. of 2. to 3. or 4. R to to fire, flood, of or of not Whirlpool. do not or of or or to from to a dlfferent For Whlrlpool or Q 1989 Whirlpool z and lln~tr. Condllloners. Oehumldlfws. Clolhes Washers, Automallc Au Room Compactors. Trash Ovens. Mlcroware Ranges. Surlace Ovens Bwlt-In Dishwashers. Makers. Corporation 4874610A/4158513 No. Part exchange. mllltary dlstrlbutor franchised