Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool MH6700XW, MH6701XW

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool MH6700XW, MH6701XW

Aparato: Whirlpool MH6700XW, MH6701XW
Categoría: Microondas
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 2.45 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/6/2013
Número de páginas: 36
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Whirlpool MH6700XW, MH6701XW Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

i -: .................... ........................... ..... i ................... 22 ......................... WARM. to ?4 to ............... .................. ....... ........ .............. .......... (. for ..... ........... ........ ..................... :f, .................... for ................. .............. ... ............................. ........ ........ .... 3; ..... (2 If or ........... 3(, ...................... ’ 1 01989 Whirlpool I..mLa-\ \W

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

out If of to... Whirlpool 2000 M-63 49022 if a to follow to follow to or & for a for future It to l from a 50°F for l to * not or to * for of a to if It for door door a ful to It not to no to not or (1) or (2) or (3) front door or or NOf to on if door broken is window surfaces. remove’d. cabinet outer the the oven microwave sealing accumulate with oven microwave the operate D8 residue cleaner soil the operate NOT DO allow the and face surfaces. oven t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

INSTRUCTIONS 1. jars 8. may com- other or plastic, paper, if appliance damage. property or jury attend Carefully food. overcook not Do a. in- personal cause and flame the spread cavity: may operating, if fan, The Unit. this &low oven the in fire Of risk the reduce TO 13. surface cooktop a on foods flame not Do d. 27. page on instructions ing result, shock trical clean- interior and surface door FOlloW 12. Elec- 29). page (see supply, power main result. may fire appliance, the the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Microwave oven controls four When first a 88:88. If 6), off for a for on Digital ,-+ lights When not micro- When 7 // to micro- to do A to to 6 for on on display. digital the Light Indicator an lights CANCEL] and START (except Pad Command Each pad. any touching when hear you tone the information page See start. clock the tells -START clock. the set going are you oven the tells SET -CLOCK examples: few order. what in and what oven wave the tell Pads Command

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

light of for fan a to LOW to do, to a a a food for or Audible Signals to a A 60 to A 3 of function.) If a of or For a not if a a * door. * door. 0 0, * d 4 * 7 If off, Setting Clock When first a “88:88:’ If off, on. or DO THIS... a “0” . to flrst 5 or 1. If continue. and again SET CLOCK touch happens, this blank. Sm. CLOCK Touch go will Display the seconds wlthln touched be must Pad Number Hi3 The flash. start will colon the and show will Display The

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

3:25. 2. for of 3. If “Err” on on to Using not or It or It a DO THIS... on a “0:’ first 5 or If 1 45 2. for on to to on When a 3 of on page next continued day. time the show will Display the and sound will signal second up, is time set the Timer. Minute the left iS time much how show seconds the down counts Display The running. is Timer Minute the that show stay will Light Indicator TIMER MINUTE The seconds. and minutes Pads Number Touch seconds. minute, show

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Timer Timer to to If flrst, to to of to not on When a 3 door not or door to or Cooking Microwave Oven to It What food What to a for different foods. to to food for If or for to food. turn or food for If a not or a to Cooking High Cook to DO THIS... 1 on four 2. 1 COOK Touch 0’s. show will Display the and come will Light indicator COOK The HAPPENS... THIS power high at cook steps these Follow Power at cooking. during steam vent corner back Turn wrap. pla

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

1 30 3. for ,. ,. ,l~i..- ,. . . I, .,,. 1 . s_,- . .~ ..“.. _ . ..-.-_..,_-,-.. 1 on to first 4. to first Count d QWll When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of Time or 1. 2. for 3. I for Cooking Cook For for for a different of or of for, of full 4 of full 9 of full 3 of full MED-LOW 2 of full 8 of full 1 of full LOW 7 of full 0 no [fan off) 6 of full 5 of full on page next continued MED power 50% = power 60% = be will light and power = MED-HIGH

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

DO THIS... 1. food door. 1 on four 2. 1. 3. for to full 4. 5 for of full on to a 6. to first d ClWll For 2 of selected. you Power Cook the show will Display the seconds, every10 cycle. the in left is time cooking much how show taunt time the down counts Display The START. Touch HIGH. than other Power Cook at cooking is m oven the that show stay will Lights . I Indicator POWER COOK and COOK The power. 50% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you w

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of or a for e for if to a to Using TIME to of l-9. a short-cut for on door to food to A of 2 30 to from O-99 O-99 to 13 for DO THIS... ,. -. .1.- --.- ---. - 1. tood In door. ._-_-l_lr_-_ . ., . ...“. --. ,.... _ 2. to 6 If to on page next continued Power.) Cook and tlme cooklng set pre- the use want you Step Sklp (Optlon: TIME. Touch ” ‘. the close and oven the Put ___I -_I_ “j”.~ HAPPENS... THIS instructio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

A 0 4 3. a for from 1 to 9 4. to 6 if to _.,, l.l ---_,, -.. .., *.se,,--x. - 5 for of full 5. a for on If a 6. on. a to d OWll For 2 of 10 if a When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food leff door or of to follow if for 8; or 9 page Powers:’ Cook Lower at “Cooking page Oven:’ Microwave Your in “CookIng instructions in Touch desired. TIME, Set Auto COOK set can You day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven] the in is that

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

to often follow a i-~ 1. 2. for If to 5. 3. 4. for 5. for future If off, to 2 30 on 19). (110) to (190) l-9. a short-cut for on door to food to A of 165°F to from 90°F to 200°F to 14 DO THIS... Y 1. food door. 2. to 6 if to 3. a for from 110°F to 190°F. on 4. to 6 if to on power.) page next continued 70% at cook want you Step Skip (Option: POWER. COOK Touch “P-701’ show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER COOK The want you temperature

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

5 for of full 5. a for tor on. if food 90°F. food 6. of food for 5°F When off. on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of to follow out, on to to to often follow 1. 2. for 90°F 200 ‘F If to 6. 3. 4. for 5. to for future If off, to 465°F setting. Power Cook HIGH at pre-programmed the back go will oven the goes power electric the NOTE: use. Power Cook and temperature that remember will oven the complete, is cooking the After selected. you Power Cook the at temperatu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Information to follow if on if not or on if 90°F or 200°F). for on 21. Defrosting to food For defrost door or not for of defrost food DO THIS... b> . .-.-- -- .-- “,.. ,,_l j_ l~_l_ .-will.“- ,... I_ --,, L - .,_.-= 1. food door. >~,..--I__- .---m-_--s-l__l-m_lll ..-, _~ on four 2. -.-.-.I.,.-.__l.I~_-LI----~ --.,- _I ..- “.l_._ In 2 30 3. for on to to 4. When defrost on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of BEE$EEPBEE~ bEEP day. time the show then will play

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Time Automatically After For food to for a of food to When 1 to follow a to for 1 no WARM. For 1. 2. I. 3. for 4. (If to to 6.) 5. a for 6. When defrost food for of for on fan off. When 2 When on 4 for First of full of full ,.. ,...,,,,..,...........,.......,............,......... defrost food Time or * * for 2 defrosffng of full to of * door. food fork; if to s door to if no * for time. defrosting additional instructions new in Touch OR... needed. is time ad

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Cooking One One Cook For for for a of for of to from to DO THIS... - 1. food door. 1 on four 2. 1. 3 25 1 on to full 4. to 6 if to I 6 for of full 2 on four 6. 2. 4 30 7. for on 7 cycle. second the in page next continued want you time cooking the seconds. Pads Number Touch minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will Display The COOK Touch O’s show will Display the and come will Light Indicator COOK The po

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

on . . . RI! to full 8. to 10 if to 9. a for When 1 on first on if 10. a off to munt first d For 2 of 10 if a 2 of 1. door to or turn food, or If do door, door to 2 on on if a to d For 2 of 10 if a high. than other Power Cook using are you selected, you Power Cook the show will Display the seconds, every 0Wl-l cycle. second count the in left is time much how show time the down counts Display The high. than other Power Cook using are you be also will

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

for 22.) or POWER, POWER Cooking Temperature Probe DO THIS... . _ WJ 1. 2. not of door. on page next conttnued wall. the Close oven the on socket Interior. oven the parl any touch the into probe 21.) page (See food. does probe the plug and oven the Into Probe Temperature the sure Make 3. the in food Place the of Y3 least at Insert a \ Probe a ! il Socket food. of types different cooklng in information helpful for Cookbook MENUS@ MICRO your See chose. you temperature

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

DO THIS... --.: on “F 4. a of 140°F. on to full 6. if to ,. M.--,.“.--,.%- 6 for of full on. if 8. food 90°F food of food for 5°F For 2 of 10 if a When off. on 4 door or on a 60 [to food door or of if 90°F 200°F). over and (under selected been has temperature incorrect an day. time the touched, is START after dlsplayed be will “ERR” NOTE: show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven] the in left is that you remind seconds every so

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