Manual de instrucciones de Sony UPW-C1/C2

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Sony UPW-C1/C2

Aparato: Sony UPW-C1/C2
Categoría: Micrófono
Fabricante: Sony
Tamaño: 0.79 MB
Fecha de añadido: 9/9/2013
Número de páginas: 52
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Sony UPW-C1/C2 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Microphone Package
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
The supplied CD-ROM includes operating instructions for the UWP
series wireless microphone packages (English, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, and Spanish versions) and Sony Wireless
Microphone System Frequency Lists (English, French, German, and
Spanish versions). For details, see “Using the CD-ROM Manual” on
page 19.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

For UTX-B1 and UTX-H1 Transmitters Owner’s Record A licence is normally required. The The model and serial numbers are local district office of Industry Canada located at the rear or on the bottom of should therefore be contacted. When the unit. Record the model and serial the operation of the device is within numbers in the space provided below. the broadcast band, the licence is Refer to these numbers whenever you issued on no-interference, no- call upon your Sony dealer regarding protectio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

appareil doit accepter toutes les interférences, y compris les interférences capables de provoquer un fonctionnement non souhaité de U.K. 854.125 - 862 MHz l’appareil. Germany 790 - 814 MHz Norway 800 - 820 MHz L’expression <> avant le Luxembourg 800 - 830 MHz, numéro d’homologation/ 854.125 - 862 MHz enregistrement signifie seulement que Belgium 854.125 - 862 MHz les spécifications techniques de Denmark 800.100 - 819.900 l’Industrie Canada ont été respectées. MHz France 798 - 830 MHz Notic

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Remarque: Nota: Dans certains pays, des bandes de En algunos países pueden utilizarse fréquences additionnelles pourront bandas de frecuencia adicionales de être utilisées avec l’accord des acuerdo con la autoridad nacional. autorités nationales. A Sony Corporation declara que o Hiermit erklärt Sony Corporation, modelo UTX-B1/UTX-H1 está em dass die vorliegende Einheit UTX-B1/ conformidade com as exigências UTX-H1 den wesentlichen essenciais e outras provisões Anforderungen und anderen pertinent

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Observera: I vissa länder kan det hända att ytterligare frekvensband används efter överenskommelse med det landets myndigheter. Sony Corporation erklærer herved, at Note for customers in denne UTX-B1/UTX-H1 er i Switzerland: overensstemmelse med de essentielle Before use, a request of concession for krav og andre relevante bestemmelser a wireless microphone (Frequency i direktiv 1999/5/EC. Åbn venligst den Class 3) has to be submitted to følgende URL angående detaljer: Bakom. http://www.complian

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Note for customers in Note concernant les utilisateurs Luxembourg: en Belgique: Before any use of an equipment, the L’emploi de ce transmetteur avec une frequencies required have to be, if puissance de sortie RF de 30 mW necessary according to the regulations n’est pas autorisé. Bien régler la in force, assigned prior to usage by the puissance de sortie RF à 5 mW. “ILT”. Hinweis für Kunden in Belgien: Remarque pour les clients au Der Einsatz des Senders mit einer HF- Luxembourg: Ausgangsleistung

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

For URX-P1, URX-M1, and URX-R1 Tuners Owner’s Record If you have any questions about this The model and serial numbers are product, you may call: located at the rear or on the side of the Sony’s Business Information unit. Record the model and serial Center (BIC) numbers in the space provided below. at 1-800-686-SONY (7669) Refer to these numbers whenever you or write to: call upon your Sony dealer regarding Sony Customer Information this product. Services Center 6900-29 Daniels Parkway, PMB Mod

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Remarque à l’intention des Mededeling voor de klanten in utilisateurs au Canada: Europa L’usage des appareils sans fil Sony est Att observera för kunder i réglementé par l’Industrie Canada Europa comme décrit dans leur Cahier des Meddelelse til kunderne i Normes Radioélectriques CNR-123. Europa Une licence est normalement requise. Huomautus Euroopassa asuville Le bureau de l’Industrie Canada doit asiakkaillemme être contacté. Lorsque le fonctionnement de l’appareil respecte les limites de la ban

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Sony Corporation déclare par ces Sony Corportion verklaart hierbij dat présentes que le URX-P1/M1/R1 est de URX-P1/M1/R1 voldoet aan de conforme aux exigences essentielles et primaire vereisten en andere relevante aux dispositions applicables de la voorschriften van de Europese Directive 1999/5/CE. Pour les détails, Bepaling 1999/5/EC. Nadere accédez à l’URL suivante: bijzonderheden vindt u op de volgende website: Hiermit erklärt Sony

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Table of Contents Table of Contents Configuration of the Attaching the supplied Packages ........................... 11 accessories to the portable UWP-C1................................... 11 diversity tuner (URX-P1)......... 33 UWP-C2................................... 12 Installing the diversity tuner UWP-S1 ................................... 13 module (URX-M1) .................. 34 UWP-S2 ................................... 14 Settings ................................... 37 UWP-X1 .........

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Configuration of the Packages This operation manual is for the UWP-C1/C2/S1/S2/X1/X2 wireless microphone packages. The contents of each package are described below. UWP-C1 The UWP-C1 consists of a body-pack transmitter (UTX-B1) and a portable diversity tuner (URX-P1). When used in conjunction with a compact camcorder, the UWP-C1 makes a mobile system for ENG (Electronic News Gathering) or EFP (Electronic Field Production) purposes. Body-pack transmitter Portable diversity tuner (UTX-B1) (1) (URX

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Configuration of the Packages UWP-C2 The UWP-C2 consists of a hand-held microphone (UTX-H1) and a portable diversity tuner (URX-P1). When used in conjunction with a compact camcorder, the UWP-C2 makes a mobile system for ENG (Electronic News Gathering) or EFP (Electronic Field Production) purposes. Hand-held microphone Portable diversity tuner (UTX-H1) (1) (URX-P1) (1) Supplied accessories • Microphone holder (1) • Belt clip (1) • Shoe mount adapter (1) • XLR-BMP conversion cable (1) • Microphon

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

UWP-S1 The UWP-S1 consists of a body-pack transmitter (UTX-B1) and a half-rack size diversity tuner (URX-R1). The UWP-S1 is suitable for constructing a wireless system for AV presentations. Body-pack transmitter Half-rack size diversity tuner (UTX-B1) (1) (URX-R1) (1) Supplied accessories • Unidirectional lavalier • Wind screen (1) • Holder clip (1) microphone (1) • AC adapter (1) • Belt clip (1) • Operation manual (1) • CD-ROM (1) (For the U.S.A. and Europe models only) • Sony Wireless Micropho

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Configuration of the Packages UWP-S2 The UWP-S2 consists of a hand-held microphone (UTX-H1) and a half-rack size diversity tuner (URX-R1). The UWP-S2 is suitable for constructing a wireless system for AV presentations. Hand-held microphone Half-rack size diversity tuner (UTX-H1) (1) (URX-R1) (1) Supplied accessories • Microphone holder (1) • AC adapter (1) • Operation manual (1) – AC-S906T (for U62 and U66 models) • CD-ROM (1) (For the U.S.A. and Europe – AC-S906 (for CE62 model) models only) –

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

UWP-X1 The UWP-X1 consists of a body-pack transmitter (UTX-B1) and a diversity tuner module (URX-M1). By installing the tuner module into a tuner base unit or a powered mixer, the system construction to meet the desired purpose of use and required system scale becomes possible. Body-pack transmitter Diversity tuner module (UTX-B1) (1) (URX-M1) (1) Supplied accessories • Unidirectional lavalier • Wind screen (1) • Holder clip (1) microphone (1) • Belt clip (1) • Operation manual (1) • CD-ROM (1)

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Configuration of the Packages UWP-X2 The UWP-X2 consists of a hand-held microphone (UTX-H1) and a diversity tuner module (URX-M1) . By installing the tuner module into a tuner base unit or a powered mixer, the system construction to meet the desired purpose of use and required system scale becomes possible. Hand-held microphone Diversity tuner module (UTX-H1) (1) (URX-M1) (1) Supplied accessories • Microphone holder (1) • Operation manual (1) • CD-ROM (1) (For the U.S.A. and Europe models only)

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Features Each of the UWP-C1/C2/S1/S2/X1/ Portable diversity tuner X2 wireless microphone packages (URX-P1) (referred to as the UWP series This tuner employs a space diversity hereafter) combines a transmitter system with little signal dropout and (body-pack transmitter (UTX-B1) or two angle-adjustable antennas. It hand-held microphone (UTX-H1)) and comes with an adapter for mounting a receiver (portable diversity tuner the tuner on the compact camcorder (URX-P1), half-rack size diversity (DSR-PD

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Features Half-rack size diversity tuner UWP-X2 (URX-R1) This tuner employs a space diversity Hand-held microphone (UTX-H1) system with little signal dropout and This microphone is equipped with a two angle-adjustable antennas. It built-in antenna and a unidirectional comes with two types of audio dynamic microphone unit. The RF connectors (1/4-inch jack and XLR power output can be set at 30 mW or type) on the rear panel. at 5 mW. Diversity tuner module (URX-M1) UWP-S2 This tuner module can be in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Using the CD-ROM Manual The supplied CD-ROM includes To read the operating operating instructions for the UWP instructions series wireless microphone packages (English, Japanese, French, German, To read the operating instructions Italian, and Spanish versions) and contained in the CD-ROM disc, do the Sony Wireless Microphone System following. Frequency Lists (English, French, German, and Spanish versions). 1 Insert the CD-ROM disc in your CD-ROM drive. A cover page appears CD-ROM system automati

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Using the CD-ROM Manual 2 Select and click the frequency list that you want to read. A PDF file of the frequency list opens. Note If you lose the CD-ROM disc or become unable to read its content, for example, because of a hardware failure, contact a Sony service representative. • MMX and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. • Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United Stat

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