Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
33-inch Wide Cut Mower
Model No. 247.889980
For answers to your questions about this product,
call 1-800-4MY=HOME.
CAUTION: Before using this
product, read this manual and
follow all safety rules and operating
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website:
(December 21,2009)
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Warranty Statement .......................................................... 2 Service and Maintenance .............................................. 16 Safety Instructions ............................................................ 3 Off-Season Storage ........................................................ 26 Slope Guide ....................................................................... 5 Accessories and Attachments ........................................ 26 Safety Labels ............
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
Thismachinewasbuiltto beoperatedaccordingto the rulesfor safeoperationinthis manual.As withanytypeof powerequipment, which,ifnot followed,couldendangerthe personal __IL his symbolpointsout important safetyinstructions carelessnessorerroronthe partof the operatorcan resultin serious safetyand/or propertyof yourselfandothers.Read andfollowall instructions inthismanualbefore injury.Thismachineis capableof amputatinghandsandfeetand throwingobjects.Failureto observethefollowingsafetyinstructions atte
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• If theequipmentshould startto vibrateabnormally,stoptheengineand • Neverremovegascapor addfuelwhile engineis hotor running. checkimmediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. trouble. • Neveroverfill fuel tank.Fill tankto no morethan V2inch belowbottom • Shutthe engineoff andwait untilthe bladecomesto a completestop of filler neckto provideforfuel expansion. beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute. • Replacegasoli
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Usethispageas a guideto determineslopeswhereyoumaynot operatesafely.Donot operate the lawnmoweron suchslopes. ! l I I ! ! ! Thissymbolpointsoutimportant safetyinstructions which,ifnot followed,could endangerthe personalsafetyand/or propertyof yourselfand others.Readandfollowallinstructions inthis manualbeforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywiththeseinstructions may resultinpersonalinjury. Whenyou seethissymbol,HEEDITSWARNING!
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WARNING This symbol pointsout importantsafety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safetyand/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operatethis machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury.When you see this symbol HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machineto persons who read, understand,and follow the warnings and instruc- tions in this
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Thispageleftintentionally blank. 7
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IMPORTANT:Thisunitis shippedwithoilin the engine.After Attaching the Battery Cables assembly,see page12for fuelandoil details. NOTE: The positivebatteryterminalis markedPos.(+).The negative IMPORTANT:Referenceto rightor leftside of the moweris observed batteryterminalis markedNeg.(-). fromthe operatingposition. The positivecable (heavyredwire)is securedto the positivebattery terminal(+)witha hex boltandhex nutat thefactory. The negativecable(heavyblackwire) maybe securedto the negative Disconnec
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Unfolding the Handle Attaching the Shift Lever 1. Removethe screwandthe locknutthatsecuresthe shift leverto 1. Removethestar knobsandcarriagescrewsfromthelower handle.SeeFigure3. the shift leverplate.SeeFigure5. f Figure3 Figure5 . Pivotthe upperhandleintooperatingposition.Becarefulnotto 2. Removethe remainingscrewandnut fromthe lowershiftlever crimpcables.SeeFigure4. plate.SeeFigure5. 3. Positionthe uppershift leverintoa verticalpositionaligningthe holesinthe leverwith the holesinthe shift plat
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Checking Tire Pressure Maximumtire pressureunderany circumstances is30 psi.Equaltire pressureshouldbemaintainedat alltimes. The reartiresonyour unitmaybeover-inflated for shippingpurposes. Reducethe tire pressurebeforeoperatingthe mower.Recommended operatingtire pressureis approximately 20 p.s.i.Checkthe sidewallof tirefor maximump.s.i. Gas and Oil Thefuel tankhasa capacityof twogallons.Removethe fuelcap by turningit counterclockwise. Useonly clean,fresh(nomorethan30 daysold), unleadedgasoline.F
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
Fuel Tank Ca Deck Height ignition Switch Lever ===='_ Systems indicator Monitor Drive Control Gear Shift Lever Figure7 f Spark Plug Referto the Maintenance sectionfor instructions onsparkplug Air replacement. -- Cleaner oil Oil Cap/Dipstick Handle Dipstick Referto the Maintenance sectionfor instructions oncheckingthe oil. MOWER CONTROLS Referto Figure7 for locationsof the mowercontrols. Throttle/Choke Control NOTE:Whenoperatingthe mowerwiththe Choke==_ cuttingdeckengaged,becertainthatthe throttl
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
Drive Control Deck Height Lever Usethisleverto adjustthe mowingdeck'scuttingheight.To use,move The drivecontrolis usedto engageand the leverto the left, then placetheleverin the notchbestsuitedfor disengagedriveto the wheels.Toengage f yourapplication. this control,squeezethe drivecontrol againstthe handlebargrip.To stopthe drive, releasethedrive control. ignition Switch Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.Alwaysdisengage @ blades,stopengineandremovekeyto preventunintendedstarting. The four-pos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
GEAR SHIFT LEVER SYSTEMS INDICATOR MONITOR/HOUR METER BATTERY jJ j j/ Usethisleverto selectanyof four forwardgroundspeeds,neutral,or reverse. 42.0 Forward /// HOURS 1/10 \\\ Fourforwardspeedsareavailable.Positionone (1)is the slowestand jf positionfour(4) is thefastest. Reverse Toselectreverse,putthe leverin the Reverse(R) position. Figure10 LCD Lookbehindthe mowerbeforeandduringreverseoperation.Stopthe Whenthe ignition keyis rotatedout of the STOPpositionbut not mowerbladesbeforeoperatingin rev
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STARTING THE ENGINE Totravelin REVERSE, a. Checkthatthe areabehindis clear. Referto the Serviceand Maintenance sectionof thismanualfor GasolineandOilfill-up instructions. b. Placethe gearshift leverinReverse(R). 1. Disengageallcontrolsonthe mower. c. Slowlysqueezethe DriveControlagainstthelefthandlegrip andthemowerwill move.Releaseitanddrivemotionwillstop. 2. Movethe gearshiftleverinto the neutral(N) position. 3. Insertthe keyintothe ignitionswitch. DoNOTattemptto changethe directionof travelwhe
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
USING THE DECK HEIGHT LEVER INSTALLING/REMOVING MULCH BAFFLE Toraiseor lowerthecuttingdeck, movethe deck heightleverto the left,then placeit inthe notchbestsuitedforyour application. Beforeinstallingor removingthe mulchbaffle,disengageblades,sto MOWING the engineand removekeyto preventunintendedstarting. Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhenoperatingyour mower. Stoptheengineandwaitfor all partsto stopmoving. Installing the Mulch Baffle Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialstowar
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
. MAINTENANCE Togainaccessto theoil drainvalveonthe engine,pivotthe right handlebracetube forward. a. Removethe upperstarknob andcarriagescrewonthe right Beforeperformingany maintenance or repairs,disengageblades, side of the handle,Figure12. stopengineand removekeyto preventunintendedstarting. b. Pivotthe bracetube towardsthefrontof the mowerto allow roomto connectthe oildrainhoseto the oil drainvalve, GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Figure12. • Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany typeof maintena
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7. Aftertheoil hasfinisheddraining,pressthetwo tabsinwardand Servicing the Air Cleaner pushthe oildrainvalvebackin to lockthe valveclosed.Remove the hose,andre-capthe endof the oildrainvalveto keepdebris Iffilters,or coversare notinstalledcorrectlyseriousinjury ordeath fromenteringthedrainport. could resultfrombackfire.Do not attemptto startthe enginewith 8. Refillthe enginewithnew motoroiluntil theoil levelonthe themremoved. dipstickreadsFULL.Replacethe oil fill cap/dipstick. 9. Pivotthe right
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BATTERY 1. Positionthe moweron a level,clearspoton yourlawn,near enoughfor yourgardenhoseto reach. Batteryposts,terminals,andrelatedaccessoriescontainleadand Makecertainthe mower'sdischargechuteis directedAWAYfrom leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause your house,garage,parkedcars,etc. cancerandreproductiveharm.Washhandsafterhandling. . The batteryis sealedandis maintenance-free. Acid levelscannotbe Threadthe hosecoupler(packagedwithyourmower'sOperator's checkedandfluidcan
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
BLADE TIMING BELT Pivot Points & Linkage Lubricateall the pivotpointson thedrive systemandlift linkageat The cuttingdeckspindlesaredrivenby a timing(cogged)belt, leastoncea seasonwith lightoil. assuringthatthe deckbladesarealwaysperpendicular to eachother. At leastoncea season,or afterstrikingany foreignobject,checkthe Rear Wheels timingbeltas follows: The rearwheelsshouldbe removedfromthe axlesoncea season. 1. Removethe beltcoverby removingthe threescrewsandwashers Lubricatethe axlesandrim hubs
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3. Ifthe arrowson the surfaceof each spindlepulleyarenot CUTTING DECK REMOVAL perpendicular(ata 90°angle)to eachother,seeyour Searsor otherqualifiedservicedealerto havethe timingbelt reset. Beforeperformingany maintenance or repairs,disengageblades, stopengineandremovekeyto preventunintendedstarting. Do notoperatethe machinewithoutthe deck'stimingbelt properly To removethe cuttingdeck,proceedas follows: set. Failureto followthisinstructioncould resultin personalinjuryor propertydamage. 1. Remove