Manual de instrucciones de Schumacher Automatic SP2

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Schumacher Automatic SP2

Aparato: Schumacher Automatic SP2
Categoría: Cargador
Fabricante: Schumacher
Tamaño: 1.4 MB
Fecha de añadido: 8/2/2013
Número de páginas: 39
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Model / Modelo: SP2
Automatic Battery Charger
Cargador de Batería
Voltage / Tensión: 6, 12
Amperage / Amperaje: 1
Call Customer Service for Assistance: 800-621-5485
Llame a Servicios al Cliente para Asistencia: 800-621-5485

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

iMPORTANT: REAd ANd SAVE THiS SAFETY ANd iNSTRUCTiON MANUAL. SAVE THESE iNSTRUCTiONS – This manual will show you how to use your charger safely and effectively. Please read, understand and follow these instructions and precautions carefully, as this manual contains important safety and operating instructions. The safety messages used throughout this manual contain a signal word, a message and an icon. The signal word indicates the level of the hazard in a situation. Indicates an imminentl

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

1. iMPORTANT SAFETY iNSTRUCTiONS – SAVE THESE iNSTRUCTiONS. This manual contains important safety and operating instructions. RiSK OF ELECTRiC SHOCK OR FiRE. 1.1 Keep out of reach of children. 1.2 Do not expose the charger to rain or snow. 1.3 Use only recommended attachments. Use of an attachment not ® recommended or sold by Schumacher Electric Corporation may result in a risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons or damage to property. 1.4 To reduce the risk of damage to the el

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

RiSK OF EXPLOSiVE GASES. 1.10 WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF A LEAD-ACID BATTERY IS DANGEROUS. BATTERIES GENERATE EXPLOSIVE GASES DURING NORMAL BATTERY OPERATION. FOR THIS REASON, IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EACH TIME YOU USE THE CHARGER. 1.11 To reduce the risk of a battery explosion, follow these instructions and those published by the battery manufacturer and the manufacturer of any equipment you intend to use in the vicinity of the battery. Review the caut

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

2.8 Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts your skin, clothing or eyes. 2.9 Wear complete eye and body protection, including safety goggles and protective clothing. Avoid touching your eyes while working near the battery. 2.10 If battery acid contacts your skin or clothing, immediately wash the area with soap and water. If acid enters your eye, immediately flood the eye with cold running water for at least 10 minutes and get medical attention right away. 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

If the charger has an adjustable rate, charge the battery on the lowest rate first. 3.7 Make sure that the charger cable clips make tight connections. 4. CHARGER LOCATiON RiSK OF EXPLOSiON ANd CONTACT WiTH BATTERY ACid. 4.1 Locate the charger as far away from the battery as the DC cables permit. 4.2 Never place the charger directly above the battery being charged; gases from the battery will corrode and damage the charger. 4.3 Do not set the battery on top of the charger. 4.4 Never allow

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

6.2 Stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys and other parts that can cause injury. 6.3 Check the polarity of the battery posts. The POSITIVE (POS, P, +) battery post usually has a larger diameter than the NEGATIVE (NEG, N, -) post. 6.4 Determine which post of the battery is grounded (connected) to the chassis. If the negative post is grounded to the chassis (as in most vehicles), see step 6.5. If the positive post is grounded to the chassis, see step 6.6. 6.5 For a negative-grounded vehic

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

7.1 Check the polarity of the battery posts. The POSITIVE (POS, P, +) battery post usually has a larger diameter than the NEGATIVE (NEG, N, -) post. 7.2 Attach at least a 24-inch (61 cm) long 6-gauge (AWG) insulated battery cable to the NEGATIVE (NEG, N, -) battery post. 7.3 Connect the POSITIVE (RED) charger clip to the POSITIVE (POS, P, +) post of the battery. 7.4 Position yourself and the free end of the cable you previously attached to the NEGATIVE (NEG, N, -) battery post as far away

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

8.3 Recommended minimum AWG size for extension cord: 2 • 100 feet (30.5 meters) long or less – use an 18 gauge (0.82 mm ) extension cord. 2 • Over 100 feet (30.5 meters) long – use a 16 gauge (1.31 mm ) extension cord. 9. FEATURES 2 1 3 6 4 5 1. AC POWER (red) LED 2. CHARGING (yellow) LED 3. CHARGED (green) LED 4. Battery Clip Cable Assembly 5. Ring Terminal Cable Assembly 6. Quick-Connect Connector 10. ASSEMBLY iNSTRUCTiONS Remove all cord wraps and uncoil the cables prior to using the b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

11. CONTROL PANEL LEd indicators AC POWER (red) LEd lit: Indicates that there is AC power supplied to the battery charger. CHARGiNG (yellow) LEd lit: Indicates the charger is charging the battery. CHARGiNG (yellow) LED flashing: Indicates the charger is in abort mode. CHARGEd (green) LEd lit: Indicates the battery is fully charged and the charger is in maintain mode. NOTE: See the Operating Instructions section for a complete description of the charger modes. 12. OPERATiNG iNSTRUCTiONS

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

USiNG THE QUiCK-CONNECT CABLE CONNECTORS There is a 2 amp, inline fuse in the cable assemblies to prevent damage to the charger, if it is connected to a battery incorrectly. If the charger does not charge the battery, check the fuse. If the fuse needs replacing, only replace it with a fuse of the same size and rating. NOTE: Never connect the clamp and ring terminal connectors together for use in other applications, such as external battery or other power source charging, or to extend the ou

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Aborted Charge If charging cannot be completed normally, charging will abort. When charging aborts, the charger’s output is shut off and the CHARGING (yellow) LED will blink. To reset after an aborted charge, unplug the charger from the AC outlet, wait a few moments, then plug it back in. desulfation Mode Desulfation could take 10 hours. If desulfation fails, charging will abort and the CHARGING (yellow) LED will blink. Completion of Charge Charge completion is indicated by the CHARGED

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

13. CALCULATiNG CHARGE TiME Find your battery’s rating on the chart below, and note the charge time given. The times given are for batteries with a 50% charge prior to recharging. Add more time for severely discharged batteries. CCA = Cold Cranking Amps AH = Amp Hour RC = Reserve Capacity MAINTAIN ONLY = See Maintaining a Battery in the “Operating Instructions” section. BATTERY SiZE/RATiNG CHARGiNG TiME Motorcycle, 6 - 12 AH 3 ¾ - 7 ½ hrs SMALL garden tractor, BATTERIES 12 - 32 AH 7 ½ - 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

14.4 Servicing does not require opening the unit, as there are no user-serviceable parts. 14.5 All other servicing should be performed by qualified service personnel. 15. MOViNG ANd STORAGE iNSTRUCTiONS 15.1 Store the charger unplugged, in an upright position. The cord will still conduct electricity until it is unplugged from the outlet. 15.2 Store inside, in a cool, dry place. 15.3 Do not store the clips on the handle, clipped together, on or around metal, or clipped to cables. 15.4 If t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

PROBLEM POSSiBLE CAUSE REASON/SOLUTiON Charger will not Clips are not making Check for poor turn on when a good connection to connection to battery properly connected. the battery. and frame. Make sure (continued) connection points are clean. Rock clips back and forth for a better connection. The cable assembly Check the fuse. If it is inline fuse may be blown, only replace it blown. Reversing the with one of the same connections at the size and rating. Be battery will cause this. sur

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

17. BEFORE RETURNiNG FOR REPAiRS 17.1 When a charging problem arises, make certain that the battery is capable of accepting a normal charge. Double check all connections, the AC outlet for a full 120-volts, the charger clips for correct polarity and the quality of the connections from the cables to the clips and from the clips to the battery system. The clips must be clean. 17.2 When a battery is very cold, partially charged or sulfated, it will not draw the full rated amperes from the char

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

20. LiMiTEd WARRANTY WARRANTY NOT VALid iN MEXiCO. SCHUMACHER ELECTRiC CORPORATiON, 801 BUSiNESS CENTER dRiVE, MOUNT PROSPECT, iL 60056-2179, MAKES THiS LiMiTEd WARRANTY TO THE ORiGiNAL RETAiL PURCHASER OF THiS PROdUCT. THiS LiMiTEd WARRANTY iS NOT TRANSFERABLE OR ASSiGNABLE. Schumacher Electric Corporation (the “Manufacturer”) warrants this battery charger for 5 years from the date of purchase at retail against defective material or workmanship that may occur under normal use and care. I

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

THiS LiMiTEd WARRANTY iS THE ONLY EXPRESS LiMiTEd WARRANTY ANd THE MANUFACTURER NEiTHER ASSUMES OR AUTHORiZES ANYONE TO ASSUME OR MAKE ANY OTHER OBLiGATiON TOWARdS THE PROdUCT OTHER THAN THiS WARRANTY. Schumacher Electric Corporation Customer Service 1-800-621-5485 Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST Schumacher and the Schumacher Logo are registered trademarks of Schumacher Electric Corporation To activate the warranty, please fill in the warranty registration card on page 18 and m

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

• 18 • 5-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY PROGRAM REGISTRATION MOdEL:___________________ dESCRiPTiON:___________________________ This is the only express limited warranty, and the manufacturer neither assumes nor authorizes anyone to assume or make any other obligation. There is no other warranty, other than what is described in the product owner’s manual. The warranty card should be submitted within 30 days of purchase. The customer must keep the ORIGINAL receipt because it will be required for

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

• 19 • PROGRAMA DE REGISTRO DE 5-AÑOS DE GARANTÍA LIMITADA MOdELO:___________________ dESCRiPCiÓN:___________________________ Esta es la única garantía limitada expresa, y el productor no autoriza ni otorga a alguien a realizar alguna otra obligación. No existe ninguna otra garantía más que la descrita en el manual del dueño. La tarjeta de garantía debe enviarse durante los primeros 30 días después de la compra. El cliente debe mantener el recibo de compra ORIGINAL como comprobante, el

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