Manual de instrucciones de Greenheck Fan GPS

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Greenheck Fan GPS

Aparato: Greenheck Fan GPS
Categoría: Muebles
Fabricante: Greenheck Fan
Tamaño: 1.2 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/18/2013
Número de páginas: 8
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Roof Curbs, Extensions and
Equipment Supports

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Page Roof Curbs Header & Extensions Prefabricated roof curbs reduce installation time and costs by ensuring compatibility between the fan, curb and roof opening. A wide variety of roof curbs are available including: flanged, straight-sided, canted, pitched, ridged, vented, and sound-absorbing. Extensions raise the fan discharge and can provide an accessible mounting location for dampers. Insect screen bases and vented extensions are also available. Quick Delivery and Quick Build Programs More

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Model Page GPI Header Standard Construction Features INSUlATION - Ridged fiberglass insulation is standard on lAP JOINTS - Wood all GPI curbs. The insulation is securely attached at both the nailers attached to GPI top and bottom with an insulation tray so it will not have any curbs consist of notched exposed ends. Three pound density insulation is available in and lapped joints to ensure 1 1, 1 ⁄2, and 2-inch thicknesses. strength and durability. CONSTRUCTION - Curb sizes under FORMED

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Page Roof Curbs Header Models GPI, GPIP and GPIR These curbs are designed for roof decks covered with 2 to 6 inches of insulation. Model GPI is for use on flat roofs, GPIP for pitched roofs and GPIR is available for ridged (double pitched) roofs. They are mounted directly to the roof deck before the insulation is applied, then roofed and flashed to the top of the wood nailer for weather tightness. Models GPI, GPIP and GPIR are standard with fully welded construction, 1-inch insulation and

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Equipment Page Header Supports and Curb Extensions Models GESS and GESR These equipment supports are designed for use on both insulated (GESR) and non-insulated (GESS) flat roof decks. They are mounted directly to the deck structure, then roofed and flashed for weather tightness. A variety of sizes and widths are available. (Refer to CAPS for more details.) Models GESS and GESR are available in welded aluminum or galvanized steel. Available in heights of 8, 12 and 14 inches and widths of 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Page Sound Header Curbs Model AT Sound Curbs are designed to reduce fan generated sound traveling down the ductwork without adversely affecting fan performance. Air passes between the streamlined baffles allowing the fan sound to be absorbed and dissipated within the curb area preventing it from entering the building. Each perforated aluminum baffle section is filled with fiberglass wool. Spring steel wire holding clips secure the aluminum baffle. The assembly is a rigid, durable section whi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Fan Curb Adapt Down 1.500 B A A Curb Dimensional Page Header Data Fan Curb Adapt Down 1.500 B A A Curb BASIC ADAPTER AND REDUCER ADAPTER DIMENSIONAl INFORMATION (Fan curb cap is smaller than existing curb) Curbs without wood nailers = Adapted REDUCER curb cap width and length will be Fan (Fan curb cap is larger 1/2-inch larger than the curb AD than existing curb) dimension. Curb Cap W & L Curbs with wood nailers = Adapted Fan Curb Cap W & L - 1/2 in. curb cap width and length will be 2 1/2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Typical Installation Greenheck's straight-sided roof curbs are designed for general exhaust or supply applications. General Flashed Roof Installation: 1. Remove roofing material where roof penetration is to be made and provide a 10-inch wide clearance around perimeter of hole in roof. 2. Apply roofing cement around roof opening. 3. Place and center roof curb over hole in roof so it sits on roofing cement. Make sure the roof curb is placed over an adequate support structure to handle the weig

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