Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Candle Products Messages Manual
Volume 3
February 2004
Candle Corporation
100 North Sepulveda Blvd.
El Segundo, California 90245-9796
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Registered trademarks and service marks of Candle Corporation: AF/OPERATOR, AF/REMOTE, Availability Command Center, Candle, Candle CIRCUIT, Candle Command Center, Candle Direct logo, Candle Electronic Customer Support, Candle logo, Candle Management Server, Candle Management Workstation, CandleLight, CandleNet, CandleNet Command Center, CandleNet eBusiness Platform, CandleNet Portal, CL/CONFERENCE, CL/SUPERSESSION, CommandWatch, CT, CT/Data Server, CT/DS, DELTAMON, DEXAN, eBA, eBA*ServiceMoni
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
Contents Chapter 1. KLVHS001–KLVSC009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Chapter 2. KLVSD001–KLXOP005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Chapter 3. KM2EXPFF–KMCRCA002I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Chapter 4. KMQxx001E–KOCJ0046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 Chapter 5. KOGCM001–KONCT303. . . . .
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4 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
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KLVHS001–KLVSC009 1 KLVHS001 HANDLE SERVICES MANAGER INITIALIZATION COMPLETE Explanation: The Handle Services initialization module has processed all input parameters and initialized the Handle Services environment without error. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS002 keyword(value) OUT OF RANGE (min-max) USING DEFAULT VALUE (default) Explanation: The value specified in the keyword parameter was outside the range (min-max) shown. The default val
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KLVHS011 MAXPOOLS(pools) USING(rpools), MAXHANDLES(handles) USING(rhandles) Explanation: The specified MAXPOOLS value pools was rounded to rpools. The specified MAXHANDLES value handles was rounded to rhandles. The rounded values will be used by the Handle Services Manager. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS201 HANDLE NOTIFY ROUTINE ABEND (tnnnn) - HANDLE(handle) ADDR(addr) POOL(pool) EXIT(exit) PARM(parm) ASSOC(assoc) Explanation: During hand
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KLVHS205 INVALID RELEASE HANDLE REQUEST Explanation: The handle use count was already zero during the processing of a Handle Services request to release a handle. System Action: A dump is produced and the thread is terminated. User Response: Contact Candle Customer Support. Keep dump, RKLVLOG, SYSLOG, and runsheets. Message Type: ERROR. KLVHS811 HANDLE SERVICES MANAGER GLOBAL STATISTICS Explanation: This is the title line for the HSM Global Statistics display. System Action: None. User Respons
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KLVHS817 TOTAL EXPANSIONS = totalexpansions Explanation: The total number of times the Handle Services Manager performed a handle pool expansion. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS818 AVERAGE HANDLES PER POOL = averagehandles Explanation: The average number of handles in a handle pool. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS820 QUERYHSM - OWNERID= AND POOLID= KEYWORDS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE Explanation: The QUERYHSM command was issue
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KLVHS830 INVALID OWNERID SPECIFIED ON QUERYHSM COMMAND - ownerid Explanation: The specified ownerid is not a valid logical resource number or was not 8 characters long. The owner ID must include all leading zeros. System Action: Only GLOBAL statistics are displayed. User Response: Issue QUERYHSM DETAIL command for a list of valid owner IDs and then reissue the QUERYHSM OWNERID= command specifying all 8 characters of the owner ID. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS831 HANDLE SERVICES MANAGER LIST OWNER
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KLVHS843 HANDLES IN POOL = handles, HANDLES IN USE = inuse Explanation: In addition to message KLVHS822, this message is printed when the QUERYHSM DETAIL POOLID= command is issued. It is printed immediately following message KLVHS822. handles is the total number of handles in the handle pool and inuse is the number of handles that are currently in use. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS844 PRIMARY SIZE = prisize HANDLES, EXPANSION SIZE = expsize HANDLES Expl
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Message Type: INFO. KLVHS854 MAXIMUM STORAGE EVER IN USE = nnnnn Explanation: The maximum amount of storage in the storage pool that was ever in use. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVHS855 CURRENT STORAGE ALLOCATED = nnnnn Explanation: The total amount of CT/Engine storage currently allocated to the storage pool. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message Type: INFO. KLVIC001 CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH node Explanation: The intercommunications manager succe
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Message Type: INFO. KLVIN000 CT/IX INTERFACE INITIALIZED Explanation: The CT Posix environment has been successfully established. System Action: None. User Response: This message is informational. KLVIN000 UNABLE TO REGISTER CT/iX THREAD or PROCESS ANCHOR: RC(9999) Explanation: A fatal an unexpected error has occurred. System Action: The process terminated. User Response: Gather relavent logs and report this problem to Candle Customer Support. KLVIN001 INVALID CT/IX INTERFACE HEADER -
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KLVIN406 STARTUP ERROR: MODULE(modname) R15(r15) Explanation: During CT/Engine start-up, module modname detected an error. r15 should have a nonzero value. System Action: CT/Engine is terminated after any subsequent start-up modules are invoked. User Response: Examine the CT/Engine log dataset for additional messages to determine a more specific reason for the error. Correct it, and restart CT/Engine. Message Type: ALERT. KLVIN407 FLUSHING INITIAL MESSAGES Explanation: After CT/Engine is suc
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KLVIN412 STARTUP MODULE module NOT FOUND Explanation: An override statement references a start-up module that is not present in this CT/Engine address space. System Action: The override is ignored and processing continues. User Response: Correct the override statement and restart the CT/Engine address space if necessary. Message Type: WARNING. KLVIN413 INITLIST MEMBER member NOT FOUND Explanation: member could not be found in RKANPAR. System Action: The start-up is terminated. User Response: C
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User Response: Using the RC and service name, determine the cause of the error, correct it, and restart CT/Engine. Message Type: ERROR. KLVLI001 LOCK MANAGER INTEGRITY ERROR Explanation: An internal error occurred while processing a lock. System Action: CT/Engine terminates. User Response: Contact Candle Customer Support. Message Type: ALERT. KLVLR001 MAIN STORAGE SHORTAGE DETECTED, QUIESCE IN EFFECT Explanation: CT/Engine detected a main storage shortage. To recover from the shortage, CT/Eng
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KLVLR005 PURGE/CLEANUP EXIT ERROR DETECTED resnum1 - resname - resnum2 Explanation: The CT/Engine logical resource manager detected an error during resource purge or cleanup processing and has bypassed a purge/cleanup exit to avoid further problems. System Action: Some resources and storage may be hung. User Response: Copy the exact contents of the message and contact Candle Customer Support. Be sure to include the debugging data fields resnum1, resname, and resnum2 contained in the message.
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KLVLW003 LINES WRITTEN: lines Explanation: In response to the TLVLOG CT/Engine operator command, this message shows the number of lines that have been written to the currently active RKLVLOG. System Action: None. User Response: None. Severity: REPLY. KLVLW004 RKLVLOG IS DISABLED BECAUSE OF AN I/O ERROR ON ddname Explanation: In response to the TLVLOG CT/Engine operator command, this message reports that an error has caused CT/Engine to stop writing messages to the RKLVLOG file. ddname is the
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System Action: None. User Response: None. Severity: REPLY. KLVLW022 RKLVLOG IS NOW RECORDING ON ddname Explanation: In response to a TLVLOG SWITCH request, CT/Engine has dynamically allocated a SYSOUT field and is now writing RKLVLOG messages to it. ddname is the new ddname. System Action: None. User Response: None. Severity: REPLY. KLVLW023 ddname DD HAS BEEN CLOSED AND RELEASED Explanation: In response to a TLVLOG SWITCH request, CT/Engine has closed and dynamically deallocated the previous
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KLVLW041 RKLVLOG DATASET DISABLED BY PERMANENT ERROR Explanation: A BSAM WRITE issued against the currently active RKLVLOG file failed because of a permanent error. System Action: RKLVLOG recording is suspended. User Response: Refer to the MVS SYSLOG for any messages that may have been issued by IBM’s data management routines. Issue TLVLOG SWITCH to attempt to allocate a new RKLVLOG dynamically. Severity: ALERT. KLVLW081 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED FOR RKLVLOG: R15(rc) ERROR(error) INFO(info)
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KLVNA001 SHOWCB FIELDS=(ACBLEN,RPLLEN) ERROR: R15(r15) R0(r0) Explanation: A VSAM SHOWCB was issued to find the ACB and RPL lengths and failed. System Action: NAM initialization terminates without processing any other control point specifications. Any NAM database is unavailable. User Response: Consult the IBM manual Macro Instructions for Data Sets to determine the reason the SHOWCB macro instruction failed. Return and reason codes are indicated in the r15 and r0 fields. Message Type: WARNI