Manual de instrucciones de Nextel comm BRR-L

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Nextel comm BRR-L

Aparato: Nextel comm BRR-L
Categoría: Lector de códigos de barra
Fabricante: Nextel comm
Tamaño: 0.23 MB
Fecha de añadido: 3/24/2013
Número de páginas: 33
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Nextel comm BRR-L Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

RoadRunners Scanner
by Baracoda
Programming Guide

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Nextel RoadRunners Scanner (BRR-L) Programming Guide Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................1 2 General Configuration...........................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Reset Default Settings:........................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 1 Introduction This manual contains the necessary barcodes to configure the parameters of your scanner. You can either print out this document to scan its barcodes or in some cases you can even scan the barcodes right off your computer screen. Trigger The RoadRunners scanner can be programmed by scanning barcode labels which contain commands for the 1D decoder. Reading Bluetooth The programming labels must be Code128, with specific Status

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 2 General Configuration 2.1 Reset Default Settings: Reading the "Default settings” label resets all scanner parameters to the default factory settings and switches it off. CAUTION: SCANNING THIS BARCODE WILL RESET THE DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THE SCANNER AND MAY RESULT IN THE LOSS OF STORED DATA. Reset defaults settings set def aul t s \ V T \ V T t \ NU L \ NU L \ F F \ F F 2.2 Erase All Barcodes in Memory The RoadRunners scanner can st

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Switch on delay: 2 seconds Switch on delay: 0 second (*) swi t ch on del ay : 2 secs swi t ch on del ay : 0 sec \VT \ VT z \ NUL \SOH\ET X\F F \ F F \VT \ VT z \ NUL \SOH\SOH\F F \ F F No Data Loss Mode ® Baracoda has developed a proprietary communication protocol for enhanced Bluetooth transmission security. Every barcode sent to the handset must be acknowledged by the handset (i.e. the scanner will continue to transmit the barcode

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Programming procedure for “Set Timestamp” option START Read "Set Suffix (prefix)" label Read intermediary label Corresponding to the next character to set for the suffix (appendix 2 of this document) NO Finished *? YES Read "END of config" label END Set Timestamp “END of Config” END of Conf i g Set Ti m est am p \ L F\ L F E N D \ FF \ F F \ V T \ V T \ F NC 4 t \ NUL \ NUL \ L F \ L F Note:

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide For example, to set the current time at May 16, 2007 3.25 P.M., the user will scan the following sequence: - “Set Timestamp” label, - “0” label, {YY} : 2007 - “7” label, - “0” label, {MM} : May - “5” label, - “1” label, {DD} : 16 - “6” label, - “1” label, {HH} : 15 (3:00 PM) - “5” label, - “2” label, {MM} : 25 - “5” label, - “0” label, {SS} : 00 - “0” label, - “END of config” label. 2.4 Reading Mode The scanner can functio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide An important reminder: if an acknowledgement (ACK) beep or storage of codes in memory is needed, the scanner must first be set to “No data loss mode” (see section 2.3). CAUTION: SCANNING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING THREE BARCODES WILL ERASE ALL CODES IN MEMORY. • REAL TIME mode: Erases all codes in memory and places the RoadRunners scanner in Real time mode. No other setting is changed. Real Ti me \ V T\ V T d \ N U L \ S O H \ N U L \ FF\ FF •

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Batch mode. Places the scanner in Batch mode. Discharge barcode. CAUTION: SCANNING THIS BARCODE CAUTION: SCANNING THIS BARCODE ERASES ALL CODES IN MEMORY. ERASES ALL CODES IN MEMORY bat ch Upl oad \V T \ VT \F NC4 z \NUL \NUL \ F F \ F F \ V T\ V T d \ N U L \ S O H \ S O H \ FF\ FF 2.6 Beep and LED Settings These options can be used to enable or disable the beep and/or the LED. It is also possible to invert (swap) LED positions.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Beep Level Volume = LOW Beep evel Volume = HIGH beep l evel : l ow beep l evel : hi gh \ V T \ V T \ F NC4 \ DC4 \ NUL \ S OH \ F N C 4 @\ F F \ F F \ V T \ V T \ F NC4 \ DC4 \ NUL \ S OH \ F N C 4 A \ F F \ F F ® 2.6.1 Bluetooth Commands Sniff Settings The higher the Sniff period, the higher the latency and the lower the power consumption. The default value is 150ms. Sniff period = 100ms Sniff period = 150ms (*) Sniff period =

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Security (PIN code) Settings The initial PIN code can be disabled or enabled by scanning the following barcodes: Disable BT security code Enable BT security code (*) Di sabl e BT Secur i t y Mode Enabl e BT Secur i t y M ode \V T \ V T ^ \ NUL \S T X !\ NUL \F F \ F F \V T \ V T ^ \ NUL \S T X !\ S OH\ F F \F F 2.7 Prefix and Suffix You may add a prefix and/or a suffix (strings of more than 32 characters will not be accepted) to eve

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide Programming procedure for “set suffix (prefix)” option. START Read "Set Suffix (prefix)" label Read intermediary label Corresponding to the next character to set for the suffix (appendix 2 of this document) NO Finished *? YES Read "END of config" label END *= Max suffix (prefix) length is 32 characters Set Timestamp “END of Config” END of Conf i g Set Ti m est am p \ L F\ L F E N D \ FF \ F F

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3 Symbology Settings 3.1 Symbology Default Settings Sets the default decoder settings for all the symbologies. Set Decoder Default Settings Set Decoder Def aul t s \ V T \ V T \ F NC 4 ~ \ NUL \ E T X A C \ NUL \ F F \ F F 3.2 Symbology Identifier The AIM Identifier (e.g. Code39, Code128) will be transmitted at the beginning of the barcode. More information about the AIM Identifier is available in Appendix 3. Symbology identifi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3.3 Disable All Symbologies Even if all symbologies are disabled, the RoadRunners scanner will still be able to read the programming barcodes included in this document. CAUTION: CARE SHOULD BE USED WHEN DISABLING ALL BARCODES AS IT MAY MAKE THE UNIT APPEAR TO BE MALFUNCTIONING SINCE NO SYMBOLOGY IS BEING READ. Disable all symbologies Enable all symbologies Di sabl e al l symbol ogi es Enabl e al l symbol ogi es \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTA

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3.4 Codabar Settings Codabar - not active Codabar – active (*) Di sabl e CODABAR Enabl e CO DABAR \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTFD\SOHB\ FF\FF \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTFD\SOHA\ FF\FF Codabar - start/stop - not transmitted (*) Codabar - start/stop - transmitted CODABAR s/ s transmi t ted \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTFD\SOHJ \ FF\FF \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTFD\ SOHI\ FF\FF Codabar - check digit (AIM recommendation) - Codabar - check digit (AI

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Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3.5 Code 11 Settings Code 11 - not active (*) Code 11 - check digits - checked and transmitted (*) Di s abl e CO DE11 \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTJ D\SOHB\ FF\FF \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTJ D\SOHG\ FF\FF Code 11 - active Code 11 - check digits - checked but not transmitted) Enabl e CODE11 \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTJ D\SOHA\ FF\FF \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTJ D\SOHH\ FF\FF Code 11 - check digits - 1 digit (*) Code 11 - barcod

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Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3.6 Code 39 settings Code 39 - active (*) Code 39 - start/stop - not transmitted (*) Enabl e CODE39 \ VT\ VT\FNC4~\ NUL\EOTED\SOHA\ FF\ FF \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTED\SOHJ \ FF\FF Code 39 - not active Code 39 - start/stop - transmitted Di s abl e CO DE39 \VT\ VT\ FNC4~\NUL\ EOTED\SOHI\ FF\FF \ VT\ VT\FNC4~\ NUL\EOTED\SOHB\ FF\ FF Code 39 - format - standard 43 characters (*) Code 39 - start/stop - accepted characters - *

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Nextel RoadRunners Scanner Programming Guide 3.7 Code 128 Settings Code 128 / EAN 128 - barcode length - any Code 128 / EAN 128 - not active length (*) Di sabl e CODE128 CODE128 any l engt h \ V T \ V T \ F NC 4 ~ \ N U L \ E OT CD\ S O HB \ F F \ F F \ V T\ V T \ F NC4 ~ \ NUL \ E NQCD\ S TX Cd \ FF\ FF Code 128 / EAN 128 - barcode length - Code 128 / EAN 128 – active (*) minimum length = 6 Di s abl e CO DE93 CO DE128 M i n l engt h = 6 \ VT\ VT\FNC4~\ NUL\EOTBD\

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