Manual de instrucciones de Rainbow Technologies 2000

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Rainbow Technologies 2000

Aparato: Rainbow Technologies 2000
Categoría: Sistema de protección para casa
Fabricante: Rainbow Technologies
Tamaño: 0.34 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/14/2013
Número de páginas: 9
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide

SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
Rainbow iKey 2000
Last Modified 06/18/01
1. Partner Information

Partner Name Rainbow Technologies
Web Site
Product Name iKey 2000 Series
Version & Platform iKey 2000, iKey 2032
Product Description Rainbow’s iKey 2000 is an inexpensive identity token that can be used
on any universal serial bus (USB) equipped workstation. The iKey
provides the reliability, simplic

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide 3. Solution Summary Feature Details Authentication methods supported Native SecurID New PIN support All Next tokencode support Yes Secondary server support Slave ACE/Server Location of node secret on client %SystemRoot%\System32 or system registry ACE/Server client definition type Net OS SecurID user specification Designated users SecurID protection of administrators Yes 4. Product Requirements The computer on which you install the Rainbow

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide 5. Partner ACE/Agent configuration Before attempting to use the Rainbow iKey 2000 and CIP (Cryptographic Interface Provider) Software with the RSA SecurID Software Token v2.5, make sure that your USB reader is installed and operating properly. Also ensure you have installed the CIP software according to the specifications outlined in the iKey 2000 Series User’s Guide. You can verify that the token and reader have been installed properly by starti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide In order to enable the SecurID Software Token to use the Rainbow iKey 2000, you must install the RSA SecurID Smart Card Components. Run RSA_SecurID_smart_card_installation.exe and follow the installation prompts. When you reach the screen entitled Select Components choose RSA SecurID Smart Card software without drivers. Figure 2 – SecurID Smart Card Components Install Screen When the install has completed, you can launch the reader selection

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide Choose the Add Module button: Figure 4 – Adding the PKCS11 Module The dkck201.dll module is Rainbow's implementation of the Cryptoki Version 2.01 API. By default this is installed in %SystemRoot%\System32 when you install the CIP software. Browse to the file and select Open. You will be returned to the Reader Setup screen where you should receive the message Selected reader successfully verified: Figure 5 – Successful installation of mod

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide Next, start The RSA SecurID Software Token from the Start Menu: Figure 6 – Software Token main screen Choose Options…Smart Card Options. The Smart Card Reader will read PKCS11_card, and the Smart Card Status should read Smart Card Present: Figure 7 – Smart Card Options screen 6

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide Select Transfer Current Token to Smart Card and follow the dialog for transferring the token seed record to the smart card: Figure 8 – Transferring the seed record You should see the following message indicating that the transfer has succeeded: Figure 9 – Successful transfer message 7

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide You can verify that the token seed record has been successfully transferred by selecting Options… Token Information: Figure 10 – Token Information The Rainbow iKey 2000 is now ready for use with all applications that support the RSA SecurID Software Token. For more information on working with the SecurID Software Tokens and smart cards, consult the RSA SecurID Software Token Administrator’s Guide. 8

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide 6. Certification Checklist Indicate here the tests that were run to ensure the product is SecurID Ready: Test Pass Fail st 1 time auth. (node secret creation) P New PIN mode: System-generated SecurID Software Token P User-defined (4-8 alphanumeric) SecurID Software Token P User-defined (5-7 numeric) SecurID Software Token P User-s

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