Manual de instrucciones de Parrot 3400 LS

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Parrot 3400 LS

Aparato: Parrot 3400 LS
Categoría: Receptor GPS
Fabricante: Parrot
Tamaño: 0.81 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/8/2014
Número de páginas: 18
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Parrot 3400 LS Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5
Navigon 5
Qtek S100

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Features • GPS and Handsfree connection at the same time. • Voice navigation instructions through PDA headspeakers. • Automatic switch between GPS and phone applications for outgoing calls. • Voice navigation instructions are not played during a call • Automatic GPS connection

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 SetUp Procedures • Setup Procedure. • Navigon 5 Setup Procedure.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure Parrot 3400 LS GPS’ Go to the SETTINGS menu start screen

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure In the car kit, review the PAIRED DEVICES \ select OTHER PHONES menu. The car kit will display a PIN code.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure PDA’s today screen Consult the START menu and Tap on the SYSTEM tab please choose the SETTINGS option

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure Select the BLUETOOTH Select the OUTBOUND port Select a GPS device, please SETTINGS icon tap on OK

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure Bluetooth is activate, You have to select a new The phone is searching for please tap on the Bluetooth device: please Bluetooth devices in DEVICES tab tap on NEW range

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure Please select Parrot 3400 LS Enter the PIN code displayed by the car kit

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure Please accept to define the Parrot The pairing is completed: 3400LS as a HandsFree device tap on DONE

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 1 - HandsFree Procedure HandsFree connection is established

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - GPS Procedure Navigate to the car kit Consult the ACTIVATE / Make sure the GPS DEACTIVATE menu of feature is activated GPS menu the Parrot 3400 LS GPS

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - GPS Procedure Press on the car kit’s red button. Your car kit and your mobile phone will be disconnected

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 – NAVIGON Setup Procedure Please start the MOBILE NAVIGON’s start screen Select the SETTINGS icon NAVIGATOR 5 software

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - NAVIGON Setup Procedure Select the GPS command Please select MANUAL Please set the receiver SETTINGS model as OTHER GPS RECEIVER

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - NAVIGON Setup Procedure Please set the Interface Please set the Baud option Select the NAVIGATION icon with the COM5 at 9600 and please validate

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - NAVIGON Setup Procedure Select ADDRESS Set your address Select START NAVIGATION to define a destination

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

P Pa ar rr ro ot t 3 34 40 00 0 L LS S G GP PS S w wiit th h Q Qt te ek k S S1 10 00 0 a an nd d N Na av viig go on n 5 5 Step 2 - NAVIGON Setup Procedure Navigation with Navigon 5

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