Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
3.0 liter
P.O. BOX 310 EAGlE WI 53119
Revision 0: 09/12/06
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
3.0L GAS eNGINe TAbLe of CoNTeNTS Quick RefeRence Guide ...................................................................................................................................1 SeRvice RecommendationS ............................................................................................................................2 cYLindeR BLock & ReLated P aRtS .................................................................................................................6 cYLindeR BLoc
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
3.0L GAS eNGINe Q UICK RefeReNCe GUIde QUICK RefeReNCe eNGINe PARTS ENGINE SIZE: 3.0 Liter FUEL: Gas MAKE: ford ENGINE P/N: 0f9765 MODEL: — User notes OIL CAPACITY: 1.0 gallons (w/filter) COOLANT CAPACITY: 4.0 gallons scheduled maintenance kits Description Part number oil/air na – – common reference tsarp Description Part number Special notes oil ilter f (main) 0d5419 fuel filter na air cleaner element check Bom v -Belt 0d3488n Serpentine thermostat 075885 thermostat Gasket 048665 Water Pum
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
3.0L GAS eNGINe SeRVICe ReCoMMeNd ATIoNS 8 kW -3 5kW Small Standby Generator Sets Following is a recommended maintenance schedule for Generac small standby and residential generator sets from 8 kW to 35 kW in size, and applies to both diesel engine and gas engine driven units. The established intervals in the schedule are the maximum recommended when the unit is used in an average service applica- tion. They will need to be decreased (performed more frequently) if the unit is used in
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
3.0L GAS eNGINe SeRVICe ReCoMMeNd ATIoNS GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS, INC. ReCoMMeNded SCHedULed MAINTeNANCe PR oGRAM SeRvice W oRk to Be PeRfoRmed BY a f ctoRY-tRained PeRSonneL onLY. deALeR INfoRMATIoN oWNeR INfoRMATIoN name: ____________________________________ name: ____________________________________ account #: _______________________________ addReSS: _________________________________ addReSS: _________________________________ Site: _____________________________________ PHone: __________________
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
3.0L GAS eNGINe SeRVICe ReCoMMeNd ATIoNS Maintenance Tasks Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Task Task Task Task Recommended to Required to be Required to Comp. Comp. Comp. Required to be done Comp. be done monthly/ done 3 months/ be done Semi- (Date- (Date- (Date- Annually/ 100 hrs. (Date- 10 hrs. Break-in /30 hrs. Annually/50 hrs. Initials) Initials) Initials) Initials) 1. Disable the unit from operating • • • • per the first page warning. 2. Check the engine oil level. Adjust • • • •
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
3.0L GAS eNGINe SeRVICe ReCoMMeNd ATIoNS Maintenance Tasks Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Task Task Task Task Recommended to Required to be Required to Comp. Comp. Comp. Required to be done Comp. be done monthly/ done 3 months/ be done Semi- (Date- (Date- (Date- Annually/ 100 hrs. (Date- 10 hrs. Break-in /30 hrs. Annually/50 hrs. Initials) Initials) Initials) Initials) 14. Visually inspect the unit look- ing for leaks, wear or damage, loose connections or compo- • • • • nents, and corr
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
3.0L GAS eNGINe CYLINdeR bLoCK & ReLATed PARTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY eNGINe bLoCK 0f9765 SHoR t BLock 1 Reman enGine aSSY 1 6890 0f97650100 oiLfiL teR mountinG inSeR t 1 W701501 0f97650101 do WeL, timinG cHain Guide 1 TIMING CoVeR 6019 0f97650102 fR ont timinG coveR 1 6020 0f97650103 timinG coveR GaSket , RH 1 6020 0f97650104 timinG coveR GaSket , centeR 1 6020 097650105 f timinG coveR GaSket , LH 1 6700 0f97650106 timinG coveR SeaL 1 W701525 0f97650107 BoLt ,m8 X 51mm PoS.4,
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
3.0L GAS eNGINe CYLINdeR HeAd & ReLATed PARTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY CYLINdeR HeAd ASSeMbLY 6049 0f97650126 cYL., Head , comPLete WitH a v L veS, LeSS camS 1 6049 0f97650127 cYL., Head , comPLete WitH a v L veS, LeSS camS 1 6051 097650128 f Head GaSket , LH 1 6051 0f97650129 Head GaSket , RH 1 6065 0f97650130 Head BoL t ,m10 X 156mm, PkG of 8 16 VALVeS 6505 0f97650131 eXHauSt a v L ve, StandaRd 6 6507 0f97650132 intake a v L ve, StandaRd 6 6571 097650133 f a v L ve Stem SeaL, in
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
3.0L GAS eNGINe PIST oN & CoNNeCTING R od item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY PISToN & PIN ASSeMbLY 6100 097650149 f PiSton, Pin, RinGS & connectinG R od , StandaRd 6 6148 0f97650150 RinGSet , StandaRd 3 CoNNeCTING R od 6200 0f97650151 conectinG R od 6 6135 0f97650152 PiSton Pin 6 6207 0f97650153 BuSHinG, PiSton Pin 6 6140 097650154 f PiSton Pin RetaininG cLiP 12 6214 0f97650155 BoLt , Rod 12 Rod beARINGS (SoLd in PackS of tW o HaL veS) 6211 0f97650156 Rod BeaRinG,StandaRd , uPPeR & L
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
3.0L GAS eNGINe TIMING CoMPoNeNTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY 6268 0f97650157 timinG cHain, RH oR LH 2 6L253 097650158 f tenSioneR aRm, RH oR LH 2 6k297 0f97650159 timinG cHain Guide, RH 1 6k297 0f97650160 timinG cHain Guide, LH 1 6L266 0f97650161 timinG cHain tenSioneR, RH oR LH 2 W701524 097650162 f BoLt tenSioneR 4 W701232 0f97650163 BoLt , tenSioneR aRm 6 6306 0f97650164 cRankSHaft SPR ocket , tW o R o W 1 11
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
3.0L GAS eNGINe CRANKSHAfT & ReLATed PARTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY CRANKSHAfT ASSeMbLY 6303 0f97650165 cRankSHaft 1 6B316 097650166 f cRankSHaft keY 1 12a227 0f97650167 PuLSatoR RinG, cRankSHaft SenSoR 1 6c315 0f97650168 cRankSHaft timinG SenSoR 1 12257 097650169 f BRacket , iGnition mountinG 1 18801 097650170 f caP acitoR 1 CRANKSHAfT PULLeY 6316 0f97650171 cRankSHaft damPeR 1 6a340 097650172 f BoLt , cRankSHaft damPeR 1 6378 097650173 f WaSHeR, PuLLeY to cRankSHaft 1 6a312
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
3.0L GAS eNGINe oIL PUMP, oIL PAN & ReLATed P ARTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY oIL PUMP 6600 0f97650178 oiL PumP aSSemBLY 1 W500300 0f97650179 BoLt ,PumP to BLock 4 W700005 097650180 f BoLt , Pick uP to PumP 2 6622 0f97650181 oiL PumP Pick uP tuBe & ScReen 1 6626B 0f97650182 oiL PumP inLet tuBe GaSket 1 oIL PAN 6675 0f97650183 oiL P an 1 6687 0f97650184 BaffLe, oiL P an 1 W701542 097650185 f nut ,m6 X 1mm 5 6730 0f97650186 oiL P an dRain PLuG 1 6734 097650187 f oiL P an dRain PLuG GaS
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3.0L GAS eNGINe RoCKeR Co VeR & ReLATed P ARTS item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY 6582 0f97650196 RockeR coveR, RH 1 6582 0f97650197 RockeR coveR, LH 1 6584 0f97650198 RockeR coveR GaSket , RH 1 6584 0f97650199 RockeR coveR GaSket , LH 1 6c519 097650200 f Stud & GR ommet 1 6c519 097650201 f BoLt & GR ommet 1 6766 0f97650202 oiL fiLLeR caP 1 16
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
3.0L GAS eNGINe CooLING SYSTeM item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY 8501 0f9225 WateR PumP 1 8a507 0f97650203 WateR PumP outLet connection 1 8508 0f97650204 coveR W ateR PumP 1 8a505 097650205 f inLet W ateR tuBe 1 8555 0f97650206 WateR tuBe, cR oSSoveR 1 6a312 097650207 f acceSSoRY dRive PuLLeY 1 8620 09562 f BeLt , WateR PumP 1 17
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
3.0L GAS eNGINe INTAKe ANd exHAUST MANIfoLd item P aRt numBeR deScRiPtion QtY INTAKe MANIfoLd 9424 0f9222 uPPeR intake manifoLd aSSemBLY 1 9424 0f9221 Lo WeR intake manifoLd aSSemBLY 2 9H486 0f9224 GaSketS, uPPeR to Lo WeR intake manifoLd 6 9439 09223 f GaSketS, Lo WeR manifoLd to Head (PkG of 6) 2 9e470 0f97650208 tuBe aSSY,eGR a v L ve outLet 1 W701504 0f97650209 BoLt , eGR tuBe to uPPeR intake manifoLd 2 9S479 0f97650210 iSoLatoR aSSY, intake manifoLd 1 9f593 0f97650211 inJectoR 6 9f7