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f. At rear bed mount, install kit bolt (M12-1.25 x a. Mark and cut driver and passenger O.E. trailer 180mm) and factory captive washer. DO NOT hitch brackets along white lines as shown below. TIGHTEN. BEFORE Install Kit Bolt At This Mount Mark & Cut Here Kit Bolt BEFORE (M12-1.25 x 180mm) g. Repeat previous steps on driver side of bed. h. Set bed-to-cab spacing according to previous measurement. i. Remove each kit bolt, one at a time, and apply a few drops of kit Loctite® to threads. Install kit
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b. Apply a small amount of kit Loctite® onto e. Apply a small amount of kit Loctite® onto threads of two factory bolts and install kit threads of eight factory bolts and install rear bracket (rear bumper, passenger) and kit bumper and kit brackets (rear bumper) onto bracket (bumper, spacer) to passenger side O.E. trailer hitch with eight factory bolts. DO NOT TIGHTEN. bumper with two factory bolts. DO NOT TIGHTEN. Kit Bracket (Rear Kit Plate Bumper) (Rear Bumper, Factory Spacer) Bolts O.E. Tra
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3651 N Highway 89 • Chino Valley, AZ 86323
(928) 636-7080 •
This kit should only be installed on a vehicle that is in
good working condition. Before you install the kit, thor-
oughly inspect the vehicle for corrosion or deformation
of the sheet metal around the factory body mounts. If
the vehicle is suspected to have been in a collision or
misused, do not install this kit.
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h. Install kit bracket (rear bumper, middle) onto k. Install kit tie (zip) to rear crossmember and O.E. trailer hitch with two kit bolts (1/2” x 1”), bumper wiring harness. four kit washers (1/2” SAE), and two kit nuts (1/ Kit Tie 2” stover). DO NOT TIGHTEN. (Zip) Kit Bracket Wire (Rear Harness Bumper, Middle) Cross- member Kit Bolt (1/2” x 1”), Kit Washers l. Set bumper to previous bed-to-bumper mea- (1/2” SAE), surements. Kit Nuts (1/2” Stover) m. TIGHTEN all rear bumper hardware. 2. Fuel fil
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d. Install kit extension (1/4” x 6” hose) between cut g. Install fuel filler onto fuel tank with two factory breather tube on fuel filler with two kit clamps hose clamps and factory clip. DO NOT (#6 hose). DO NOT TIGHTEN. TIGHTEN. Vent Hose Kit Extension (1/4” x 6”) Clamp Breather Tube h. Install factory bolt onto frame and fuel filler. Kit Clamps (#6 Hose) Fuel Filler e. Install kit extension (5/8” x 6” hose) between cut vent tube on fuel filler with two kit clamps (#10 hose). DO NOT TIGHTEN. B
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d. Install passenger side parking brake cable to kit Underside of Vehicle bracket with kit nut (1/4” Nylock) and kit washer (1/4” SAE). 1. Parking brake cable 2. Fuel lines a. Install kit bracket (3” w/ stud) to driver side crossmember with factory bolt. a. Install kit bracket (2” stand off) to driver side stud with factory nut. Kit Bolt Stud & (1/4” x 1”), Factory Nut Kit Washer Kit Bracket (1/4” SAE), (2” Stand Off) Kit Nut (1/4” Nylock) Fuel Lines Kit Bracket (3” W/ Stud) Parking Brake Kit Bo
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Inside Cab Before Starting Installation 1. Airbag Fuse NOTE Kit parts are prefaced by the word kit and appear in NOTE bold print. The location of the airbag fuse may vary; check the owner's manual. 1. Carefully read all warnings and instructions com- pletely before beginning. a. Remove fuse cover. 2. Verify all parts have been received in this kit by b. Remove airbag fuse. checking the parts list at the end of this document. NOTE Fuse Cover If parts are missing from kit, please be prepared to p
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d. Remove two pop-up clips from fender wells. Front of Vehicle 1. Front bumper Fender Well a. Remove wiring harnesses from fog lights, if equipped. Pop-up Wiring Clip Harness Front Bumper Fog Light e. Remove six screws and front bumper fascia from vehicle. b. Remove two pop-up clips, two bolts and grill from core support. Bolts Front Bumper Fascia Pop-up Clips Screws Grill c. Remove seven pop-up clips from front bumper. NOTE Pop-up Use caution when removing front bumper fascia from vehicle. Care
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g. Remove six nuts and two front bumper brackets b. Remove two nuts, clamp and rubber isolator from frame rails. from AC line and bracket. Nuts Nuts Clamp Front Bumper AC Line Brackets AC Line Bracket 3. 6 cyl. models: Remove power steering reservoir, Engine Compartment three bolts and bracket from fender. DO NOT DIS- CONNECT power steering lines. 1. 6 cyl. models: Loosen airbox clamp, two clips and remove airbox cover from engine. Power Steering Airbox Cover Reservoir Bracket Clamp Bolts Clips
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6. 4 cyl. models: Remove nut and AC line from pas- 9. Remove heater hoses from clip on backside of senger side AC line bracket. engine. Heater AC Line Hoses Bracket Clip Nut AC Line 7. 4 cyl. models: Remove lower AC line from two clips and passenger side body. 10. Remove wire harness clip from firewall and bracket. Passenger Side Body Clip Bracket Clip Wire AC Line Harness 8. Remove vent tubes from driver side body bracket. Vent Tubes Bracket Battery 5 ‘05 - ‘06 Tacoma (W/ O.E. Hitch) - 3” Kit
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11. Remove ABS wire harnesses from driver and pas- 13. Radiator senger side brackets. a. Remove nine pop-up clips and radiator cover Driver from core support. Side Pop-up Clips Radiator Cover ABS Wire Harnesses Core Support b. Remove four bolts and radiator from core sup- port. Allow radiator to hang on core support by tabs. Core Passenger Support Side 12. Remove wire harness and two clips from alternator bracket and driver side body bracket. Radiator Bolts Alternator Bracket Tab Wire Harness NO
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14. Steering Shaft Inside of Vehicle WARNING 1. Manual transmission Accidental deployment of the air bag can result in seri- a. Remove center console and shifter console inte- ous personal injury or death. To avoid accidental rior panels. deployment during installation of the lift kit, the Supple- mental Restraint System (SRS, or airbag) must remain deactivated. Do not allow anyone near the airbag dur- Shifter ing installation. Refer to the factory service manual or Console owner's manual for t
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b. Remove dead pedal. 3. Extended cab models: Rear interior trim panels Kick Panel a. Fold down rear seats. Rear Seat Dead Pedal c. Remove driver and passenger kick panels. Kick Panel b. Open floor storage tray and remove jack. Storage Tray Jack Rear Seat d. Pull driver and passenger carpet back from cor- ner and expose body mount bolt access cover. c. Remove pop-up clips and storage tray from e. Remove driver and passenger body mount bolt vehicle. access cover. Storage Tray Carpet Body Mount Po
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e. Remove four bolts, and driver and passenger c. Remove bolt and pop-clips from passenger side body mount access plates. rear panel and cab. Access Passenger Plate Side Rear Panel Bolts Carpet Bolt Rear f. Remove driver and passenger body mount bolt d. Remove driver and passenger body mount bolt access covers. access covers. Access Access Cover Cover 4. Crew cab models: Rear interior trim panels Underside of Vehicle a. Remove three headrests from seatbacks and fold seatbacks down. 1. Remove all
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3. Remove two bolts and brake line brackets from 5. Remove two nuts and fuel line brackets from driver driver and passenger side frame rails. side body. Driver Fuel Lines Side Bracket Nut Bolt & Brake Line Front Nut Passenger Side Fuel Lines 4. Remove two bolts and parking brake cable brackets from crossmember. Rear Driver 6. Remove bolt and brake line bracket from driver side Side frame. Parking Brake Cable Frame Crossmember Brake Line Bracket Bolt & Bracket Bolt Parking Brake Cable Passenger S
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2. Rear bumper Rear of Vehicle a. Remove rear bumper wire harness from driver WARNING and passenger frame. Use extreme caution when working near the fuel lines and the fuel tank. Clean up spilled fuel immediately. A Bed spark could cause an explosion or fire resulting in seri- ous personal injury and property damage. Wire 1. Fuel filler Harness a. Remove fuel filler cap. Frame Fuel Filler Front Body b. Remove two license plate lights from rear bumper. Fuel Filler Rear Cap Bumper License Plate b
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Install Kit WARNING Cab Use extreme caution when lifting body from frame. To prevent serious personal injury, ensure the lifting device is securely placed. Keep your hands out from 1. Lift cab between the body and frame. a. Loosen, but DO NOT REMOVE, cab mounting CAUTION bolts on driver side. Continually check hoses, wires, lines, etc. to be sure that everything is flexing properly and not binding, or damage to the vehicle could result. Be especially care- ful of the a/c hoses at the fire wall,
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c. Install kit block (2” dia.) on upper bushings on g. Install factory mid captive washer and kit bolt (M12-1.75 x 200mm) on cab mount. DO NOT front core support cab mount. TIGHTEN. Front Cab Mount Mid Cab Mount Kit Block (2” Dia.) Upper Bushing Kit Bolt (M12-1.75 x 200mm) d. Install kit blocks (3” dia.) on upper bushings on h. Install factory rear captive washer and kit bolt each remaining cab mount. (M12-1.25 x 210mm) on cab mount. DO NOT Mid Cab Mount Kit Block TIGHTEN. (3” Dia.) Rear Cab Mou
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3. Cab driver side e. Remove rear cab mount kit bolts (M12-1.25 x 210mm) and apply a few drops of kit Loctite® to a. Repeat previous steps on driver side of cab. threads. Install kit bolts, factory captive wash- ers, factory lower washers and factory nuts. b. Set cab-to-bed spacing according to previous Tighten kit bolts to 55 ft. lbs. measurement. Rear Cab Mount c. Remove front core support cab mount kit bolts (3/8” x 8”) and apply a few drops of kit Loctite® to threads. Install kit bolts, fact
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2. Remove bolt from each bed mount on passenger c. Install kit blocks (2” dia.) on frame mounts. side. Front Bed Mount Remove Bolts At These Mounts Kit Block (2” Dia.) Mid Bed Mount Bolts WARNING Use extreme caution when lifting the bed from the Rear Bed Mount frame. To prevent serious personal injury, ensure the lifting device is securely placed. Keep your hands out d. Lower bed onto kit blocks. from between the bed and frame. e. At front and mid bed mounts, install kit bolts CAUTION (M12-