Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
204400 663 281 269 632 270 271 268 265 267 1404 227 562 1230 278 222 1138 505 773 615 271A 209 504 616 616 668 211 188 222B 410 621 188 604A 222A 604 564 564A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--7 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 7 Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
204400 240 240A 958 187 187A 187B 187C 187E 601 601 601 601 601 774 957 493 356 972A 813 799 364A 1052A 190 309 510 1090 513 802 783 1051 697 803 579 544 503 310 801 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--8 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 8 Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
204400 DC ONLY 10 -- 16AMP 474A 474D 578 578 NOTE: All stators use a No. 1119mounting screw. 526A 526 NOTE: Theproperflywheelpartnumberand/orthealternatormagnetsizewill determine the alternator type or output. See repair instruction manual 501 501A for additional information. 503 500A 579 892A 813 920 356 990A 577A 356A 356B 578A 286 356C 627A 356D 286A 1046 347B 356F 347 286C 361A 356J 347A 664 892 356L 990 334 500 333 641A 636 851 575 641 627 361 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts s
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 794849 Cylinder Assembly 16 794717 Crankshaft 23 794814 Flywheel ------------ Note ------------ Used on Type No(s). ------------ Note ------------ 793617 Cylinder 0036, 0100, 0105, 695485 Flywheel Assembly 0110, 0155, 0160, Used on Type No(s). Used on Type No(s). 0536. 0110, 0115, 0129, 0179. ------------ Note ------------ 0141, 0143, 0154, 2 698340 Kit--Bushing/Seal 794716 Crankshaft 0157, 0164, 0
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 27 690975 Lock--Piston Pin 95 691636 Screw 133 494381 Float--Carburetor 28 696581 Pin--Piston (Throttle Valve) 133A 694914 Float--Carburetor 29 694691 Rod--Connecting 95A 690718 Screw 135 696142 Tube--Fuel Transfer 137Dz281165S Gasket--Float Bowl 30 694692 Dipper--Connecting (Throttle Valve) 137A D695426 Gasket--Float Bowl Rod 97 695325 Shaft--Throttle 141 696145 Kit--Choke Shaft 32 690976 Screw 97A
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 185 690958 Nut 222 695380 Bracket--Control 281 697268 Panel--Control (Air Cleaner Base) 222A 694866 Bracket--Control (Used After Code Date 186 692317 Connector--Hose Used on Type No(s). 01102800). 187 791766 Line--Fuel 0109, 0118, 0119, ------------ Note ------------ (15 Inches Long)(Cut 0125, 0129, 0130, 695294 Panel--Control To Required Length) 0134, 0136, 0141, (Used Before Code 187A 791869 Line--
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 304 791478 Housing--Blower 309 695479 Motor--Starter 356C 695295 Wire--Stop ------------ Note ------------ ------------ Note ------------ 356D 695366 Wire--Stop 791478 Housing-- 794498 Motor--Starter Used on Type No(s). Blower Used on Type No(s). 0143. (Used Before Code 0164, 0168, 0179, ------------ Note ------------ Date 03012200). 0177E1. 695366 Wire--Stop Used on Type No(s). 310 690323 Screw (Use
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 363 19203 Puller--Flywheel 456 692299 Plate--Pawl Friction 523 695344 Dipstick 364A 699947 Terminal--Oil Plug 459 281505S Pawl--Ratchet 524 691876 Seal--Dipstick Tube Used on Type No(s). 474A 695730 Alternator 525 695343 Tube--Dipstick 0109, 0118, 0119, (3 Amps DC) 526 690297 Screw 0129, 0130, 0134, Used on Type No(s). (Regulator) 0136, 0141, 0142, 0115, 0141, 0143, Used on Type No(s). 0143, 0145, 01
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 604 697326 Cover--Control 608 695287 Starter--Rewind 668 694257 Spacer Used on Type No(s). ------------ Note ------------ (Control Bracket) 0145. 697356 Starter-- 676 393761 Deflector--Muffler ------------ Note ------------ Rewind 677 690367 Screw 697326 Cover--Control Used on Type No(s). (Muffler Deflector) (Used Before Code 0109, 0178. 689 691855 Spring--Friction Date 05071800). 697356 Starter-- 69
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
204400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 832 795035 Guard--Muffler 967 491435S Filter--Pre Cleaner 1090 691293 Retainer--Brush 832C 792380 Guard--Muffler 968 790959 Cover--Air Cleaner 1095 695440 Gasket Set--Valve 836 695312 Screw 968A 692321 Cover--Air Cleaner 1100 791959 Pivot--Rocker Arm (Muffler Guard) 972A 694260 Tank--Fuel 1119 691058 Screw (Plastic) (Used After Code Date (Alternator) 975 495933 Bowl--Float 01061000). ------------ Not
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
FORM MS--6444--10/07/2008
REPLACES FORM MS--6444--08/01/2008
0036 through 0536.
AirCleaner ......................... 5
Alternator .......................... 9
BlowerHousing/Shrouds ............ 6
Camshaft ........................... 2
Carburetor.......................... 4
Controls ............................ 7
CrankcaseCover.................... 2
Crankshaft.......................... 2
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
204400 1058 OPERATOR’S MANUAL 1319 WARNING LABEL REQUIREDwhenreplacingparts with warning labels affixed. 529 306 1 847 523 307 2 842 287 3 525 24 524 16 741 415 552 146 522 718 15 1194 998 718A 18 15B 21 12 219 19 220 46 20 746 28 742 25 26 17 29 27 21 32 22 170 27 30 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--2 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 2 Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
204400 5 1171 51A 13 914 51 1023 1022 33 42 35 1022 7 34 42 36 383 1029 798 337 1100 883 192 868 635 1026 45 358 ENGINE GASKETSET 3 20 51A 1095 VALVE GASKETSET 7 51 51A 7 1022 51 163 883A 883 868 868 12 883 1022 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--3 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 3 Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
204400 GHOSTED PARTSARE NOTSERVICEABLE ANDARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 125A 125 951 141C 97 109 97A 231 108A 633A 633B 633B 108B 692 93 633 633B 98A 955 98 130A 130 127 95A 127A 95 51A 186 117 142 135 51A 51 106 951 105 369 51 133 105A 104 104A 632 133A 633B 632 975A 975 109G 137A 109D 137 276 633B 950 1127A 633B 109E 143 118 NIKKICARBURETOR WALBROCARBURETOR 121ACARBURETOR OVERHAULKIT 977 CARBURETOR GASKETSET 633B 127A 98A 93 137 276 141A 51A 231A 137A 633 104A 163 51 108B 105A 633A 633B 163 51
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
204400 968A 968 425A 161 425 11C 163 185 161A 832 967 53 445 836 300 883A 676 883 613 81 613A 677 300C 436C 836C 832C 437 1177 740 863C 883C 740A 355 NOTE: Thismufflerisintendedforreplacement purposes only and is not to be used forretrofittingtoengineswithdifferent 819 exhaust systems. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--5 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 5 Not for Reproduction
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
204400 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL 304A 37 78 298 622 728 304 1298 725B 592 65 725A 695 727A 305 732 1046 23 608A 597 1005 456 689 459 1210 58 1070 455 332 1211 60 55A 592 455A 59 363 65 608 597 456 689 459 1210 58 1211 60 55 592 59 65 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6444--6 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 6 Not for Reproduction