Manual de instrucciones de Wayne-Dalton IDRIVE 9200

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Wayne-Dalton IDRIVE 9200

Aparato: Wayne-Dalton IDRIVE 9200
Categoría: Puertas
Fabricante: Wayne-Dalton
Tamaño: 0.25 MB
Fecha de añadido: 6/6/2013
Número de páginas: 8
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

TorqueMaster™ & idrive™
When installing an idrive™ opener with this door use
this supplement to the main door instructions as follows:
1) Begin with Step 1 of the main door instructions.
2) Replace Step 8 of the main door instructions with
Step 8 of the attached supplement.
3) Replace Steps 12 through 17* of the main door in-
structions with the Steps 12 through 17b of the attached
*Supplement replaces Steps 12 - 18 on single sp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

® TorqueMaster™ & idrive™ 9900 Thermowayne™ 9600 Thermogard® 9200/9100 Foamcore™ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSERT Follow the corresponding steps in this insert with the steps in the installation manual provided with the door. These modifications are designed to accommodate the new idrive™ garage door opener. Top Bracket Installation 8 To install the L-shaped top brackets, align the top holes in the top bracket with the first set of holes in the endcap for 9900 ® Thermowayne™ doors and second se

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

SLIDE OPENER POWER HEAD The idrive™ garage door opener is best installed in combination with the door installation steps. Refer to this idrive™ installation insert when you reach Step 12 TorqueMaster™ installation, in the main door installation instructions and owners manual. When instructed to slide the center bracket/bushing onto the torque tube, replace that step with the follow- ing instructions below, which will provide the steps necessary to install the TorqueMaster™ system, as well as t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Drum Wrap Installation 17b FRONT HALF DRUM OUT BOARD CATCH INBOARD SNAP BACK HALF FLAGANGLE APPLY PRESSURE UNDERNEATH WITH THE THUMB AND FINGERS WRAPPED TIGHT JOINT OVER TOP OF SNUBBER. FIG. 21 Locate right hand drum wrap. Slide back half of the drum wrap behind drum placing the right end wall between the drum and flag angle. Close front half of the drum wrap around drum, engage inboard snap and press firmly until a distinct snap is felt. Outboard catch must be engaged as shown. Confirm bo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Drum Installation Drive Gear/End Bracket Installation 13 14a Ensure that torque tube is centered and level with door. Shake the torque tube gently to extend the winding shafts out about 5" on each side. For single spring applications, Beginning with the right hand side, lubricate entire there will be no left hand winding shaft in the torque tube. circumference of the drive gear with the oil provided in Lift the torque tube and rest on top of flagangles. Orient the packet. Slide the drive g

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Using the emergency disconnect, pull disconnect handle Ensure counterbalance cable tension is equal for both sides downwards and place it in the manual door operated prior to fully winding spring(s) to appropriate number of position. Use disconnect label for reference. Motor turns. will be rotated 90° from its packaged position. Carefully rotate the winding bolt head clockwise until the counter show the correct number of turns for your door. NOTE: If motor does not pivot 90°, see troublesh

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Slide the right hand end bracket over the drive gear. Attach end bracket and the flagangle to the jamb with (2) 5/16 x 1-5/8” lag screws. (see Fig. 11) Power Head/ 15 Support Bracket Installation Counter Installation 14b Locate the spring pad. The spring pad is a vertical running board directly above the door. Remove (2) 1/4-20 flange END BRACKET nuts from bottom of opener power head. NOTE: Do not COUNTER discard flange nuts. Place the support bracket underneath GEAR opener power head, to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

REMOVE ALL SLACK IN CABLE Disconnect Installation 16a OPENER POWER HEAD END BRACKET HOLE “S” HOOK LOOSE INSTALLED DISCONNECT CABLE FIG. 15 Attach the loose disconnect cable (located in operator hardware bag) to the opener power head with “S” hook. 1/4 X 1-1/2” LABEL LAG SCREW Close both ends of “S” hook to lock assembly together. Thread the disconnect cable through hole in right hand end bracket and remove all slack between power head and right hand end bracket. Mark location on right door jamb,

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